hendrix2 What the heck is Hendrix ========================================== This is the Hendrix site for posting problems but where you are told not to expect a response. Maybe most of the things perhaps now come in with a "feedback" button in beta versions, but were not using a beta version. Hendrix - mozilla.org Feedback System "This system is for feedback on Firefox and other Mozilla projects. (Thunderbird feedback goes in GetSatisfaction.)" http://hendrix.mozilla.org/ There are not many people who actually ever look at it but it seems to me that a lot of people post questions, hoping to get an answer anyway, so it ends up users who are more frustrated than before. It was supposed to be for developers to look at to see where most of the problems were coming in from (bean counting), but then they wanted someone to count the numbers, which is ridiculous. So it does not serve well. Except for the few who look at it to see what to look for in the way of problems. Hendrix posts to what is actually a newsgroup, but is not treated like one because there is (should be) no expectation of an answer. If you look at Help > Report broken site, everybody thought that Mozilla would work with the site to help them -- not the case at all if was for Mozilla to work on fixing Firefox if they broke something, but it turned out that no group was using it at all and that it should only have been in beta versions. =========================================