Edit macro @STRAPD Edit macro @STRAPD Author: David McRitchie formatted on 1995/04/01 06:54 for assistance contact: D. McRitchie DMcRitchie@hotmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Macro name. @STRAPD users. SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY to update certain clists type. Edit Macro resides in SYS1.TSOCLIST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @STRAPD Creates a set of DSNAMES obtained from "LISTALC STA" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Provides for updating clists which use a set of predefined dsnames, such as the clists: TSO clists --------- CLIST, PROC, PANELS, and LOADMOD The following CLISTS get material directly from "LISTALC STA" and do not need to updated in order to function: Edit macro clists -- PDSDD The following CLISTS use a SYSOUT TRAP, but trap whatever TSO command you want to trap. Edit macro clists -- @STRAP @STRAPQ (quicker), @STRAPE (edit mask) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISREDIT @STRAPD ddname ISREDIT @STRAPD ddname ds1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ddname a ddname found in "LISTALC STA" list of allocated files ds1 (default is 1), ds numbering goes up from this value Examples: before EDIT --- IS03.XXXXX.CLIST(Z) - 01.00 ------------------------ COLU MNS 001 124 COMMAND ===> @STRAPD SYSPROC SCRO LL ===> CSR ****** **************************** TOP OF DATA ***************************** ****** ************************* BOTTOM OF DATA ***************************** RESULT after issuing above command EDIT --- IS03.XXXXX.CLIST(Z) - 01.00 ------------------------ COLU MNS 001 124 COMMAND ===> SCRO LL ===> CSR ****** **************************** TOP OF DATA ***************************** 000001 DS1('IS03.LIBR.CLIST') - 000002 DS2('TECHTSO.COMBINE.ISRCLIB') - 000003 DS3('TSOTEST.LIB01.CLIST') - 000004 DS4('TSOPROD.LIB01.CLIST') - 000005 DS5('SYS6.MICS.SAF.VB.CLIST') ****** ************************* BOTTOM OF DATA ***************************** Internal Aspects: 1) ISREDIT LINE_AFTER commands are issued 2) SYSOUTTRAP is set for up to 400 lines 3) More ISREDIT LINE_AFTER commands issued to retain the SYSOUTTRAPed lines.