Option Explicit Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "Shell32.dll" _ Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal _ lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As _ String, ByVal lpParameters As String, _ ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal _ nShowCmd As Long) As Long Declare Function GetForegroundWindow Lib "user32" () As Long Public filename As String 'Omitted here because it is also in McRitchie_BuildTOC ' Sub DelHyperLinks() ' 'David McRitchie ' Selection.Hyperlinks.Delete ' End Sub Sub spintest201() Dim cell As Range 'just testing For Each cell In Selection cell.Value = cell.MergeArea.Cells(1).Address _ & " " & cell.MergeArea.Columns.Count _ & " " & cell.MergeArea.Rows.Count Next cell End Sub Sub spintest202() Dim c As Long, r As Long For r = 1 To Selection.Rows.Count For c = 1 To Selection.Columns.Count If Selection.Cells(r, c).Address = Selection.Cells(r, c).MergeArea.Cells(1).Address Then Selection.Cells(r, c).Value = Selection.Cells(r, c).MergeArea.Cells(1).Address _ & " -- " & Selection.Cells(r, c).MergeArea.Columns.Count _ & " " & Selection.Cells(r, c).MergeArea.Rows.Count _ & " " & Selection.Cells(r, c).HorizontalAlignment End If Next c Next r End Sub 'DelHyperLinks, delete hyperlinks for selection ' suggested use on email addresses, if converting to HTML 'XL2HTML, Convert selection to HTML 'XL2HTMLx, Convert selection to HTML with row/column headers ' does not yet include color changes, etc. Sub XL2HTMLx() Call [personal.xls].XL2HTML_Main(1, "OCA") 'column and row headings with shading MsgBox "Xl2HTMLx ended" End Sub Sub XL2HTML() Call XL2HTML_Main(0, "OCA") 'default no column nor row headings End Sub Sub XL2HTMLa() 'David McRitchie 2003-02-09 Separate Areas based on marksepareas Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual Dim i As Long, optFile As String Dim mareas As Range Set mareas = Selection MsgBox mareas.Address(0, 0) For i = 1 To mareas.Areas.Count mareas.Areas(i).Select optFile = "" If i = 1 Then optFile = "O" 'letter o If i = mareas.Areas.Count Then optFile = optFile & "C" Call XL2HTML_Main(1, optFile & "A") '0 no shading /1 shaded headers Next i mareas.Select Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub XL2HTMLs() 'Example: output multiple selected sheets... Dim optFile As String Dim shtCnt As Long Dim mshtCnt As Long Dim sht As Variant shtCnt = 0 mshtCnt = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Windows(1).SelectedSheets.Count For Each sht In Application.ActiveWorkbook.Windows(1).SelectedSheets Sheets(sht.Name).Select shtCnt = shtCnt + 1 optFile = "" If shtCnt = 1 Then optFile = "O" 'letter o If shtCnt = mshtCnt Then optFile = optFile & "C" Cells.Select Call XL2HTML_Main(0, optFile) Next sht End Sub Sub XL2HTML_Main(Optional shading As Long, _ Optional opt2 As String, _ Optional optOutputFile As String) 'O=open,C=Close,""=default, 1=special, T=Time, A=Align space 'Original coding and concept is based 28 lines of codeon 'http://www.herber.de/mailing/020598v.txt ' Hans W. Herber * Microsoft Excel MVP 'Major changes D.McRitchie, 1998-08- msgbox, close, ' http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/xl2htmlx.txt ' Shading option, Column & ROW headings and will use center justification ' when specifically formatted into Excel. 'Additional help Invoking IExplorer from VBA - ' From: "Chris Rae" posted Excel.programming 9Jun1999 'rev. 2000-06-25, hyperlinks for http:// (not email) ' Include Bold, Italic, Color (black for email) 'rev. 2000-07-01, handle merged cells (Rob Bruce), ' additional changes: center justification, ' multiple cells with TR "line", if fits in 80 bytes, ' XL2HTML_Main will be used by both XL2HTML and XL2HTMLx, ' center justification. Rev. 2000-07-02 added
for Chr(10) 'rev. 2000-07-03 for Center Across Selection (cell format) 'rev. 2001-08-11 multiple sheets, entire used content from each 'rev. 2001-08-11 for optional output dataset name in parameters 'rev. 2002-07-25 to right align numbers by default 'rev. 2002-08-24 to not right align empty cells 'rev. 2003-02-09 multiple areas (snake cols) see xl2HTMLa ' prob. not compatible with multiple sheets 'rev. 2003-09-06 TR align/bgcolor 'rev. 2003-09-07 Extra space for cells with A160, fix yesterday's alignment 'Planning -- revision possibilities: ' -- think everything that had been listed here was done ' -- styles ' -- Conditional formatting interior colors could be added Dim r%, c% Dim nr As Long, nC As Long Dim lastcell As Range 'Dim xtra As Long 'Dim filename As Variant 'Dim shadehd As Variant Dim retval As Variant Dim x As String, xx As String Dim A160 As String If InStr(opt2, "A") Then A160 = Chr(160) 'force left/rt space Dim shadehd As String: shadehd = " bgcolor=""#d8d8d8""" Dim i As Long, iPos As Long Dim newx As String Dim arrColor(0 To 2, 0 To 256) As String Dim arrAlign(0 To 256) As String Dim arrColorI(0 To 256) As String Dim ArrColorF(0 To 256) As String 'Worksheets(1).Select nr = Selection.Rows.Count nC = Selection.Columns.Count Set lastcell = Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell) If nr > lastcell.Row Then nr = lastcell.Row If nC > lastcell.Column Then nC = lastcell.Column 'iRows = Selection.Rows.Count 'iColumns = Selection.Columns.Count 'To Be Added: radio buttons, Row hdr, Col hdr, Shade hdr ' include suggested filename of c:\temp\XL2test.htm '(I include that file in my browsers bookmarks/favorites) filename = "c:\temp\XL2test.htm" If optOutputFile <> "" Then filename = optOutputFile If InStr(opt2, "O") Then filename = InputBox("Supply filename for HTML generated from " _ & "selected range", "Filename for XL2HTML", filename) End If If InStr(opt2, "O") Or InStr(opt2, "1") Then Close #1 Open filename For Output As 1 End If If InStr(opt2, "O") Then Print #1, "" Print #1, "" Print #1, "" Print #1, "" Print #1, "" End If Print #1, "" Print #1, "" Dim urladdr As String Dim xStr As String Dim fColor As String, iColor As String Dim iTypeSize As Long Dim td As String, eTD As String Dim xB As String Dim trStr As String Dim CenterAC As Long 'Center across Columns Dim xFontname As String Dim SSS As String If shading = 1 Then 'SHADING LINES ADDED... Print #1, "" x = "" For c = 1 To nC x = x & "" Next c x = x & "" Print #1, x End If For r = 1 To nr ArrColorF(0) = "" '-- initialize the column defaults arrColorI(0) = "" '-- each time a row is started arrAlign(0) = "" trStr = "" 'want to combine several lines For c = 1 To nC fColor = Right("000000" & Hex(Selection.Cells(r, c).Font.Color), 6) fColor = "#" & Right(fColor, 2) & Mid(fColor, 3, 2) & Left(fColor, 2) If fColor = "#000000" Then fColor = "" ArrColorF(c) = fColor iColor = Right("000000" & Hex(Selection.Cells(r, c).Interior.Color), 6) iColor = "#" & Right(iColor, 2) & Mid(iColor, 3, 2) & Left(iColor, 2) If iColor = "#FFFFFF" Then iColor = "" arrColorI(c) = iColor If c = 1 Then ArrColorF(0) = ArrColorF(1) arrColorI(0) = arrColorI(1) Else If fColor <> ArrColorF(0) Then ArrColorF(0) = "" If iColor <> arrColorI(0) Then arrColorI(0) = "" End If '---- alignment for row and cells --- arrAlign(c) = "" If Selection.Cells(r, c).HorizontalAlignment <> -4138 Then If Selection.Cells(r, c).HorizontalAlignment = -4108 Then arrAlign(c) = "center" ElseIf Selection.Cells(r, c).HorizontalAlignment = -4131 Then ElseIf Selection.Cells(r, c).HorizontalAlignment = -4152 Then arrAlign(c) = "right" ElseIf IsNumeric(Selection.Cells(r, c)) Then arrAlign(c) = "right" End If ' not Blank and not spaces End If '-4138 left, -4108 center, -4152 right, HTML default left If c = 1 Then arrAlign(0) = arrAlign(1) ElseIf arrAlign(0) <> arrAlign(c) And Replace(" ", "", _ Replace(Chr(160), "", Selection.Cells(r, c))) <> "" Then arrAlign(0) = "" End If Next c trStr = " "" Then trStr _ ' = trStr & " color=""" & arrColorF(0) & """" If arrColorI(0) <> "" Then trStr _ = trStr & " bgcolor=""" & arrColorI(0) & """" If arrAlign(0) <> "" Then trStr _ = trStr & " align=""" & arrAlign(0) & """" trStr = trStr & ">" '================== TR processing completed ================ 'SHADING LINE ADDED... If shading = 1 Then If arrAlign(0) = "" Then x = "" Else x = " align=""left""" If Selection.Cells(r, 1).Row < 10 Then xx = Chr(160) Else xx = "" trStr = trStr & "" _ & xx & (Selection.Cells(r, 1).Row) & "" End If For c = 1 To nC CenterAC = 0 'watch for Center Across Selection (Columns) 'numbers and text must be right aligned when generating HTML here If Selection.Cells(r, c).Address = _ Selection.Cells(r, c).MergeArea.Cells(1).Address Then '** secondary merged cells will not be processed ** td = "td" 'No special support for THEAD ' 'If r = 1 Then TD = "TH": 'fix this up more if pages get support eTD = td If Selection.Cells(r, c).MergeArea.Columns.Count > 1 Then _ td = td & " COLSPAN=""" & _ Selection.Cells(r, c).MergeArea.Columns.Count & """" If Selection.Cells(r, c).HorizontalAlignment = 7 Then For i = c + 1 To nC If IsEmpty(Selection.Cells(r, i)) Then If Selection.Cells(r, i).HorizontalAlignment = 7 Then CenterAC = CenterAC + 1 Else: i = nC End If Else i = nC End If Next i If CenterAC > 0 Then td = td & " COLSPAN=""" _ & CenterAC + 1 & """ ALIGN=""Center""" End If If Selection.Cells(r, c).MergeArea.Rows.Count > 1 Then _ td = td & " ROWSPAN=""" & _ Selection.Cells(r, c).MergeArea.Rows.Count & """" '--getting tiresome right aligning numbers will do automatically... '-- corrected 2002-08-24 // most of code move up with TR If arrAlign(0) = "" And arrAlign(c) <> "" Then _ td = td & " align=""" & arrAlign(c) & """" urladdr = "" 'include hyperlinks but not =HYPERLINK() On Error Resume Next urladdr = Selection.Cells(r, c).Hyperlinks(1).Address ' If urladdr = "" Then urladdr = Application.URL(Selection.Cells(r, c)) On Error GoTo 0 Select Case Application.Proper(Selection.Cells(r, c).Font.Name) Case "Monotype Sorts", "Webdings", "Wingdings", _ "Wingdings 2", "Wingdings 3" xFontname = " face=""" & Selection.Cells(r, c).Font.Name & """" Case Else xFontname = "" End Select iTypeSize = Selection.Cells(r, c).Font.Size If iTypeSize >= 12 Then If iTypeSize >= 28 Then xFontname = xFontname & " size=""+5""" ElseIf iTypeSize >= 24 Then xFontname = xFontname & " size=""+4""" ElseIf iTypeSize >= 18 Then xFontname = xFontname & " size=""+3""" ElseIf iTypeSize > 13.5 Then xFontname = xFontname & " size=""+2""" Else xFontname = xFontname & " size=""+1""" End If End If fColor = ArrColorF(c) '.font.color If arrColorI(0) = "" And arrColorI(c) <> "" Then _ td = td & " BGCOLOR=""" & arrColorI(c) & """" If Len(urladdr) > 0 Then ' not = 0 If Left(LCase(urladdr) & " ", 7) <> "http://" Then urladdr = "": fColor = "#000000" 'back to black for email End If End If x = Selection.Cells(r, c).Text If arrAlign(c) = "" Then x = A160 & x If arrAlign(c) = "right" Then x = x & A160 If Trim(x) = "" Then x = " " Else xStr = " " & LCase(Selection.Cells(r, c).Font.FontStyle) & " " If InStr(xStr, " bold ") Then _ x = "" & x & "" If InStr(xStr, " italic ") Then _ x = "" & x & "" If fColor <> "" Then xFontname = xFontname _ & " color=""" & fColor & """" If xFontname <> "" Then _ x = "" & x & "" End If If Len(urladdr) > 1 Then _ x = "" & x & "" iPos = InStr(1, x, Chr(10)) If iPos > 0 Then newx = Left(x, iPos - 1) & "
" & A160 For i = iPos + 1 To Len(x) If Mid(x, i, 1) = Chr(10) Then newx = newx & "
" & A160 Else newx = newx & Mid(x, i, 1) End If Next i x = newx End If x = "<" & td & ">" & x & "" If Len(trStr) + Len(x) > 80 Then If Len(trStr) > 0 Then Print #1, trStr trStr = "" End If End If trStr = trStr & x End If '* don't do secondary merged cells c = c + CenterAC Next c Print #1, trStr & "" Next r Print #1, "
 " & Left(Selection.Cells(1, c).AddressLocal(0, 0), _ Len(Selection.Cells(1, c).AddressLocal(0, 0)) - 1) & "
" If InStr(opt2, "T") Then Print #1, "
" & _ "                 " & _ Format(Date + Time, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm") & "
" Print #1, "" If InStr(opt2, "C") Then 'Print #1, "" Print #1, "" Close #1 MsgBox "XL2HTML placed your HTML code in" & Chr(10) & filename ShellExecute 0, "open", filename, "", "", 0 ElseIf InStr(opt2, "1") Then Close #1 Else 'The follow would be used for multiple sheets Print #1, "

" End If End Sub Sub pix() Dim MyFile, myPath, myName, filename, MyFile_Str As String MyFile_Str = InputBox("Provide directory with .jpg files" & Chr(10) _ & "for generating the SRC in ", _ "PIX: create HTML file for quick viewing", _ "c:\my documents\fdm_DC3200_pict\2001c\*.jpg") If MyFile_Str = "" Then Exit Sub filename = InputBox("provide full filename for output HTML file", _ "PIX: output file for create HTML File for quick viewing", _ "c:\temp\pix.htm") If MyFile_Str = "" Then Exit Sub MyFile = Dir(MyFile_Str, vbDirectory) Close #1 Open filename For Output As 1 Print #1, "" Print #1, "" more: Print #1, " " MyFile = Dir If MyFile <> "" Then GoTo more Print #1, "" Close #1 Shell "notepad " & filename 'ShellExecute 0, "open", filename, "", "", 0 End Sub Sub XL2HTMLQ() 'O=open,C=Close,""=default, 1=special, T=Time 'Based on ... ' http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/excel/xl2htmlx.txt Dim r%, c% Dim nr As Long, nC As Long Dim lastcell As Range Dim retval As Variant Dim i As Long, iPos As Long Dim newx As String Dim optOutputFile As String Dim opt2 As String Dim trStr As String Dim x As String opt2 = "O" 'Worksheets(1).Select nr = Selection.Rows.Count nC = Selection.Columns.Count Set lastcell = Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell) If nr > lastcell.Row Then nr = lastcell.Row If nC > lastcell.Column Then nC = lastcell.Column filename = "c:\temp\XL2test.htm" If optOutputFile <> "" Then filename = optOutputFile If InStr(opt2, "O") Then filename = InputBox("Supply filename for HTML generated from " _ & "selected range", "Filename for XL2HTML", filename) End If If InStr(opt2, "O") Or InStr(opt2, "1") Then Close #1 Open filename For Output As 1 End If If InStr(opt2, "O") Then Print #1, "" Print #1, "" End If Print #1, "" For r = 1 To nr trStr = "" For c = 1 To nC trStr = Selection.Cells(r, c).Text If Trim(trStr) = "" Then trStr = " " Next c Print #1, trStr Next r If InStr(opt2, "T") Then Print #1, "

" & _ "                 " & _ Format(Date + Time, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm") & "
" Print #1, "" Shell "notepad " & filename 'ShellExecute 0, "open", filename, "", "", 0 End Sub Function AntiSpam(Text, Optional optparm As String) 'change syz@syz.com to %73%79%7A%40%73%79%7A%2E%63%6F%6D Dim sOut As String, i As Long sOut = "" For i = 1 To Len(Text) If UCase(optparm) = "S" Then sOut = sOut & "&#" & Asc(Mid(Text, i, 1)) & ";" Else sOut = sOut & "%" & Hex(Asc(Mid(Text, i, 1))) End If Next AntiSpam = sOut End Function Sub OpenIE(filename As String) ActiveCell.Activate ShellExecute 0, "open", filename, "", "", 0 End Sub