JCLBOX CLISTBOX REXXBOX DCFBOX ------------------------------------ Comment boxes will be drawn around text identified with line-range CC to CC or Cnnnn Slight differences between JCLBOX, CLISTBOX, and REXXBOX exist due to the format needed by each type of library. The CLISTBOX is not sufficient for REXX, since REXX needs an ending comment delimiter. FIXJCL ------------------------------------------------------------ The FIXJCL edit macro will realign JCL. Normal precautions are to SAVE the member before running FIXJCL and to use !EDCHEK afterwards to check the validity of the JCL. For use of CUSTBOX, PBOX, and SBOX there will be limited documentation. BOX macros that create boxes around text that is denoted with CC-ranges on the line numbers. CLISTBOX, DCFBOX, JCLBOX, REXXBOX Macros that create boxes using a mask that overlays your text and places the upper lefthand corner at the position of the cursor. These may be useful for some applications but should not be used in conjunction with DCF formatted documents. PBOX -- creates a box 12 bytes wide and 6 rows deep including connection SBOX -- creates a box 20 bytes wide and 10 rows deep CUSTBOX -- customized box, 20 x 10 or specify desired width and depth (also see ART005 documentation in IS03.SHARE.TEXT(ART005) --) BLOCK5 ------------- see documentation for BIGS