Headings and Footings entered under File --> Page Setup --> Headings and Footers are severly restricted to builtin options unless you resort to the artificial use of Visual Basic. Another layer of HEADINGS (and NOT footings) below page headings can be entered as column headings. File --> Page Setup --> sheet The help is not very good in this particular area, but once you've done it. It is simple. Click in the box marked "Rows to Repeat at Top". Until you do this the spreadsheet was not scrollable. Now select the first two rows on the spreadsheet or any contiguous rows. Selecting the first two rows should result in the entry: $1:$2 Since column headings are regular spreadsheet cell entries you may COLOR them add borders, use formulas, whatever. You can also add bitmaps and logos to cells. Using TEXT BOX makes the addition of bitmaps a lot more flexible because you can move them around. You can further modify your column headings by increasing the height of the cell, and by aligning text at top or bottom of cell. Columns to repeat at left works in the same maner. You might also want to change the Page Order to print Across then Down depending on the spreadsheet involved. If you want to see the column headings while you scroll down the spreadsheet you can use Windows --> Freeze Panes, or you can do something similar by using the SPLIT box. You cannot use both methods at the same time. The split box (for vertical) is the small horizontal rectangle above the vertical scroll bar. Grab it with the cursor and drag it down. To remove move the split box back up above the scroll bar. Page preview only shows black and white though that could be because my printer if black and white. Hope this helps you with your question and anticipates additional questions that might have been asked. GRAPHICS IN HEADERS OR FOOTERS I don't think you can put graphics directly into the headers and footers. You have several ALTERNATIVES though. You can use a font character and make it larger by selecting the font with the large A in file --> setup > headers/footers. I use webdings a lot which can be downloaded from http://www.microsoft.com/typography/fontpack/default.htm or you can use zapfdingbats, wingdings or various other fonts that you have or can download. --OR DEDICATE THE TOP ROW(S) TO YOUR HEADER -- If you are using column headings, then simply make the top row deeper and aligned at bottom. That gives you more space at in the upper part of the cells in the row to overlay your .BMP logo. You can insert the logo directly into a cell or give yourself more flexibility using a TEXT BOX because you can move the text box around. Either way you make the top row deeper or reserve more rows for the column headers. You cannot use this method at the bottom in the footers. (Hint to Microsoft: support text box in headers and footers and we would have a lot more flexibility). By the way you insert your logo using: Insert --> Picture You will see which types if not all that you can insert. --A LITTLE MORE SPECIFIC-- Headings and Footings entered under File --> Page Setup --> Headings and Footers are severly restricted to builtin options unless you resort to the artificial use of Visual Basic. Another layer of HEADINGS (and NOT footings) below page headings can be entered as column headings. File --> Page Setup --> sheet The help is not very good in this particular area, but once you've done it. It s simple. Click in the box marked "Rows to Repeat at Top". Until you do this the spreadsheet was not scrollable. Now select the first two rows on the spreadsheet or any contiguous rows. Selecting the first two rows should result in the entry: $1:$2 Since column headings are regular spreadsheet cell entries you may COLOR them dd borders, use formulas, whatever. You can also add bitmaps and logos to cells. Using TEXT BOX makes the addition of bitmaps a lot more flexible because you can move them around. You can further modify your column headings by increasing the height of the cell, and by aligning text at top or bottom of cell. Columns to repeat at left works in the same maner. You might also want to change the Page Order to print Across then Down depending on the spreadsheet nvolved. If you want to see the column headings while you scroll down the spreadsheet you can use Windows --> Freeze Panes, or you can do something similar by using the SPLIT box. You cannot use both methods at the same time. The split box (for vertical) is the small horizontal rectangle above the vertical scroll bar. Grab it with the cursor and drag it down. To remove move the split box back up above the scroll bar. -------------------------------------