Edit macro SCOPY Edit macro SCOPY Author: David McRitchie formatted on 1995/04/01 06:54 for assistance contact: D. McRitchie DMcRitchie@hotmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Macro name. SCOPY users. PDF EDIT users particularly SCRIPT users type. Edit Macro resides in SYS1.TSOCLIST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCOPY MACRO to help convert PROC=COPY to PROC=SCOPY usage SCOPYNX invoked by the clist SCOPY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- related @DIR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Best implementation is from @DIR. This macro will aid in converting JCL use of the procedure "COPY" to use of the procedure "SCOPY". PROC=SCOPY invokes the sort which is faster and more efficient that use of IEBGENER. This CLIST is of historical interest only, does some counting, but the default for COPY is the sort. In fact to get to the old IEBGENER you must code PGM=OLDGENER. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISREDIT SCOPY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Examples: @DIR EDIT MACRO(SCOPY) Notice: AUTOSAVE OFF is invoked Internal Aspects: 1) A check for "EXEC COPY" is made if none found -- ISREDIT CANCEL 2) The total count of the above is checked to the count of SYSUT1 and SYSUT2, if appears to match the COPY procedures are converted to SCOPY and the SYSUT1 and SYSUT2 converted to SORTIN and SORTOUT respectively. 3) A Check is made for ".COPY)" and ".COPY.". If any are present, manual corrections must be made; otherwise, can continue by invoking -- ISREDIT END