INDEX The following Macros, clists, or Executes will not be available even if listed in the index. $LOST, $MIDI, $MIDITL, MODELT, NETWORK, USERSDCF =================================================================== This page is NOT BEING MAINTAINED. It was generated on a mainframe and this was the INDEX created using DCF. If you find something interesting please look for documentation and code on my web page: David McRitchie =================================================================== This list was prepared with very large pages so most entries will appear to appear as page one. For example EDITOR-1 refers to file EDITOR.txt, EDITOR.SPF, EDITOR.eps, EDITOR, etc. : :ts PF Key-4 EDITOR-1, REXX-2 ! ! program macro PFKEYS-1 !EDCHEK Checks JCL -- JCL CHECK PFKEYS-1 !EDCHEK JCL checking, REXX-1 ( (period) @ @AMSRCAT AMS delete / re-define GDG - ISREDIT MACRO EDCHEK-1 @C Capitalize word-list EDCHEK-1 Word-list capitalize EDCHEK-1 @COMPARE See also SuperC Compare members. (Jun 92 issue) REXX-1 compare PDS members NCAPXT-2 Compares member in EDIT with corresponding member in specified DSN EDCHEK-1 @DATE Date conversion/display edit macro EDCHEK-1 @DIR Directory REXX-1 directory of PDS members EDCHEK-1 edit macro examples EDCHEK-1 in combination with SORTG SORTEM-1 macro display, list, select, browse, edit members NCAPXT-2 PDS, directory of members EDCHEK-1 see @DIRPARM, $DIRPARM to terminate @DATE-1 @DIRPARM use to terminate @DIR BROWSE EDCHEK-1 use to terminate @DIR EDIT/MACRO @DATE-1 @DIRSTAT show directory statistics @DATE-1 @DSNQ³macro, supplies quoted dsname and invokes command NCAPXT-2 @ECHO example of MACMAC HEXSHOW-1 @EDITMSK an example @SCRIPT-1 Text wrapped within an EDIT envelope @DATE-1 @ICOPY Interleaved copy multiplicable copy line(s) REXX-1 Interleaved COPY facility @DATE-1 @PRINT print saved member/dsn currently in EDIT NCAPXT-2 Print the dataset (saved) in edit. (Jun 1990 issue) REXX-1 PRINTOFF for member currently displayed in EDIT @DATE-1 @PRINTNX macro, print what you se in EDIT NCAPXT-2 Print NX lines showing labels @DATE-1 Print the NX (displayed) lines (data need not be saved) REXX-1 @RESQ Comparison of two sequential files @DATE-1 @SAVE³save member, if changed NCAPXT-2 @SCRIPT macro for SCRIPT/VS, DCF, BookMaster @DATE-1 quick reference @DATE-1 SCRIPT the document currently in EDIT @DATE-1 @SCRIPT|Merge messages back with DCFMSGS to orig. lines COLSUM-1 @SCRPTD2 invoked by edit macro @SCRPTDU @RESQ-1 @SCRPTD3 used after invoking @SCRPTDU @RESQ-1 @SCRPTD4 invoked by edit macro @SCRPTDU @RESQ-1 @SCRPTDU Create .DU ADD and .DU DEL fro a SCRIPT member @RESQ-1 @SEARCH4 fastpath into SearchFor @SCRIPT-1 macro, invokes search panel NCAPXT-2 @SEQ add sequence numbers into the affected range REXX-1 example @SCRIPT-1 Sequence Numbers added as a column @SCRIPT-1 @SLCT Brings in JCL for Selective SEARCH/PRINT of a PDS (proc=SLCTTSO) @SCRIPT-1 Create JCL to list members in same PDS dataset. REXX-1 @SLCTDSI example of editmacro @SCRIPT-1 @SLCTDSX Brings in JCL for Selective DSN XREF of a PDS, proc=SLCTPDS @SCRIPT-1 @SMALLS conversion to lower case @SCRIPT-1 Convert text to mixed case ART009-1 make characters lowercase REXX-1 @SPELLS spelling checker @SCRIPT-1 @TPP Create .TP entries based on use of ª char @SPELLS-1 @TSO Edit macro invokes TSO with & convention RECALL @SPELLS-1 @TSOX Edit macro invokes TSO clist from from SYS1.TSOCLIST @SPELLS-1 @TSOXD Executes current display as a TSO CLIST @SPELLS-1 @VP interface to VPSPRINT for printing @SPELLS-1 invoke VPSPRINT without specifying dataset name. REXX-1 print saved member/dsn currently in EDIT NCAPXT-2 @XMIT TRANSMIT for member currently displayed in EDIT @TSOXD-1 $ $B BROWSES based on keyword UNGML-1 keyword, BROWSES based on UNGML-1 $BROWSE a dataset from any ISPF panel UNGML-1 $BUILD$ option of @DIR @DATE-1 $DASD03 datasets in error -- DMS UNGML-1 $DASDERR in contention -- DMS UNGML-1 $DMS datasets scratched by DMS UNGML-1 disk mananage system UNGML-1 $MIDI sample UNGML-1 $MIDI list of cataloged and DASD datasets UNGML-1 $MIDITL combined MIDILIST and TLMS information UNGML-1 $NAME$ @DIR pattern replacement EDCHEK-1 $USERS See also USERSDCF list of TSO users UNGML-1 $USERS NET³display telephone directory information. REXX-1 $USERS³display TSO users. REXX-1 & & See ampersand & -- reiteration of commands ART009-1 & RECALL convention for TSO commands @SPELLS-1 &LASTCC NCAPXT-2 &SUBSTR NCAPXT-2 &SYSDVAL value received from READ NCAPXT-1 # #MAKEMAC Create REXX edit macro commands from list of edit commands PFKEYS-1 % %INCLUDE for PLI programs used with TRANSLATE REXX-1 < <1> @RESQ-1 <2> @RESQ-1 <3> @RESQ-1 <4> @RESQ-1 1 1040 Income Tax Calculations EDITPAGE1 3 3800 default fonts @RESQ-1 3800 Printing Subsystem Model 3 default page dimensions @RESQ-1 Using the SYSVAR option @RESQ-1 3820 default fonts @RESQ-1 3820 Page Printer default page dimensions @RESQ-1 Using the SYSVAR option @RESQ-1 3900 Mytown, Laser Printer NCAPXT-2 4 4250 default fonts @RESQ-1 issuing 4250 printer default page dimensions @RESQ-1 Using the SYSVAR option @RESQ-1 A AFP search of NETWORK-1 AHCINFO Demonstration UNGML-1 sample UNGML-1 ALARM off, using MSG(isrz000) NCAPXB-1 on, using MSG(isrz001) NCAPXB-1 align JCL REXX-1 ALIGNJCL alignment of JCL @TSOXD-1 ALIGNTAB Align tabs(ª) to specified columns, uses cc-range @TSOXD-1 allocated datasets @SPELLS-1 ampersand in clists UNGML, example SORTEM-1 use in clists NCAPXT-1 AMSCLUST JCL procedure REXX-1 APFs See application processing functions APPEND add more lines for CUT and PASTE @TSOXD-1 Appendix A sample of working on an entire PDS file TLMSUSER1 B mass changes to a PDS library TLMSUSER1 D - DEMO of clists NCAPXA-1 S -- example of @TPP usage NCAPXB-1 T special TESTS available NCAPXB-1 V sample of CLIST variables available NCAPXB-1 W - Batch ISPF usage NCAPXT-2 application processing functions Assembler QW - MVS/Quick-Ref PROC-1 B B BookMaster @RESQ-1 B(bind) @RESQ-1 basic document elements See elements of a document BATCH @RESQ-1 ISPF usage NCAPXT-2 BEGIN() option of @DIR @DATE-1 BIGS creates letters 13 x 13 REXX-1 LARGE block letters @TSOXD-1 BIND option @RESQ-1 BIND(obind ebind) @RESQ-1 BLOCK LARGE block letters @TSOXD-1 letters REXX-1 Block Line commands within PDF EDIT ART009-1 BOLD @RESQ-1 BookMaster B @RESQ-1 BOOKREAD on-line documentation $USERS-1 Bounds PDF edit ART009-1 Box macros -- clist, dcf, jcl, rexx REXX-1 boxed comments clistbox, jclbox, rexxbox, etc. REXX-1 BROWSE a dataset from any ISPF panel UNGML-1 dsname/member at cursor in edit, SYSDSN NCAPXT-2 option of @DIR EDCHEK-1 browse|sysdsn PF Key-17 EDITOR-1, REXX-2 C C Copy, Edit Line Command ART009-1 C-001 TLMSUSER1 C-002 see CLIST CASE match f t'string' ART009-1 Case conversion See Shift CC Copy, Block line Commands ART009-1 CENTER @RESQ-1 Change See global changes changing an entire PDS, sample CLISTS for TLMSUSER1 CHARS option @RESQ-1 CHARS(chars) @RESQ-1 CHARS(specify fonts) @RESQ-1 CHECK72 Check for possible continuation in 72 required @TSOXD-1 CHECKDUP Checks for duplicate word (repeated word). REXX-1 Checks for repeated word @TSOXD-1 looks for duplicate words REXX-1 CICS Messages/Codes QW - MVS/Quick-Ref PROC-1 CLASS(class) @RESQ-1 CLIST Browse several procedure libraries NETWORK-1 C-001 EDIT clist as part of massive update TLMSUSER1 C-002 TSO CLIST invoking EDIT clist TLMSUSER1 C-005 ALLMBRS Global changes to a PDS TLMSUSER1 C-006 CHGALL sample edit clist invokable by ALLMBRS TLMSUSER1 DO and END nesting check HEXSHOW-1 EDIT (PDF EDIT clists) $MIDI UNGML-1 CHECK72 (Check for possible col 72 continuation) @TSOXD-1 EDIT (PDF EDIT macro) NETWORK LISTDD-1 G-003 Generated from a sequential dataset TLMSUSER1 G-004 Generated from PDS directory TLMSUSER1 global changes to TSO PDS TLMSUSER1 help information NETWORK-1 HELP Information for OBC macros and clists NCAPXT-2 HELP, display online help for clists REXX-1 ISPF COMMAND SORT REPEATNX1 o check syntax PFKEYS-1 o HELP and locating information PFKEYS-1 o manipulate data or display of data EDITOR-1 Partitioned dataset display NETWORK-1 PFK usage NCAPXT-1 see also VGET and VPUT, IDREDIT, ISPEXEC TSO (clists) $B UNGML-1 $DMS UNGML-1 $USERS of TSO UNGML-1 AHCINFO UNGML-1 BROWSE a dataset from any ISPF panel UNGML-1 browse CLIST libraries NETWORK-1 browse PANELS libraries NETWORK-1 browse PROC libraries NETWORK-1 DDNAME $USERS-1 DESKCALC $USERS-1 EDIT a dataset from any ISPF panel UNGML-1 INFOHELP $USERS-1 LISTDD $USERS-1 LISTRP $USERS-1 MANUALS LISTDD-1 MODELC LISTDD-1 MODELL LISTDD-1 MODELT LISTDD-1 NETWORK LISTDD-1 P NETWORK-1 PATTERN MACMAC-1 PCALC NETWORK-1 PDSDD NETWORK-1 PROC NETWORK-1 Q NETWORK-1, PROC-1 QW PROC-1 REALLOC PROC-1 SEARCH4 @SCRIPT-1 TLMSUSER STATUS-2 TSO (command) COPY $USERS-1 IOF $USERS-1 NICKNAME LISTDD-1 RECEIVE PROC-1 TRANSMIT STATUS-2 TSO (ISPF TSO clists) Q NETWORK-1 TSO (REXX execute) HEXUS $USERS-1 use within DSLIST @SCRIPT-1 CLIST clistname³display HELP for clistname REXX-1 CLIST variables TLMSUSER1, NCAPXB-1 clist write statements trapped @SCRIPT-1, @SPELLS-1 CLIST, browse several CLIST type libraries NETWORK-1 CLIST, quick entry PROC-1 CLISTBOX REXX-1 box clist comments REXX-1 clists requiring datasetnames CLIST, PROC, PANELS, LOADMOD updating @SPELLS-1 COBOL II QW - MVS/Quick-Ref PROC-1 Code Stealing TLMSUSER1 COL() option of @DIR @DATE-1 COL(nn) option of @DIR exclude if membername in list at COL(nn) EDCHEK-1 COLS macro REXX-1 COLSUM column totals @TSOXD-1 COLSUM|Calculate sum of specified column (ranges: label, cc, nx) @TSOXD-1 Command EDIT (PDF EDIT Commands) !EDCHEK PFKEYS-1 TSO (command) STATUS PROC-1 Comment cards PLIDCLS-1 comments Compare See also SuperCE @COMPARE, %SUPERC comparison to member in edit EDCHEK-1 compare PDS members @COMPARE NCAPXT-2 Comparison SuperC utility PROC-1 Comparison of two sequential files @RESQ @DATE-1 Compress³@SAVE to reduce need to NCAPXT-2 Concatenation ISPF @RESQ-1 Continuation of lines in CLISTS PLIDCLS-1 CONTINUE @RESQ-1 CONTINUE option @RESQ-1 CONTROL @SCRIPT-1, @SPELLS-1 Clist Statement NCAPXB-1 Control Variables NCAPXB-1 Control Words conversion of letter case ART009-1 Conversion|SYSCAPS NCAPXT-2 Conversion|to UPPERCASE NCAPXT-2 Conversions (see HEX/char conversions) $USERS-1 @SMALLS, Convert text to mixed case ART009-1 Conversions to dec, hex, char NCAPXT-2 COPIES(copies) @RESQ-1 Copy (C), Edit Line Command ART009-1 (CC), Block line Command ART009-1 Duplicate file or member $USERS-1 Interleaved COPY facility @DATE-1 create or reformat a vertical list REPEATNX1 Creating INDEX (.PI) entries from scratch MACMAC-1 current date CURSOR PF Key-12 EDITOR-1, REXX-2 PF Key-13 EDITOR-1, REXX-2 PF Key-14 EDITOR-1, REXX-2 PF Key-16 EDITOR-1, REXX-2 select dsname/member at cursor in edit NCAPXT-2 setting location NCAPXT-1 CUT and PASTE lines @TSOXD-1 CUT and PASTE REXX-1 CUT, APPEND, and PASTE clists, work only in EDIT. A REXX-1 CUT and PASTE append option REXX-1 D D @RESQ-1 DASD Free Space QW - MVS/Quick-Ref PROC-1 datasets allocated @SPELLS-1 DATE option of @DIR EDCHEK-1 Date conversion edit macro EDCHEK-1 date range option of @DIR EDCHEK-1 date/time clists and macros REXX-1 DCFBOX REXX-1 commnet and box HEXSHOW-1 DCFMSGS Merge in @SCRIPT error messages to orig. lines COLSUM-1 show DCF error msgs REXX-1 ddname reallocate PROC-1 DDNAME session information $USERS-1 default fonts @RESQ-1 Define GDG EDCHEK-1 definition deletion of unwanted lines PDF edit ART009-1 DESKCALC, Desk Calculator $USERS-1 DEST(dest) @RESQ-1 DEV(device) for SCRIPT command @RESQ-1 DEVICE option @RESQ-1 DEVICE(type) @RESQ-1 DH2MM SCRIPT see/use DV2MM COLSUM-1 Dialog Error intercept NCAPXB-1 dictionary DIRECT @RESQ-1 Directory Network Phone LISTDD-1 PDS @SCRIPT-1 Display edit lines (see NX and X) DO NCAPXT-2 DO and END Check NESTING of HEXSHOW-1 DOC @RESQ-1 documentation aids NCAPXT-2 available REXX-1 BOOKREAD on-line $USERS-1 Documentation aids REXX-1 documents See elements of a document DOWN @RESQ-1 PF Key-8 EDITOR-1, REXX-2 DROPCAP @RESQ-1 DSLIST about, and additional information NCAPXT-2 clist, command use within @SCRIPT-1 invoked with %$BROWSE UNGML-1 invoked with %$EDIT UNGML-1 dsname member browsed by PDSDD NETWORK-1 dsname³@DSNQ, edit command supplies quoted dsname and invokes command NCAPXT-2 dsnames updating clists @SPELLS-1 .du add and .du del created by @SCRPTDU @RESQ-1 reformatted COLSUM-1 DUADD reformat ".du add " COLSUM-1 DUADDC support CLIST for DUADD COLSUM-1 DUADDX support macro for DUADD COLSUM-1 DUPLEX(duplex) @RESQ-1 Duplicate|CHECKDUP checks for repeated word @TSOXD-1 DV2MM Convert DV to MM, SCRIPT COLSUM-1 E edchek PF Key-22 EDITOR-1, REXX-2 EDIT @RESQ-1 See also PDF edit a dataset from any ISPF panel UNGML-1 dsname/member at cursor in edit, SYSDSN NCAPXT-2 generating change cards for ISPF EDIT TLMSUSER1 mask wrapped around text @DATE-1 option of @DIR EDCHEK-1 sysdsn PF Key-19 EDITOR-1, REXX-2 EDIT command FLIP nx and x lines REXX-1 reiteration of (using &) ART009-1 Edit commands UNDO, SETUNDO and recovery REXX-1 EDIT commands (ISPF), TE - text entry ART009-1 TF - text flow ART009-1 TS - text split ART009-1 edit macro use within DSLIST @SCRIPT-1 edit macro, command use within³DSLIST @SCRIPT-1 edit macros see macro -- EDIT (PDF EDIT macro) EDIT member currently displayed , PRINTOFF of @DATE-1 TRANSMIT of @TSOXD-1 EDITCHEK precheck SCRIPT/VS document COLSUM-1 EDITLL Check line length problems COLSUM-1 editmem PF Key-20 EDITOR-1, REXX-2 EDITOL Nesting check of list GML tags COLSUM-1 precheck nesting of lists (:ol, :sl, etc.) COLSUM-1 EDITOR Additional information to that at the beginning of this article REXX-1 Introduction to the PDF editor 1 EDITOR variables TLMSUSER1, NCAPXB-1 EDITPAGE Determines if page printing considerations should be added COLSUM-1 EDITPR GML tag check for correct pairing COLSUM-1 EDITPS Page start CW checked EDITPAGE1 elements of a document END PF Key-3 EDITOR-1, REXX-2 Error Dialog in CLISTS NCAPXB-1 Routines in CLISTS NCAPXB-1 error handling @RESQ-1 EXCLUDE lines from display in EDIT NCAPXT-2 EXECIO NCAPXT-1 REXX examples NCAPXT-1 Execute TSO (clists) TSOTRAP TLMSUSER1 EXIT CODE(12) NCAPXT-2 F FCB(fcb) @RESQ-1 FDR QW - MVS/Quick-Ref PROC-1 feature EDIT (PDF EDIT features) TABBING EDITOR-1 TSO (features) TABBING EDITOR-1 FED1040 sample REXX for 1040 calculations EDITPAGE1 Spreadsheet, as in taxes EDITPAGE1 FEVERY FIND EVERY EDITPAGE1 FIND(nn) option of @DIR select if membername in list at COL(nn) EDCHEK-1 FIXJCL align JCL REXX-1 align JCL macro REXX-1 realign JCL EDITPAGE1 FIXPI @SCRIPT .PI entries standardized EDITPAGE1 FIXQUOTE @RESQ-1 Changes occurrences of double quotes to FIXPI-1 FLIP NX and X line display with NXNX MACMAC-1 nx and x lines REXX-1 reverse X/NX status FIXPI-1 FLIPFLOP Reverse the cards vertically between two labels FIXPI-1 FLOC Find LOCate FIXPI-1 FLOW lines of text FIXPI-1 Flow(TF), Edit Line Command ART009-1 font requirements page printers @RESQ-1 FONTLIB option @RESQ-1 FONTLIB(libname) @RESQ-1 fonts, default @RESQ-1 fonts, page printers @RESQ-1 FORMDEF(formdef) @RESQ-1 FOUND() option of @DIR @DATE-1 FP(fp) format passes @RESQ-1 FPASSES option @RESQ-1 FPASSES(n) @RESQ-1 FROM(member) option of @DIR lower limit of membername range EDCHEK-1 G G-003 see CLIST GDG add one to level number $USERS-1 AMS Define EDCHEK-1 Reset LIMIT(xx) using @AMSRCAT EDCHEK-1 GDGNEW Copy sequential to GDG dataset $USERS-1 Generalized Markup Language See also GML starter set DSMPROF4, profile provided with @RESQ-1 Generation Data Group see also GDG EDCHEK-1 Global Changes PDS lots of via ISPF clist TLMSUSER1 GML See also Generalized Markup Language list GML tags, EDITOL -- Nesting check COLSUM-1 Wrap word or single/double quoted text within GML tags FIXPI-1 GMLTP|Create tags between tabs FIXPI-1 GMLTP|place tags between tabs @RESQ-1 GOTO NCAPXT-2 group sort of lines REPEATNX1 GROUPID @RESQ-1 GT12 @RESQ-1 GT15 @RESQ-1 H H @RESQ-1 Help for clists NETWORK-1 Information for OBC macros and clists NCAPXT-2 PDF edit ART009-1 PF Key-1 EDITOR-1, REXX-2 HELVETICA @RESQ-1 hex %include for PLI display REXX-1 conversions in REFORMAT PLIDCLS-1 display, conversions in batch pgms REXX-1 edit primary command REXX-1 PLI language usage REXX-1 Rexx language usage REXX-1 usage, interpretation REXX-1 HEXES Hex conversion of text FIXPI-1 macro replace hex coding with char REXX-1 HEXSHOW macro interpret hex coding REXX-1 show as characters (unconvert hex) FIXPI-1 HEXUS char/HEX conversions $USERS-1 HEX/char conversions $USERS-1 interactive hex conversion REXX-1 highlighting text horizontal list reformatted REPEATNX1 I I @RESQ-1 Insert, Edit Line Command ART009-1 IDATA @RESQ-1 IDREDIT PDF edit commands TLMSUSER1 IMACRO Invalid usage within EDCHEK-1 IMS Status Codes QW - MVS/Quick-Ref PROC-1 INDEX @RESQ-1 .Create .PI entries for SCRIPT from NX lines MACMAC-1 Creating .PI entries from scratch MACMAC-1 list maintaining list of members in SORTEM-1 option of @DIR EDCHEK-1 PINXDOIT make up .PI entries from scratch MACMAC-1 Realistic entries MACMAC-1 Index creation FOR SCRIPT DOCUMENTS MACMAC-1 Index for GDG see GDG EDCHEK-1 INDEX option @RESQ-1 INDEX(string) option of @DIR EDCHEK-1 INFOHELP sample $USERS-1 initial-value @RESQ-1 INPUT(inputdsn) @RESQ-1 Insert (I), Edit Line Command ART009-1 insert word/tag/token(s) FIXPI-1 Interleaved COPY facility @DATE-1 INVERT order of lines between labels HEXSHOW-1 IOF Interactive Output Facility $USERS-1 IOFIOF clist invokes IOF $USERS-1 ISPF usage, batch NCAPXT-2 ISPF 3.5 changes REXX-1 ITALIC @RESQ-1 J JCL checking, !EDCHEK printed copy REXX-1 fix alignments REXX-1 QW - MVS/Quick-Ref PROC-1 JCL created by @SLCT, brings in JCL for Selective SEARCH/PRINT of a PDS @SCRIPT-1 @SLCTDSX, brings in JCL for Selective DSN XREF of a PDS, proc=SLCTPDS @SCRIPT-1 JCL proc AMSCLUST REXX-1 JCLBOX REXX-1 box JCL comments REXX-1 commnet and box HEXSHOW-1 JOBCARD create a jobcard at beginning of JCL HEXSHOW-1 Join(TJ), Edit Line Command ART009-1 K keyboard PFK - Program Function Keys EDITOR-1, REXX-2 KILL abbreviated form HEXSHOW-1 L L Landscape @RESQ-1 Label lines displayed (NX) in range MACMAC-1 LABEL and LABEL RANGE ART009-1 PDF edit ART009-1 LABELS in edit, exclude/display use of NCAPXT-2 PDF edit 1 LABNX label non-excluded lines REXX-1 Label the NX (displayed) lines REXX-1 LABNX Label all NX lines included or included between two labels HEXSHOW-1 Landscape³orientation NCAPXT-2 LCFIX fix up peoples names with additional capitals as required REXX-1 Lower Case Fix HEXSHOW-1 Used in USERSDCF and phone lists HEXSHOW-1 LD See LISTDSD LEFT @RESQ-1 See also shift PF Key-10 EDITOR-1, REXX-2 LEFT@ Align text to left boundary HEXSHOW-1 remove leading blanks or left align some character REXX-1 LIB option of @DIR EDCHEK-1 LIB(name) @RESQ-1 LIB(name) option @RESQ-1 LIBDEF NCAPXB-1 Library Management routines see Appendix A TLMSUSER1 Line commands PDF edit ART009-1 within PDF EDIT ART009-1 line groupings TAGX, tags for SORTEM-1 line length LL(ll) @RESQ-1 LINECT(linect) @RESQ-1 LIST option of @DIR select from pre-sorted list EDCHEK-1 LIST(nn) option of @DIR select from pre-sorted list EDCHEK-1 LISTALC @SPELLS-1 LISTALC STA used by PDSDD NETWORK-1 LISTBC³list the broadcast dataset. REXX-1 LISTCAT LVL(xx) used within @AMSRCAT EDCHEK-1 LISTCAT³list your files found in catalog. REXX-1 LISTDD session information $USERS-1 LISTDD SYSPRINT³list ddnames restricted to SYSPRINT allocated to you. REXX-1 LISTDD³list all the ddnames of datasets allocated to you. REXX-1 LISTDS³list dataset information for your xxxx.LIBR.CNTL dataset. REXX-1 LISTDSD RACF command $USERS-1 LISTDSI Information NCAPXT-1 Listing PDS @SCRIPT-1 LISTMEM See @DIR LISTRP List RACF protection LISTDD-1 LISTRP³List RACF Protection for each of your own files. REXX-1 lists LL(ll) line length @RESQ-1 LM see Library Management routines LMCLOSE NCAPXT-1 LMFREE NCAPXT-1 LMINIT NCAPXT-1 LMMFIND NCAPXT-1 LMMSTATS NCAPXT-1 LMOPEN NCAPXT-1 LMOPEN+ NCAPXT-1 LOG Transmit and Receive, TSO and VM TLMSUSER1 logical device, specifying @RESQ-1 lptr-range NCAPXA-1, NCAPXB-1 PDF edit ART009-1 M M Modification @RESQ-1 Move, Edit Line Command ART009-1 MACMAC Invoke EDIT with preset (additional) ISREDIT commands HEXSHOW-1 macro DCFMSGS for DCF errors REXX-1 EDIT (PDF EDIT macros) @AMSRCAT (redefine GDG) EDCHEK-1 @C (Capitalize word-list) EDCHEK-1 @COMPARE (compare to another DSN/member) EDCHEK-1 @DATE (conversion, display) EDCHEK-1 @DIR (Directory macro with many options) EDCHEK-1 @EDITMSK (DCF edit mask) @DATE-1 @ICOPY (Interleaved COPY) @DATE-1 @PRINT (print member in edit) @DATE-1 @PRINTNX (Print NX lines, show labels) @DATE-1 @RESQ (Compare two files) @DATE-1 @RESQ (Compare two files)|||(see @COMPARE) @DATE-1 @SCRIPT (macro for SCRIPT/VS, DCF, BookMaster) @DATE-1 @SCRPTDU (Create .DU ADD / DEL) @RESQ-1 @SEARCH4 (SearchFor macro interface) @SCRIPT-1 @SEQ (Add sequential numbers in a column) @SCRIPT-1 @SLCT (Create JCL for proc=SLCTTSO) @SCRIPT-1 @SLCTDSX (Create JCL for PDS XREF, proc=SLCTPDS) @SCRIPT-1 @SMALLS (convert to lowercase) @SCRIPT-1 @SPELLS (spelling check) @SCRIPT-1 @STRAP (trap PUTLINE, SAY, WRITE statements) @SCRIPT-1 @STRAPD (create set of dsnames from LISTALC STA) @SPELLS-1 @STRAPE (trap write statements, add to end of member/file) @SPELLS-1 @STRAPQ (trap PUTLINE, SAY, WRITE statements) @SCRIPT-1 @TPP (Create .TP entries base on ª char) @SPELLS-1 @TSO (invoke TSO command from EDIT) @SPELLS-1 @TSOX (invoke TSO-clist from sys1.tsoclist) @SPELLS-1 @TSOXD (executes current display as a TSO clist) @SPELLS-1 @VP (interface to VPSPRINT for printing) @SPELLS-1 @XMIT (transmit for member in edit) @TSOXD-1 #MAKEMAC (create REXX macro from edit commands) PFKEYS-1 ALIGNJCL (use FIXJCL instead) @TSOXD-1 ALIGNTAB (ª to spec. col. uses cc-range) @TSOXD-1 APPEND (for CUT/PASTE lines) @TSOXD-1 BIGS (create LARGE block letters) @TSOXD-1 CHECKDUP (check for repeated word) @TSOXD-1 COLSUM (Calc. sum of spec column, nx, label-range, cc-range) @TSOXD-1 CUT (and PASTE lines) @TSOXD-1 DCFMSGS (merge DCF error msgs to original) COLSUM-1 DUADD create .du add COLSUM-1 DUADDC COLSUM-1 DUADDX COLSUM-1 DV2MM convert DCF space units of DV and DH to MM COLSUM-1 EDITCHEK (precheck SCRIPT/VS document) COLSUM-1 EDITLL COLSUM-1 EDITOL (precheck list GML tags) COLSUM-1 EDITPAGE (check need for page printing considerations) COLSUM-1 EDITPR (check GML tag set for pairings) COLSUM-1 EDITPS (ck page started) EDITPAGE1 FED1040 EDITPAGE1 FEVERY (find every) EDITPAGE1 FIXJCL (Align JCL) EDITPAGE1 FIXPI (fix .pi) EDITPAGE1 FIXQUOTE (create :q/:eq) FIXPI-1 FLIP (FLIP command) FIXPI-1 FLIPFLOP (reverse order between labels) FIXPI-1 FLOC FIXPI-1 FLOW (text) FIXPI-1 GML (create/remove gml tags) FIXPI-1 GMLTP (create tags between tabs) FIXPI-1 HEXES (convert text to hex) FIXPI-1 HEXSHOW (note as chars) FIXPI-1 INSERT (word/tag/tokens) FIXPI-1 INVERT (order of lines) HEXSHOW-1 JCLBOX (box) HEXSHOW-1 JOBCARD (create) HEXSHOW-1 KILL (member) HEXSHOW-1 LABNX (label NX lines) HEXSHOW-1 LCFIX (lowercase fix) HEXSHOW-1 LEFT@ (align left boundary) HEXSHOW-1 MACMAC, invoke additional edit commands/clists HEXSHOW-1 NESTCHK (check nesting of DO and END) HEXSHOW-1 NOTENX (note all NX datalines) MACMAC-1 NOTENX (note NX lines) PLIDCLS-1 NXNX (display before/after NX lines) MACMAC-1 PASTE (previously CUT lines) @TSOXD-1 PATTERN MACMAC-1 PERIOD (2 spaces after) MACMAC-1 PINX (Create .PI from NX lines) MACMAC-1 PINXDOIT (.pi from scratch) MACMAC-1 PIR (.pi rotate) MACMAC-1 PLICHK (PLI check) MACMAC-1 PLIDCLS (list DCL in dcl order, from list) MACMAC-1 PROPER (capitalize words) MACMAC-1 QHELP@ (support QHELP) PLIDCLS-1 R (old retain/recall) PLIDCLS-1 REFORMAT (columns, char/hex/unhex) PLIDCLS-1 REMBLANK (remove blank columns) PLIDCLS-1 REMDUPS (remove duplicate lines) PLIDCLS-1 REPEATNX (repeat NX lines) PLIDCLS-1 SCLIST72 (split clist lines) PLIDCLS-1 Page ART008-1 SCOPY (obsolete) REPEATNX1 SCRIPTPS (DCF Create/print PostScript) @RESQ-1, REPEATNX1 SHIFT (left/right) REPEATNX1 SHIFTNX (shift text left/right) REPEATNX1 SORTCR (Sort column and row) REPEATNX1 SORTEM (sort names horiz.) REPEATNX1 SORTG (sort groups by NX headers) REPEATNX1 SPELL (spelling check) SORTEM-1 SUBMITIT (submit and cancel) SORTEM-1 TAGX (place tags before and after x or nx groups) SORTEM-1 TECHPS (Print file, or NX lines to PostScript) SORTEM-1 UNGML (Create GML tags from non-gml text, or reverse process) SORTEM-1 USERSDCF (generate Bldg-O user list) SORTEM-1 WORDS (word counts) UNGML-1 XEVERY (exclude multiple strings/line) UNGML-1 in %$EDIT UNGML-1 TSO (macros) FED1040 EDITPAGE1 MACRO(macro) @RESQ-1 option of @DIR EDCHEK-1 manuals IBM Reference NCAPXT-2 in SYSTECH library LISTDD-1 SC34-4018 1 MASK option of @DIR EDCHEK-1 MD and MDD, make data (demo) REXX-1 member browsed by PDSDD NETWORK-1 Membername selection, *, % REXX-1 message set a, within a CLIST NCAPXT-1 MESSAGE option @RESQ-1 MESSAGE(DELAY) @RESQ-1 Messages use of TSO/E NICKNAME LISTDD-1 use of TSO/E RECEIVE PROC-1 use of TSO/E TRANSMIT STATUS-2 Messages/Codes CICS QW - MVS/Quick-Ref PROC-1 MVS QW - MVS/Quick-Ref PROC-1 MIDILIST see also $MIDI, see also $MIDITL Miscellaneous TLMSUSER1 MM Move, Block line Commands ART009-1 mm/dd/yy date range option of @DIR EDCHEK-1 MODELC members in TSOMODEL.PUBLIC.CNTL LISTDD-1 MODELL members in TSOMODEL.PUBLIC.node3 LISTDD-1 MODELT members in TSOMODEL.PUBLIC.TEXT LISTDD-1 Move (M), Edit Line Command ART009-1 (MM), Block line Command ART009-1 MVS QW - MVS/Quick-Ref PROC-1 N NCMISC Micscelleous TLMSUSER1 NESTCHK Checking NESTING of DO and END HEXSHOW-1 NETLOG Send and Receive LOG on VM TLMSUSER1 Network Phone Directory LISTDD-1 NETWORK³displays telephone directory information REXX-1 NEWJCL see @DIR PATTERN() EDCHEK-1 NICKNAME (XMIT) datasets and/or messages LISTDD-1 nn @RESQ-1 NO @RESQ-1 NOFCB @RESQ-1 NOPRINT @RESQ-1 NOPROCESS range option @DATE-1 NOSEGLIB @RESQ-1 NOSEGLIB option @RESQ-1 NOTENX PLIDCLS-1 Note all NX datalines MACMAC-1 NX NX lines to X, and X lines to NX MACMAC-1 option of @DIR @DATE-1 NX/X FLIP, reverse status FIXPI-1 NXNX display lines above/below NX lines REXX-1 Display lines BEFORE and/or AFTER and/or labels MACMAC-1 redisplay X lines BEFORE AFTER currently displayed lines REXX-1 O OFFSET @RESQ-1 ONE @RESQ-1 options BIND @RESQ-1 CHARS @RESQ-1 CONTINUE @RESQ-1 DEVICE @RESQ-1 FONTLIB @RESQ-1 FPASSES @RESQ-1 INDEX @RESQ-1 LIB(name) @RESQ-1 MESSAGE @RESQ-1 NOSEGLIB @RESQ-1 PAGE @RESQ-1 PRINT @RESQ-1 PROFILE @RESQ-1 SPELLCHK @RESQ-1 SYSVAR @RESQ-1 TWOPASS @RESQ-1 output destination, specifying @RESQ-1 P P @RESQ-1 Hex Calculator NETWORK-1 interactive calculator for hex conversions REXX-1 Portrait @RESQ-1 PAGE @RESQ-1 PAGE option @RESQ-1 page printer font requirements @RESQ-1 page printer fonts @RESQ-1 Page Printing Considerations EDITCHEK preliminary check COLSUM-1 EDITOL examine lists COLSUM-1 EDITPAGE determination COLSUM-1 FIXPI standarize lettering EDITPAGE1 FIXQUOTE double quotes FIXPI-1 PERIOD double space check MACMAC-1 PINX Create .PI from NX lines MACMAC-1 PINXDOIT .PI entries from scratch MACMAC-1 PIR rotation/creation of .PI MACMAC-1 PLICHK check of quotes, etc. COLSUM-1, MACMAC-1 Printing via @PRINT @DATE-1 via SCRIPT @DATE-1, @RESQ-1, REPEATNX1 SHIFTNX, shift NX right or left REPEATNX1 PAGEDEF(pagedef) @RESQ-1 PANEL in %$EDIT UNGML-1 PANELS Browse several panel libraries NETWORK-1 Converting Printed panels to text NETWORK-1 Partitioned dataset display NETWORK-1 Partitioned dataset display NETWORK-1 PASTE previously CUT lines @TSOXD-1 Pattern abbreviated form MACMAC-1 dsname -- %$BROWSE UNGML-1 dsname -- %$edit UNGML-1 dsname -- %EDIT UNGML-1 Use of, within @ICOPY @DATE-1 PATTERN() option of @DIR example @DATE-1 Option of @DIR copies pattern from same library as in edit EDCHEK-1 PCALC, TSO Interactive Calculator NETWORK-1 PDF edit Block Line commands ART009-1 Bounds ART009-1 deletion of unwanted lines ART009-1 features 1 Help and Help panels ART009-1 LABEL and LABEL RANGE ART009-1 LABELS 1 Line commands ART009-1 lptr-range ART009-1 PICTURE strings ART009-1 Profile ART009-1 Text editing ART009-1 PDS Directory @SCRIPT-1 Global Changes lots of via ISPF clist TLMSUSER1 Listing @SCRIPT-1 PDSDD Partitioned dataset display -- CLIST PANELS PROC NETWORK-1 PERIOD Check end of sentence period MACMAC-1 PF 4 :ts ART009-1 PF Key values 1 HELP EDITOR-1, REXX-2 10 LEFT EDITOR-1, REXX-2 11 RIGHT EDITOR-1, REXX-2 12 CURSOR EDITOR-1, REXX-2 13 PIR AT EDITOR-1, REXX-2 13 PIR S (swap) EDITOR-1, REXX-2 14 PIR (rotate) EDITOR-1, REXX-2 17 sysdsn EDITOR-1, REXX-2 17 sysdsn browse EDITOR-1, REXX-2 19 sysdsn EDIT EDITOR-1, REXX-2 2 SPLIT EDITOR-1, REXX-2 20 editmem EDITOR-1, REXX-2 21 sysdsn dslist EDITOR-1, REXX-2 22 !edchek EDITOR-1, REXX-2 24 RETRIEVE EDITOR-1, REXX-2 3 END EDITOR-1, REXX-2 4 :ts EDITOR-1, REXX-2 4 RETURN EDITOR-1, REXX-2 5 RFIND EDITOR-1, REXX-2 6 RCHANGE EDITOR-1, REXX-2 7 UP EDITOR-1, REXX-2 8 DOWN EDITOR-1, REXX-2 9 SWAP EDITOR-1, REXX-2 PF keys See PFK PFK EDITOR-1, REXX-2 See also PF General information EDITOR-1, REXX-2 Program Function Keys ART009-1, REXX-2 setting ART009-1, REXX-2 show keys at bottom NCAPXT-1 usage in clist NCAPXT-1 PGM=IZ2026 Char hex dump of any file REXX-1 PGM=IZ2035 Record Reformat REXX-1 Phone Directory NETWORK LISTDD-1 .PI .Create .PI entries from NX lines MACMAC-1 entries, creating from scratch MACMAC-1 PICTURE strings PDF edit ART009-1 PINX .Create .PI entries from NX lines MACMAC-1 PINXDOIT make up .PI entries from scratch MACMAC-1 PIR|macro for SCRIPT .PI creation/rotation MACMAC-1 PLI DO and END nesting check HEXSHOW-1 PLICHK see also NESTCHK, QCHK HEXSHOW-1 PLICHK Check for unmatched MACMAC-1 PLIDCLS PLI declares, in use in the order declared MACMAC-1 POINT(point) @RESQ-1 Portrait³orientation NCAPXT-2 PostScript PostScript³Create, document using SCRIPT/VS @RESQ-1, REPEATNX1 Power Typing Text Enter(TE), Edit line Command, ART009-1 power usage|RETRIEVE ART009-1 prefix usage in clist NCAPXT-1 Print @RESQ-1 @PRINT, PRINTOFF @DATE-1 @VP, VPSPRINT @SPELLS-1 PRINT option @RESQ-1 print what you see while in EDIT @PRINTNX REXX-1 PRINTOFF for member currently displayed in EDIT @DATE-1 PROC Browse several procedure libraries NETWORK-1 Partitioned dataset display NETWORK-1 Procedure Calling a subprocedure NCAPXT-1 Profile PDF edit ART009-1 PROFILE option @RESQ-1 PROFILE(name) @RESQ-1 PROFS(profs) @RESQ-1 PROPER capitalize additional words after @SMALLS REXX-1 capitalize proper words REXX-1 capitalize words MACMAC-1 PSC element PUTLINE macro, SYSOUTTRAP @SCRIPT-1 Q Q Quick @RESQ-1 Quick Entry Into Panel Display NETWORK-1 QHELP TSO HELP viewed in EDIT PROC-1 QHELP@ support macro for QHELP PLIDCLS-1 query EDITOR and CLIST variables TLMSUSER1, NCAPXB-1 QuickRef see also QW REXX-1 Quotes use in clists NCAPXT-1 QW entry into MVS/QuickRef REXX-1 m=IBM* quick entry to messages beginning with IBM REXX-1 m=s0c4 quick entry to abend S0C4 information REXX-1 MVS/Quick-Ref PROC-1 R= quick entry REXX information REXX-1 search QW files REXX-1 QW U=*=jobclass requests x-topic search of user database (1,2,3,4, and D) for jobclass REXX-1 R R @RESQ-1 Repeat, Edit Line Command ART009-1 Retain / Recall PLIDCLS-1 RACF check issued by PDSDD NETWORK-1 check, protection with LISTRP $USERS-1 RCHANGE PF Key-6 EDITOR-1, REXX-2 READ from terminal NCAPXT-1 Realistic INDEX entries MACMAC-1 REALLOC Reallocate ddname according to profile PROC-1 Reallocate ddname according to profile PROC-1 Recall See R RECALL convention for TSO commands @SPELLS-1 RECEIVE (XMIT) datasets and/or messages PROC-1 files, and TRANSMIT, TSO TLMSUSER1 RECS() option of @DIR @DATE-1 Redefine GDG EDCHEK-1 REFORMAT create, or add text REXX-1 example @SCRIPT-1 move columns around. REXX-1 move columns around (Newsletter feature article) REXX-1 of columns within PDF EDIT PLIDCLS-1 REFORMAT macro REXX-1 reformat of .du add COLSUM-1 reformat of horizontal list REPEATNX1 reformat or create a vertical list REPEATNX1 reiterative & used with EDIT command ART009-1 REMBLANK Remove blank columns PLIDCLS-1 remove blank lines REXX-1 REMDUPS duplicate line removal PLIDCLS-1 example @SCRIPT-1 remove duplicate lines REXX-1 remove duplicate lines (demo) REXX-1 Repeat See also Retrieve (R), Edit Line Command ART009-1 (RR), Block line Command ART009-1 Repeated|CHECKDUP checks for repeated word @TSOXD-1 REPEATNX Repeat NX lines PLIDCLS-1 repeats all NX (displayed) lines, for modification REXX-1 RESET ART009-1 is used to reset excluded lines and to eliminate special REXX-1 response received from terminal NCAPXT-1 Retain See R RETRIEVE See also Repeat PF Key-24 EDITOR-1, REXX-2 Retrieve last command ART009-1 RETURN PF Key-4 EDITOR-1, REXX-2 REVIEW @RESQ-1 REXX parse dsn from DSLIST line @SCRIPT-1 QW - MVS/Quick-Ref PROC-1 REXX -- conversions from CLIST language NCAPXT-2 REXX execute EDIT (PDF EDIT REXX executes) QHELP PROC-1 TSO (REXX executes) GDGNEW $USERS-1 REXX|Information NCAPXT-2 REXXBOX REXX-1 box REXX comments REXX-1 commnet and box HEXSHOW-1 RFIND PF Key-5 EDITOR-1, REXX-2 RIGHT @RESQ-1 See also shift PF Key-11 EDITOR-1, REXX-2 RR Repeat, Block line Commands ART009-1 S S @RESQ-1 Sample of CLISTS for changing an entire PDS TLMSUSER1 SANS @RESQ-1 SAS DO and END nesting check HEXSHOW-1 save|@SAVE, saves member if changed NCAPXT-2 say statements in REXX execute trapped @SCRIPT-1 say statements trapped by edit macro @SCRIPT-1 SCLIST72 Split CLIST so col 72 and beyond is not used PLIDCLS-1 SCLIST72, Shorten Clists to LRECL=80 format PLIDCLS-1 SCOPY abbreviated form REPEATNX1 MACRO to help convert PROC=COPY to PROC=SCOPY usage REPEATNX1 SCRIPT review simulated output at terminal @DATE-1 SCRIPT the document currently in EDIT @DATE-1 SCRIPT command issuing SCRIPT/VS symbols SCRIPTPS DCF create/print a PostScript document @RESQ-1, REPEATNX1 Scrolling via PF keys EDITOR-1, REXX-2 SEARCH See also SearchFor under SuperCE link (load) libraries STATUS-2 membername, of afp, clist, loadmod, panels, proc NETWORK-1 PDS library NCAPXT-2 qualify data strings STATUS-2 RACF command $USERS-1 SearchFor Batch JCL STATUS-2 SEARCH =R LENGTH QW Search REXX-1 Search PDS, from member (%SEARCH4 macro) @SCRIPT-1 SEARCH4 fastpath into SearchFor @SCRIPT-1 select dsname at cursor in edit, SYSDSN NCAPXT-2 membername at cursor in edit, EDITMEM NCAPXT-2 SETMSG NCAPXT-1 SHIFT Shift Text Right or Left REPEATNX1 Shift case @SMALLS, Convert to conventional text ART009-1 Capitalize First Letter of Each Word ART009-1 lastname corrections HEXSHOW-1 LC, Lowercase ART009-1 to lowercase via P'<' ART009-1 UC, Uppercase ART009-1 Shift Line Line Command Left ( ART009-1 Right ) ART009-1 Shift Text Line Command Left < ART009-1 Right > ART009-1 SHIFTNX SHIFT NX text right or left REPEATNX1 SLCTTSO JCL list PDS directory/members @SCRIPT-1 SONORAN @RESQ-1 SORT groups of lines REPEATNX1 of columns within PDF EDIT REPEATNX1 SORTCR create vertical list (column and row) REPEATNX1 sort column and row REXX-1 SORTEM create sorted list horiz. REPEATNX1 sort word list into rows and columns REXX-1 SORTG in conbination with @DIR SORTEM-1 Sort Groupings of Data within PDF edit by NX headers REPEATNX1 sort groups REXX-1 Sorting SORT, SORTCR, SORTEM, SORTG REXX-1 Sorting data in edit sort, sortcr, sortem, sortg REXX-1 source document SPELL Checking spelling of anything in EDIT, data need not be saved. Invokes SCRIPT. REXX-1 macro checks spelling REXX-1 spelling checker SORTEM-1 SPELLCHK @RESQ-1 SPELLCHK option @RESQ-1 SPLIT PF Key-2 EDITOR-1, REXX-2 Shorten Clists to LRECL=80 format PLIDCLS-1 text split (TS) PF Key-4 EDITOR-1, REXX-2 Split Line See Text Split(TS) Split(TS), Edit Line Command ART009-1 Spreadsheet FED1040 as in taxes EDITPAGE1 Stacking PF key, command EDITOR-1, REXX-2 statistics available in EDIT @DATE-1 steplib libdef ISPPLIB NCAPXB-1 STOP @RESQ-1 Strip trailing blanks in REFORMAT PLIDCLS-1 structural elements STYLE(style) @RESQ-1 SUBMITIT Submit job displayed in PDF edit followed by PDF edit CANCEL SORTEM-1 Subprocedure within clist NCAPXT-1 SuperC See also @COMPARE Comparison utility PROC-1 in a clist STATUS-2 Load library, search of STATUS-2 SuperCE Additional Notes STATUS-2 Browse Listing STATUS-1 Byte Compare Process Options STATUS-1 Catalog Procedure STATUS-2 Clist Mode STATUS-2 Compare Process Options STATUS-1 Compare Type STATUS-1 Editing Process Statements STATUS-1 Extended SearchFor Overview STATUS-1 File Compare Process Options STATUS-1 Functions PROC-1, STATUS-2 Line Compare Process Options STATUS-1 Listing Data Set STATUS-1 Listing Type STATUS-1 Managing Profiles STATUS-1 NonISPF Modes STATUS-2 Output Listings STATUS-1 Overview PROC-1 PROC Batch Jobs STATUS-2 Process Options STATUS-1 Process Statements STATUS-1 Process Statements Data Set STATUS-1 Return Codes STATUS-1 SearchFor @SEARCH4 and related clists @SCRIPT-1 Overview, Extended STATUS-1 Statements dataset STATUS-1 Utility STATUS-1 Submit Batch Jobs STATUS-2 Word Compare Process Options STATUS-1 SUPPRESS option of @DIR EDCHEK-1 SWAP PF Key-9 EDITOR-1, REXX-2 Symbolic Variables NCAPXB-1, NCAPXT-1 symbols See SCRIPT/VS, symbols sysdsn and related clists, also see @DSNQ NCAPXT-2 PF Key-17 EDITOR-1, REXX-2 sysdsn|browse PF Key-17 EDITOR-1, REXX-2 sysdsn|dslist PF Key-21 EDITOR-1, REXX-2 sysdsn|edit PF Key-19 EDITOR-1, REXX-2 SYSOUTTRAP NCAPXT-2 example of use PROC-1 SYSPREF and SYSUID NCAPXT-1 SYSTECH destination @RESQ-1 SYSTECHL @RESQ-1 SYSTECHP @RESQ-1 SYSUID and SYSPREF NCAPXT-1 SYSVAR additions @RESQ-1 additons via @SCRIPT @RESQ-1 SYSVAR option @RESQ-1 D (duplex) @RESQ-1 H (head numbering) @RESQ-1 I (drop cap) @RESQ-1 M (modification name, or PL) @RESQ-1 P (process) @RESQ-1 R (read) @RESQ-1 S (style) @RESQ-1 T (title page printing) @RESQ-1 W (write) @RESQ-1 X (cross-referencing) @RESQ-1 SYSVAR(x value) @RESQ-1 T T @RESQ-1 tabbing Information on tabbing REXX-1 software/hardware EDITOR-1 table rotate TAGX create tags before and after x or nx groups SORTEM-1 place tags before and after lines (demo) REXX-1 Places TAGS around x/nx text blocks @RESQ-1 TE Text Enter, Edit line Command, power typing ART009-1 Techniques special, for special situations NCAPXT-1 TECHPS Print NX lines showing labels SORTEM-1 terminal response NCAPXT-1 TESTS available with macro clists NCAPXB-1 Text Capitalize Each First Letter ART009-1 Flow(TF), Edit Line Command ART009-1 Join(TJ), Edit Line Command (SPF/PC) ART009-1 TEXT editing ART009-1 Text Enter (TE), Edit line Command, power typing ART009-1 Text Flow (TF), Edit line Command ART009-1 Text Split ART009-1 (TS), Edit line Command ART009-1 PF Key-4 EDITOR-1, REXX-2 TF Text Flow, Edit line Command ART009-1 TIME³display the time, also @TIME REXX-1 TLMSUSER, TLMS invoked for inquiry STATUS-2 TLMSUSR (see TLMSUSER) TO(member) option of @DIR upper limit of membername range EDCHEK-1 TP entries created from ª char @SPELLS-1 TPUT not useable by SYSOUTTRAP @SCRIPT-1 translate uppercase text to lower case @SCRIPT-1 TRANSMIT (XMIT) datasets and/or messages STATUS-2 files, and RECEIVE, TSO TLMSUSER1 the member currently displayed in EDIT using @XMIT @TSOXD-1 trap SYSOUT lines, SYSOUTTRAP PROC-1 TSOTRAP, messages from commands/clists REXX-2 trap clist write statements @SPELLS-1 trap clist write, and rexx SAY statements @SCRIPT-1 Trapping lines REXX-1 Troublesome aspects of CLISTS, solving NCAPXT-1 TS Text Split, Edit line Command ART009-1 TSO @RESQ-1 session information ddname $USERS-1 dsname $USERS-1 LISTDD $USERS-1 TSO command RETRIEVE ART009-1 TSO Commands/Clist QW - MVS/Quick-Ref PROC-1 TSOTRAP example of use LISTDD-1 TRAP a TSO command/execute TLMSUSER1 trap messages from commands/clists REXX-2 TSOTRAP HELP³trap and display HELP information REXX-1 TSOTRAP LISTRP³trap and display List RACF Protection for each of your own files. REXX-1 Tutorial keys and commands within REXX-1 using INDEX REXX-1 Tutorials scrolling through EDITOR-1, REXX-2 TWO @RESQ-1 TWOPASS @RESQ-1 TWOPASS option @RESQ-1 U UNDO and PA2 REXX-1 UNGML Creates GML text from non-gml text, or reverses the process. SORTEM-1 UNHEX conversion in REFORMAT PLIDCLS-1 UP PF Key-7 EDITOR-1, REXX-2 update CLISTS needing dsnames @SPELLS-1 userid usage in clist NCAPXT-1 Users See USERSDCF USERSDCF Generates a List of Building O users from $USERS list SORTEM-1 uses execute LCFIX HEXSHOW-1 Utilities, MVS QW - MVS/Quick-Ref PROC-1 V variable text Variables CLIST Symbolic and Control NCAPXB-1, NCAPXT-1 setting mode or NCAPXB-1 SHARED pool NCAPXT-1 vertical list reformatted REPEATNX1 VGET of ISPEXEC, an example TLMSUSER1 VIEW @RESQ-1 affect the, ov NCAPXT-1 VPSPRINT print a file @SPELLS-1 Show same information currently available with TSO HELP VPSPRINT. REXX-1 VPUT of ISPEXEC, an example TLMSUSER1 W W @RESQ-1 Where to find clist special requirements TLMSUSER1 WORDS Word count, article/essay UNGML-1 WRITE SYSOUTTRAP @SCRIPT-1 write statements in clist trapped @SPELLS-1 write statements trapped by edit macro @SCRIPT-1 WRITER @SCRIPT macro @RESQ-1 WTR @SCRIPT macro @RESQ-1 X X @RESQ-1 exclude lines (demo) REXX-1 X lines to NX, and NX lines to X MACMAC-1 X/NX FLIP, reverse status FIXPI-1 XEVERY Exclude lines containing each of multiple strings UNGML-1 XFIND(nn) option of @DIR select if membername in list at COL(nn) EDCHEK-1 XMIT See TRANSMIT Y YES @RESQ-1 Z .ZCSR 1 .ZFIRST 1 .ZLAST 1 Page ART008-2