Edit macro FIXPI Edit macro FIXPI Author: David McRitchie formatted on 1995/04/01 06:54 for assistance contact: D. McRitchie DMcRitchie@hotmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Macro name. FIXPI users. PDF EDIT users specifically SCRIPT users type. Edit Macro resides in SYS1.TSOCLIST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIXPI Fix @SCRIPT .PI entries to a standardized form mostly lowercase. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- related PIR Create .PI entries and rotate .PI entries also see Page Printing Considerations in the index. EDITCHEK, EDITOL, EDITPR,, FIX, FIXPI, FIXQUOTE, PERIOD, PINX, PINXDOIT, PIR, PLICHK, SHIFTNX -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The documentation for the edit macro PIR contains important information on cre- ating ".PI" entries and should be read first. Particularly the topics Creating INDEX (.PI) entries from scratch and Realistic INDEX entries. FIXPI method for Standardized .PI entries Suppose you ended up .PI entries with lots of capitals. They would look strange in an INDEX, especially since capital require more room. .PI |TABLES|CICS|GENERATION OF, AND STARTUP JCL .PI |CICS|TABLES|GENERATION OF, AND STARTUP JCL The use of the edit macro FIXPI would solve your problem, but do not use it if there are pre-existing .PI in the SCRIPT member, because it will change the let- ter case of all .PI entries. .pi |Tables|CICS|Generation of, and Startup JCL .pi |CICS|Tables|Generation of, and Startup JCL Examples: FIXPI *.... there are not options ....* Internal Aspects: 1. Cannot be used by an initial MACRO -- ISREDIT UP MAX 2. There are no options, excludes all lines changes and display all .PI lines. Upon completion all .PI lines will be labeled. 3. Capitalizes First Letter of each Word«. 4. The following words (Non-JCL Terminology) will appear as follows: AHC AHF American AUTOTAB BMS Mytown bul CICS CIS COBOL COM Corporation Dave David DBD DC DD/DS DL/I DMS PCF OBC Company IMS John McRitchie MFS MRCS New Jersey NJ OS PC PCB PL/I PL/I PSB Scharwath SDB SDLC Virginia VSAM Wind 5. The following JCL and related Terminology will be capitalized as follows. Some words such as OUTPUT, ROUTE and SPACE will not be capitalized because they would interfere with other uses of the word. AUTOTAB BLKSIZ CYL DASD DMS DCB FB FBS IBM IFPS JCL JES 'MVS/XA' MVS PDF PDS RACF RECFM SAS SMP TRK TLMS TSO VB VBS VSPC XA 6. Single word .PI entires (one delimiter only) will be capitalized. 7. Ampersands identified as words converted to "and". 8. The following words will be made lowercase "&", "and", "from". "of " and "the" 9. All .PI entries will begin with lowercase ".pi ". 10. All ".PI " lines will be labelled. LABNX edit macro will label all NX lines in the form ".TAGxx" lines already labeled will retain their current label. 11. If you want to start with fresh labels enter "RESET LABEL" before entering "FIXPI" . RESET has the following operands label-range X ERR CHG CMD SPE- CIAL. 12. CAPS OFF will be invoked to conform with new entries 13. You can browse the latest version of the FIXPI edit macro using the follow- ing command: ===> TSO CLIST FIXPI