Attribute VB_Name = "McRitchie_BarHopper_ws" '-- '-- this code is the worksheet version of what i seen in the above HTML '-- '-- David McRitchie Option Explicit Dim barqueue As Long Dim barpost As Long Dim BarCap As String Dim barCaptain As String ' David McRitchie, not published on site or newsgroup 2003-08-06 ' pesonal.xls!barhopping_ws.barhopper_ws ' menumaker.xls!auto_open ' pesonal.xls!barhopper_ws ' menumakr.xls!createmenu ' faceit.xla!buildbar ' pesonal.xls!gotosub ' pesonal.xls!lookat Sub lookat() Application.Goto Reference:="personal.xls#barhopping_ws!lookat" End Sub Sub BarHopper_ws() If Left(LCase(ActiveSheet.Name), 10) = "menus_2003" Then ActiveSheet.Delete 'Create New Sheet Sheets.Add after:=ActiveSheet 'Rename current Sheet ActiveSheet.Name = "MenuS_" _ & Format(Now, "yyyymmdd-hhmms") Range("A1").Value = "Lvl" Range("B1").Value = "Caption" Range("C1").Value = "Macro or level-zero menu placement" Range("D1").Value = "Divider" Range("E1").Value = "FaceID" Range("G1").Value = "created for MenuMaker is J-Walkenbach's Tip53" Dim cmdBarx As CommandBar Dim i As Long barqueue = 2 'first row barpost = 0 barCaptain = "" For Each cmdBarx In CommandBars barpost = barpost + 1 If Not cmdBarx.BuiltIn Then If InStr(1, cmdBarx.Name, "My") Or InStr(1, cmdBarx.Name, "Toolbar") Then Debug.Print "================" Debug.Print cmdBarx.Name Debug.Print "================" ActiveSheet.Cells(barqueue, 1).Value = 0 ActiveSheet.Cells(barqueue, 2) = cmdBarx.Name ActiveSheet.Cells(barqueue, 1).EntireRow.Font.ColorIndex = 23 ActiveSheet.Cells(barqueue, 1).EntireRow.Font.Bold = True barqueue = barqueue + 1 BarHop_ws cmdBarx BarCap = "" End If Else ' ActiveSheet.Cells(barqueue, 2) = cmdBarx.Name ' barqueue = barqueue + 1 End If Next cmdBarx Cells.EntireColumn.AutoFit End Sub Sub BarHop_ws(cmdBar As CommandBar, Optional iteration As Variant) '--CommandBarControls Collection '-- '--After replacements (even if they are same as before, are not '-- effective until Excel has been completely recycled. '-- are not useable until Excel has been recycled, for toolbars to be savedook themre' Debug.Print String$(iteration * 5 + 2, " "); "->"; ctl.OnAction Dim ctl As CommandBarControl Dim aMacro As String Dim j As Long If IsMissing(iteration) Then iteration = 0 For Each ctl In cmdBar.Controls Debug.Print String$(iteration * 5, " "); ctl.Caption BarCap = ctl.Caption 'Menus with a control type of msoControlPopup will 'have sub menus that you will run through If ctl.Type = msoControlPopup Then 'If it has a sub-menu, call your routine recursively, 'passing the command bar object for that control ActiveSheet.Cells(barqueue, 1).Value = iteration + 1 ActiveSheet.Cells(barqueue, 2) = BarCap ActiveSheet.Cells(barqueue, 3) = BarCap If ctl.BeginGroup Then _ ActiveSheet.Cells(barqueue, 4) = ctl.BeginGroup ActiveSheet.Cells(barqueue, 7) = BarCap ActiveSheet.Cells(barqueue, 1).EntireRow.Font.ColorIndex = 3 ActiveSheet.Cells(barqueue, 7) = BarCap barCaptain = BarCap barqueue = barqueue + 1 'prepare to populate the next rwo BarHop_ws ctl.CommandBar, iteration + 1 'Reentrant coding Else 'REENTRY --- of macros on buttons and menus j = InStr(1, ctl.OnAction, "pesonal.xls'!", 1) If j = 0 Then j = InStr(1, ctl.OnAction, "pesonal.xls!", 1) ' If j > 0 Then aMacro = "pesonal.xls!" & Mid(ctl.OnAction, j + 13) Debug.Print String$(iteration * 5 + 2, " "); "--"; aMacro ' ctl.OnAction = aMacro ' Debug.Print String$(iteration * 5 + 2, " "); "->"; ctl.OnAction ActiveSheet.Cells(barqueue, 1) = iteration + 1 ActiveSheet.Cells(barqueue, 2) = BarCap ActiveSheet.Cells(barqueue, 3) = aMacro If ctl.BeginGroup Then _ ActiveSheet.Cells(barqueue, 4) = ctl.BeginGroup ActiveSheet.Cells(barqueue, 5) = ctl.ID Select Case ctl.ID ' Evaluate Number. Case 2949 ActiveSheet.Cells(barqueue, 5).Font.ColorIndex = 48 ActiveSheet.Cells(barqueue, 5).Value = "" Case Else ActiveSheet.Cells(barqueue, 5).Font.Bold = True End Select ActiveSheet.Cells(barqueue, 7) = barCaptain barqueue = barqueue + 1 ' End If End If Next ctl End Sub