Edit macro SCLIST72 Edit macro SCLIST72 Author: David McRitchie formatted on 1995/04/01 06:54 for assistance contact: D. McRitchie DMcRitchie@hotmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Macro name. SCLIST72 users. off-site users with peculiar CLIST requirements type. clist edit macro resides in SYS1.TSOCLIST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCLIST72 Split CLIST so col 72 and beyond is not used (Not for REXX macros and REXX executes) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- related CHECK72 SHIFTNX -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This clist can be used to adapt 251 bytes variable length record clists (LRECL=255) to 80 byte clists (LRECL=80). Note 80 byte fixed length clists can- not have data in col 72 or 73-80. Eighty byte clists are difficult to work with (create), anyway some installations may prefer to use the current IBM recommen- dation of 80 byte clists and the SCLIST72 clist can help you achieve this goal. IBM used to use variable length clists and still supports them -- the only dif- ficulty is that TSO should be used to copy new clists from distribution li- braries (80-bytes) to your production clists if they have variable length records. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISREDIT SCLIST72 There are no options. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Examples: SCLIST72 Internal Aspects: Lines that extend beyond 71 are split at the first previous character after a blank, a "" is placed at the split point and the continuation line is indented 3 characters relative to the original line. COMMENT "/*" cards can also be split in the manner, as some persons may have discovered that code following a comment that ended with a "-" or a "" was not being invoked.. It is preferable to use multiple comment lines to splitting comment lines, if you are doing this manually. çççççççççççççççç œ^ SPF/PC is a product from Command Technology Corporation, CA94501 to pro- vide ISPF/PDF like capability in the PC world (80386 processors and above). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page PLIDCLS-1 SYSTECH NOTICE -- CLISTS More esthetic results may be achieved by manual manipulations -- do not forget to include "" when you split a line. 1. See if all lines should be moved left (shiftnx left n validnx 2. X'all;f 72 124 p' 3. Split "= noteline" at the "=" so it appears on next line 4. Remove "*/" col 72 124