Edit macro DUADD Edit macro DUADD Author: David McRitchie formatted on 1995/04/01 06:54 for assistance contact: D. McRitchie DMcRitchie@hotmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Macro name. DUADD users. SCRIPT users type. Edit Macro resides in SYS1.TSOCLIST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DUADD SCRIPT ".du add " before .duadx from .duadf sorted and reflowed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- related DUADDC PFK set up to help use DUADD edit macro doing SOP ma nual -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The DUADD command takes a group of consecutive ".du add " places them into a more consistent format with words sorted, without duplicates and all lines are made approximately the same length (flow option). The use of ".du add " permits a SCRIPT user to add words temporarily to the dictionary and thus avoid spelling errors. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISREDIT DUADD {flow} ISREDIT DUADD {word-list} -- add/del form -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Options: FLOW option default is 70 e.g. ===> DUADD 70 The resulting sorted ".du add " entries will fit within the column specified. required labels -- except for add/del form .tp 5 19 .duadf label required at beginning of a contiguous ".du add " section. ".du add " must appear in col 1 of every line in the section. .duadx label required immediately after the end of the contiguous ".du add " section. This convention permits the group to consist of a sin- gle line, and the retention of of both labels for immediate reuse. Examples: -- see also next edit macro topic concerning DUADDC DUADD The default flow option of 70 will be used. All ".du add " in col 1 will be realigned from the required line labels ".duadf " through the line before the re- quired line label ".duadx". DUADD 75 The specified flow option of 75 will be used. All ".du add " in col 1 will be realigned from the required line labels ".duadf " through the line before the re- quired line label ".duadx". DUADD word-list The specified list of words will be added at the begin- ning as ".du add ..." and at the end as ".du del ...". If ".if &locdu. ne no .du add " text is found the add/del will take on the same form. Internal Aspects: 1. If an operand is present and it does not begin with a digit, it is assumed that a word-list is present and the edit macro will conclude with the addition of ".DU ADD" appended at the beginning and ".DU DEL" appended to the end. 2. Verifies that pointers .DUADF and .DUADX exist and that .DUADF is first. 3. A new pointer named .DUADL is created for the line before .DUADX 4. A new line is created by reproducing .duadl and labelling as .duadr; retaining data before column 9, it will serve to terminate text flow. 5. Special provision to utilize data from a file containing spelling er- rors -- change all .DUADF .DUADL 1 ' DSMDOT459I WORDS NOT FOUND: ' '.du add ' 6. Verifies that ".du add " appears on all lines between .duadf and .duadl 7. Repeats the .DUADL line creating .duadr to aid in text flow 8. Removes ".du add " at column 1 between points .duadf and duadl 9. Separates each word so each appears on one line 10. Sorts between .duadf and .duadl 11. Removes duplicates .duadf and .duadl (may result in loss of .duadl line) invokes ISREDIT REMDUPS .duadf .duadl 12. Text flow to 70 columns unless otherwise entered e.g. DUADD 75 13. Restore ".du add " at column 1 between points .duadf and .duadr 14. Removes temporary line at .duadr Edit macro DUADDC Edit macro DUADDC Author: David McRitchie formatted on 1995/04/01 06:54 for assistance contact: D. McRitchie DMcRitchie@hotmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Macro name. DUADDC users. Supplemental CLIST for SCRIPT users updating the SOP manual type. Edit macro resides in SYS1.TSOCLIST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DUADDC Set PFKEYS 21, 22, and 23 to utilize DUADD edit macro working on SOP m anual -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The DUADDC edit macro is to assist persons working with the "DATA CENTER STANDAR D OPERATING PROCEDURES MANUAL" to make use of the DUADD edit macro. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISREDIT DUADDC {pfk21,pfk22,pfk23} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Options: pfk21, specify a pfkey to be used in place of pfk21 e.g. 9 pfk22, specify a pfkey to be used in place of pfk22 e.g. 10 pfk23, specify a pfkey to be used in place of pfk23 e.g. 11 Requirements: .DUADF label required at beginning of a contiguous ".du add " section .DUADX label immediately after end of the contiguous ".du add " sectio n PFKEYS are reset as follows by default PFK 03 ==> c all .duadf .duadx 1 '.if &&locdu. ne no .du add ' '.du add ' PFK 04 ==> duadd 52 PFK 05 ==> c all .duadf .duadx 1 '.du add ' '.if &&locdu. ne no .du add ' PFKEYS used can be modified as follows: 1) Copy SYS1.TSOCLIST(DUADDC) into your own CLIST library and modify to su it yourself. 2) Use ==> DUADDC n3,n4,n5 e.g. DUADDC 5,6,7 Before use of DUADD EDIT --- xxxx.xxxx.xxxx(xxxxxx) - 01.32 --------------- columns 001 124 COMMAND ===> duadd .duadf .du add ca cc cs duadd duaddc duaddin duaddout 000129 .du add duadf duadl duadr duadx accommodate 000130 .du add @CAPS $MIDI duadf duadf duadf accommodate 000131 .du add $MIDITL $DMS @SMALLS REMDUPS accommodate 000132 .du add clistname abs cosd dms 000133 .du add ddname tflow autosave cntl $DASDERR $DASD03 $XASTAT 000134 DSMDOT459I WORDS NOT FOUND: $USERS 000135 .du add ahcinfo locdu bldg builtin ceil clist .duadx .* AFTER use of DUADD -- note alphabetized ($ @ abc ABC) -- no duplicates EDIT --- xxxx.xxxx.xxxx(xxxxxx) - 01.32 --------------- columns 001 124 COMMAND ===> .DUADF .du add $DASDERR $DASD03 $DMS $MIDI $MIDITL $USERS $XASTAT @CAPS 000129 .du add @SMALLS abs accommodate ahcinfo autosave bldg builtin ca cc 000130 .du add ceil clist clistname cntl cosd cs ddname dms duadd duaddc 000131 .du add duaddin duaddout duadf duadl duadr duadx locdu tflow REMDUPS .DUADX .* Edit macro DUADDT Edit macro DUADDT Author: David McRitchie formatted on 1995/04/01 06:54 for assistance contact: D. McRitchie DMcRitchie@hotmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Macro name. DUADDX users. Supplemental CLIST for SCRIPT users updating the SOP manual type. Edit macro resides in SYS1.TSOCLIST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DUADDT Make an ".du add " edit macro from dataset userid.member.CLIST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The DUADDT edit macro is to assist persons working with the "DATA CENTER STAND- ARD OPERATING PROCEDURES MANUAL" to make use of the DUADD edit macro. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISREDIT DUADDT membername -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internal Aspects: 1. invokes ISPEXEC DATASET('userid.member.LIST') MACRO(DUADD) 2. the DUADD edit macro will reconfigure dataset into a dataset which if saved can be used to update ".du add " portions of SCRIPT text.