&period/ ADD NAME=@SOP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @SOP macro related: @SCRIPT @SOP ---------- The @SOP macro acts as a front end in invoking @SCRIPT and is used to concat- enate TECH.LIBR2.TEXT as the second TEXTLIB dataset. It is to be used exactly as if the @SCRIPT macro were being used. çççççççççççççççç  The CMS syntax is shown. For TSO the initial left parenthesis is omitted. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page @RESQ-1 SYSTECH NOTICE -- CLISTS The @SOP macro is used to gain access to macros and imbedded text that only ex- ists in TECH.LIBR2.TEXT. ===> @SCRIPT Q ===> @SOP Q -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @DOCJWK macro related: @SCRIPT @SOP ---------- The @DOCJWK macro acts as a front end in invoking @SCRIPT and is used to concat- enate IS02.TSOCONV.TEXT and IS02.UTILITY.TEXT as additional TEXTLIB datasets. It is to be used exactly as if the @SCRIPT macro were being used. The @DOCJWK macro is used to gain access to macros and imbedded text that only exists in the additional TEXTLIB datasets IS02.TSOCONV.TEXT and IS02.UTILITY.TEXT. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- &period/ ALIAS NAME=@DOCJWK