Edit macro @STRAPE Edit macro @STRAPE Author: David McRitchie formatted on 1995/04/01 06:54 for assistance contact: D. McRitchie DMcRitchie@hotmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Macro name. @STRAPE users. SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY -- for documentation usage type. Edit Macro resides in SYS1.TSOCLIST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @STRAPE Trap clist WRITE statements and imbed at end of file in edit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- related @EDITMSK -- surrounds text already in edit with an EDIT mask. related @STRAP ---- performs a tso clist/command and surrounds with an EDIT mask. Provides for trapping of write statements and appending them onto the end of the member currently in PDF edit. Can be used for documenta- tion, such as seen in example later. Can be used for debugging a clist later if the other clist has CONTROL LIST CONLIST SYMLIST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISREDIT @STRAPE tso-command -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tso-command any TSO command edit-command any ISPF-edit command Examples:before EDIT --- IS03.SHARE.TEXT(xxxx) - 01.00 ------------------- COLUMNS 001 124 COMMAND ===> @STRAPE pdsdd sysproc CLIST SCROL L ===> CSR ****** *********************** TOP OF DATA ***************************** ****** ******************** BOTTOM OF DATA ***************************** RESULT after issuing above command EDIT --- IS03.SHARE.TEXT(xxxx) - 01.00 ------------------- COLUMNS 001 124 COMMAND ===> SCROL L ===> CSR ****** *********************** TOP OF DATA **************************** 000001 000002 EDIT --- IS03.SHARE.TEXT(EDITXXXX) - 01.00 -------- COLUM NS 001 124 000003 COMMAND ===> SCROL L ===> CSR 000004 ****** *********************** TOP OF DATA ********************** 000005 000010 000006 000020 COMMAND INVOKING @STRAP CLIST MACRO ===> @STRAP pdsdd sysproc clist 000007 000030 000008 000040 SUMMARY -------- ===> TSO PDSDD SYSPROC CLIST 000009 000050 AS DETERMINED 1986/01/29 18:20:26 FOR IS03 USING PROC=TECHT 000010 000060 01 'IS03.LIBR.CLIST(CLIST)' ................. MEMBER NOT FOUND 000011 000070 02 'TECHTSO.COMBINE.ISRCLIB(CLIST)' ......... OK 000012 000080 03 'TSOTEST.LIB01.CLIST(CLIST)' ............. MEMBER NOT FOUND 000013 000090 04 'TSOPROD.LIB01.CLIST(CLIST)' ............. MEMBER NOT FOUND 000014 000100 05 'SYS6.MICS.SAF.VB.CLIST(CLIST)' .......... MEMBER NOT FOUND 000015 ****** ******************** BOTTOM OF DATA ********************* ****** ******************** BOTTOM OF DATA **************************** Internal Aspects: 1) ISREDIT LINE_AFTER commands are issued 2) SYSOUTTRAP is set for up to 500 lines 3) More ISREDIT LINE_AFTER commands issued to retain the SYSOUTTRAPped lines.