List of Items in Links Toolbar

List of Items in Links Toolbar(Links is within Favorites) The contents shown below are Bookmarklets that have been placed into the Links bar.  Links have been arranged in folders to provide quick access from Links bar, which is much faster than trying to access a bookmarklet from Favorites (simulated bookmark file).

An Excel workbook showing where individual bookmarklets can be found (bookmarklets.xls)

 !Invert Colors Inverted
 grayscale Colors to Grayscale
 Hide 468 x 60 Banners Hide one form of advertising banner
 Hide All Images Hide all images
 Make background colour contrast with text colour  Contrast background to text
 Page Color to White Color background white
 Plain B&W Color text as black, backgound as white
 Remove Background Image Remove background image
 view selection View selection in a new window
 zap colors (squarefree) Colors back to default
 zap presentational htm (squarefree) zaps most presentation effects [details]
 zap style sheets Remove all styling

 !classes Style Classes
 !cookies Cookies that were sent to server
 !elInfo Show TAG information on status bar
 !XY X, Y coordinates of web page
 Count all images on a page …
 Count strings on a page ..
 domain owner ..
 ext links  Color internal links RED, external as BLUE
 generated source Generated Source after changes
 highlight links ^^  Highlight all links in YELLOW
 IP Address 
 Last Update Date web page was last updated
 Links - titles and hrefs Generate a Table of Links found
 Measure document size in windowfulls  Number of windows to display web page
 named anchors Display anchors created with name=
 Scroll Positionxx -- doesn't seem to work for me on IE
 show blocks Show blocks of code, Table, Div, etc
 Show document size Document size
 Show Tables Show table borders
 Titles Show Titles
 View HTTP headers View header information of ISP

 LINKS -- Effects 
 !grid Include graph paper gridlines
 !lineDraw Enable drawing with RED pen
 !oo Change all vowels to letter "o" -- fun thing
 Fix window properties 
 left-align text Align Text to left (turn centering off)
 PDAize Simulate screensize of a PDA
 sort table Sort HTML Table

 Decrease number in URL 
 Decrease YY MM DD date in URL 
 Decrease YYYY, MM, DD date in URL 
 Increase YY MM DD date in URL 
 Increase YYYY, MM, DD date in URL 

 LINKS -- Search 
 [dict] Query  Invoke dictionary search based on preselected text
 Google Links  Invoke Google web search based on preselected text
 Lookup word at Wordnet, Princeton  Invoke word search at Wordnet

 Show all event handlers (in an alert window) 
 Show cookies 
 Show real link destinations, stop links from opening new windows, zap ads, banners and onunload functions  

Created links_bar on 2003-11-22

Please send your comments concerning this web page to: David McRitchie send email comments

Copyright © 1997 - 2004,  F. David McRitchie,  All Rights Reserved