Public Sub NAddr8FSS() 'Convert 1-Up Name and Address labels to Spread Sheet format. 'David McRitchie ' 1999-03-01 ' 2001-04-10 ' description: ' modified for max of default 3 lines per input label Dim nCol As Long, nRow As Long Dim cRow As Long Dim lastrow As Long Dim wsSource As Worksheet Dim wsNew As Worksheet Dim linesPerSet As Variant 'Number of rows per label on input linesPerSet = 8 nCol = 0 nRow = 1 lastrow = Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row Set wsSource = ActiveSheet Set wsNew = Worksheets.Add Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual 'xl95 uses xlManual'Application.DisplayAlerts = False '---- modified to include title from 1st word of 1st set of lines For cRow = 1 To linesPerSet wsNew.Cells(1, cRow).Value = PartOne(wsSource.Cells(cRow, 1).Value) Next cRow nRow = 2 For cRow = 1 To lastrow If linesPerSet = nCol Then nRow = nRow + 1 nCol = 1 Else nCol = nCol + 1 End If wsNew.Cells(nRow, nCol).Value = PartTwo(wsSource.Cells(cRow, 1)) Next cRow Cells.EntireColumn.AutoFit Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic 'xl95 uses xlAutomatic Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Private Function PartOne(pStr As String) As String If InStr(1, pStr, " ", 0) = 0 Then PartOne = pStr Else PartOne = Left(pStr, InStr(1, pStr, " ", 0) - 1) End If End Function Private Function PartTwo(pStr As String) As String If InStr(1, pStr, " ", 0) = 0 Then PartTwo = "" Else PartTwo = Trim(Mid(pStr, InStr(1, pStr, " ", 0) + 1)) End If End Function Public Sub NAddr2SS4() 'Convert 1-Up Name and Address labels to Spread Sheet format. 'David McRitchie ' 1999-03-01 ' 2001-01-25 as NAddr2SS4 to insure 4 columns Dim nCol As Long, nRow As Long, cRow As Long, lastrow As Long Dim insureCol As Long Dim wsSource As Worksheet, wsNew As Worksheet Dim lastcell As Range nCol = 0 nRow = 1 insureCol = 4 'insure this column is filled in... Set lastcell = Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell) lastrow = lastcell.Row + 1 'adjustment to help with insureCol Set wsSource = ActiveSheet Set wsNew = Worksheets.Add Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.DisplayAlerts = False For cRow = 1 To lastrow If Trim(wsSource.Cells(cRow, 1).Value) = "" Then If nCol > 0 Then If nCol < insureCol Then wsNew.Cells(nRow, insureCol).Value = _ wsNew.Cells(nRow, nCol).Value wsNew.Cells(nRow, nCol).Value = "" End If End If nRow = nRow + 1 nCol = 0 Else nCol = nCol + 1 wsNew.Cells(nRow, nCol).Value = wsSource.Cells(cRow, 1).Value End If Next cRow Cells.EntireColumn.AutoFit Application.ScreenUpdating = True 'place at end when debugged Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub