Edit macro @TSOX Edit macro @TSOX Author: David McRitchie formatted on 1995/04/01 06:54 for assistance contact: D. McRitchie DMcRitchie@hotmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Macro name. @TSOX users. PDF EDIT users in SYSTECH wishing to enter TSO clists from PANELS type. Edit Macro resides in SYS1.TSOCLIST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @TSOX Edit macro invokes TSO clist from SYS1.TSOCLIST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- related @TSO @TSOXD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When a TSO clist is changed in SYS1.TSOCLIST it is not readily available until the next day. This clist permits the creator who has authorized update author- ity to SYS1.TSOCLIST to check out a minor change to a TSO clist without having to use REALLOC to rearrange his SYSPROC ddnames, and without having to make a "temporary" version in his own clist library. This clist is primarily for SYSTECH personnel involved with the creation and up- dating of generalized CLISTS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT clist ===> &@TSOX tso-clist -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tso-clist, is any TSO clist and is required Examples: edit clist ===> @TSOX $DMS ONLY(4) Internal Aspects: ISREDIT MACRO (NAME OPTIONS) SET CHK = &STR(&SYSDSN('SYS1.TSOCLIST(&NAME.)') IF OK = &CHK. THEN DO IF &STR(&OPTIONS) = &STR() THEN DO WRITE NOW INVOKING -- EXEC 'SYS1.TSOCLIST(&NAME)' EXEC 'SYS1.TSOCLIST(&NAME)' END ELSE DO WRITE NOW INVOKING -- EXEC 'SYS1.TSOCLIST(&NAME)' '&OPTIONS' EXEC 'SYS1.TSOCLIST(&NAME)' '&OPTIONS' END EXIT CODE(&LASTCC.) END WRITE SYS1.TSOCLIST(&NAME.) -- &CHK CONTROL LIST CONLIST SYMLIST %&NAME &OPTIONS EXIT CODE(&LASTCC.)