Edit macro @EDITMSK Edit macro @EDITMSK Author: David McRitchie formatted on 1995/04/01 06:54 for assistance contact: D. McRitchie DMcRitchie@hotmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Macro name. @EDITMSK users. SCRIPT users for documentation of usage within ISPF. Most of cur- rent usage consists of documenting SCRIPT or documenting CLISTS by the author. type. Edit Macro resides in SYS1.TSOCLIST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tso TMSK Surrounds text within an EDIT envelope -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- related @STRAPE UNGML -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When documenting CLISTS or other ISPF usage, this macro serves as a aid to producing a simulated panel as one would see on their screen. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISREDIT lptr-range|ENTIRE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lptr-range A pair of line pointers is required and is used to re- strict the lines under consideration. The line pointers must be a labels. Specifying one line pointer is invalid. A process range of CC is also acceptable ENTIRE will be substituted by .ZFIRST .ZLAST NUMBER(n) Starting number for EDIT mask line numbers. INCR(n) Increment used with NUMBER(n) for additional EDIT mask lines. NX Affects only lines that are NOT EXCLUDED from the display SHORT Creates shorter format not surrounded by TOP/BOTTOM of DATA Examples: @EDITMSK Surrounds text within an EDIT envelope .pt @EDITMSK Surrounds text within an EDIT envelope .pi |@EDITMSK|Text wrapped within an EDIT envelope .sp 0 will be reformatted for SCRIPT usage to appear as follows: __________________________________________________________ .sk 1 .kp on;..fo off fold :gt12. .sk 1 :hp2.EDIT:ehp2.:hp2.---- IS03.SHARE.TEXT(EDITXXXX) - 01.00 - COLUMNS 001 124:ehp .*:hp2.EDIT:ehp2.:hp2.---- IS03.SHARE.TEXTEDITMSK - 01.00 - COLUMNS 001 124:ehp2 :hp2.COMMAND ===>:ehp2. :hp2.SCROLL ===> CSR:ehp2. :hp2.******:ehp2. **************************** TOP OF DATA ********************* 000001 @EDITMSK Surrounds text within an EDIT envelope 000002 &period.pt @EDITMSK Surrounds text within an EDIT envelope 000003 &period.pi |@EDITMSK|Text wrapped within an EDIT envelope 000004 &period.sp 0 :hp2.******:ehp2. ************************* BOTTOM OF DATA ********************* :egt12. .kp off The results when SCRIPTed will appear on paper as follows: __________________________________________________________ EDIT---- IS03.SHARE.TEXT(EDITXXXX) - 01.00 - COLUMNS 001 124 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR ****** **************************** TOP OF DATA ***************************** 000001 @EDITMSK Surrounds text within an EDIT envelope 000002 .pt @EDITMSK Surrounds text within an EDIT envelope 000003 .pi |@EDITMSK|Text wrapped within an EDIT envelope 000004 .sp 0 ****** ************************* BOTTOM OF DATA ***************************** the use of @EDITMSK SHORT will result in the following =COLS> ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6---- COMMAND ===> 000001 @EDITMSK Surrounds text within an EDIT envelope 000002 .pt @EDITMSK Surrounds text within an EDIT envelope 000003 .pi |@EDITMSK|Text wrapped within an EDIT envelope 000004 .sp 0