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David McRitchie
Hard work is never easy.
- http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/rexx/
- http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/rexx/htm/
- http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/rexx01txt/
- http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/rexx02tso/
- http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/rexx03spf/
- Email: DMcRitchie@hotmail.com
- URL: http://www.mvps.org/dmcritchie/home.htm
I live in central New Jersey and am running SPF/PC under Windows
NT at home. I am now a downsized MVS Systems
Programmer. One of my off hours interests was clists
(before REXX). Since being introduced to REXX about 1990, I
converted most of my clists to REXX. My macros have saved
me a lot of time over the years and I found that I hardly ever
had to write a real (batch) program anymore. Anyway, my
main job was installing software not writing it. I used
macros to precheck some of the syntax in PL/I, DCF, and now
HTML. Under TSO the most useful macros were
working on the PC the equivalent of @DIR at the
moment is @STRAP dir *.*.
REFORMAT is still just as useful, and the macros
beginning with HTML... have been extremely useful in building and
maintaining my web pages. HTMLSYN has been
particularly useful in checking for keying errors and syntax.
I also maintain some Excel pages.
Experience with the following:
- My main interests have been in writing utility types of programs
and in documenting them. Being able to carry at least
some of the programming and documentation across platforms is
also an interest. Most of my experiences involves
- CLISTs, have converted most of my clists REXX executes,
and macros.
- COBOL, have not touched it in over 20 years.
- DCF, SCRIPT/VS -- have done a lot of work in this area.
- Excel, Microsoft MVP since 1999, “My Excel Pages” at http://www.mvps.org/dmcritche/excel/excel.htm
- Firefox, (web browser) pages at
- GML, (General Markup Language) is a tagged macro form
of SCRIPT/VS. I created some tags but most of my DCF macros were
not formalized into tags. The simple GML tags in the
supplied GML Starter Set are similar to the less rich tags in
HTML. GML is a predecessor of both SGML and HTML. I have never
used SGML. HTML implementations are supposed to conform
to SGML, but every web browser appears to want to rewrite the
- HTML, Have generated lots of useful information. Created
an HTML copy of our Operations SOP Manual from DCF source maintained
on the mainframe. Created HTML copies of a few WORD6
documents using RTFTOHTML converters. Some documents
was produced by coding HTML and modifying with MS Word and Internet
Assistant. Some documents were converted with the help of my
TXT2HTML macro.
All documents have been updated using SPF/PC. Maintain
popular websites for REXX Macros and one for Excel macros.
Wrote a macro to convert and Excel spreadsheet to HTML which usually
are about one third the size of those generated by software applications.
- InterNet, was on the Applications InterNet Committee
at my former company.
- ISPF/PDF, wrote a lot of macros, and clists. Usage
of panels in most of my material is nonexistent initially because
of unfamiliarity and mainly due the to fact that they generally
make things clumsier unless you really need them.
- Lotus Notes, used for about six months at my former
company. Have written a couple of applications to
aid the LAN group and the Help desk in an inventory of PCs, and
some more used for migration to Windows NT and shared with the
Help desk.
- OS/2, had used OS/2 and had a lot of REXX written for
OS/2. Since I am no longer using OS/2, I have not
included REXX executes on my site, but the many of the macros
include code so that they will run on the mainframe, OS/2 or on
Windows without additional versions.
- Windows NT 4.0, is what I last had at work. On
my own computer I have Windows NT 4.0 Workstation.
- PL/I, have written a lot of mainframe utility type programs
in PL/I over a period of 27 years at my former company most of those
years were in the systems programming area. PL/I (Programming
Language ONE) is sometimes
written or abbreviated as PLI, PL1, or PL/1.
- PLR, maintained Program Load Request system, which
was written for in-house use in my former company by an outside
consultant. From it I gained familiarity with panel
usage in ISPF/PDF.
- Power Point, gave a presentation on Right Click menus and
Bookmarklets in Internet Explorer, Mozilla and Netscape at computer club.
- REXX, have written numerous REXX executes, and macros
for the mainframe, OS/2, and Windows NT. Some of the more generic
ones have been included on these pages refer to REXX macros and clists
for examples. I currently do not have access to a mainframe nor
to OS/2 so updates and additions across each platform may cease.
- SAS, installed SAS on the mainframe and made limited
use of it in the systems programming area.
- SCRIPT/VS, DCF, GML, have made extensive use of SCRIPT/VS
for Standard Operating Procedures Manuals (SOP), Company Telephone
Directories, and the printing of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
across various printer platforms. Also for printing
United Fund forms for all employees. The content of
most of this site was originally done with Script/VS, the pages
for each macro described in An Introduction to David McRitchie's
Clists /REXX Macros/ Executes ,
look a lot better when printed with Advanced Printer Function
(AFP), or PostScript printers. Created macros to help
build an index. No document of any size should be without an index.
HTML does not provide this facility.
- Corel Draw, have used it to create/improve logos for
use on mainframe, and client-server printing which were used in
MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) processing.
- HiJaak, used it to create/improve logos for use on
mainframe and client-server printing.
- Visual Basic, not much experience though I wrote a
couple of application designed to highlight differences between
files (such as .INI) for users who did not have problems compared
to users who had problems. Invoked a canned comparison
utility to highlight differences in the final compare. Lots of
experience in writing Excel VBA (Visual Basic for Applications).
Advanced Function Presentation (AFP)
Document Composition Facility (DCF)
Print Services Facility (PSF)
The Rexx Macros Toolbox has been mentioned in the following
publications: Mainframe Week as site of the week, issue 33, 21 August 2002
(url: mfm).
My Excel Pages has been mentioned in the
following publications:
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- Copyright (c) 1997-2006, F. David McRitchie
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