SuperC Usage mixed in with Tutorial

Some much needed examples have been added.

TSO Command SUPERC/SUPERCE                            TSO Command SUPERC/SUPERCE

                                                  Author: ISPF PDF Option 3.13
                                                   formatted on  1995/04/01 06:54
                  -------- SUPERCE - FUNCTIONS - -- & TUTORIAL

    The following topics are presented in sequence, or may be selected by

     1  Input Data Sets  - Specifying input data set names and organization
     2  PDS Member List  - Selecting members using the member list service
     3  Compare Type     - Specifying the compare operation type
     4  Listing Type     - Specifying the listing type
     5  Listing Data Set - Specifying listing data set name and organization
     6  Process Options  - Specifying optional process option keywords
     7  Process Statements Using process statements and the process statement - s ds
     7a         Process Statements Dataset
     7b         Process Statements
     8  Browse Output    - Displaying comparison results
     9  Update Data Set  - Specifying update data set name and organization
    10  Interpret Listing- Interpreting SuperC listings prefix codes
    11  Return Codes     - Interpreting SuperC return codes
    12  Using Profiles   - Creating and activating profile data sets
    13  Batch Jobs       - Submitting comparison jobs for batch execution
    14  Search-For Strings Using the Extended Search-for Utility
    15  Additional Notes - Additional SuperC program discussion
   111  Sample Output    -   LISTING-TYPE = DELTA

1 [top] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 111 ----------------------------- SUPERC UTILITY --------------------------- ------- COMMAND ===> SPECIFY "NEW" DATA SET TO BE COMPARED, THEN PRESS THE "ENTER" KEY. PROJECT ===> is00 GROUP ===> LIBR ===> ===> ===> TYPE ===> CLIST MEMBER ===> @* (Blank or pattern for member selection list, '*' for all members) "NEW" OTHER PARTITIONED OR SEQUENTIAL DATA SET: DATA SET NAME ===> VOLUME SERIAL ===> (If not cataloged) DATA SET PASSWORD ===> (If password protected) PROFILE DSN ===> MODE ===> F (F - foreground, B - batch) COMPARE -- is00.LIBR.CLIST(@*) ----------------------------------------- ------- COMMAND ===> SPECIFY "OLD" DATA SET TO BE COMPARED, THEN PRESS THE "ENTER" KEY. PROJECT ===> GROUP ===> ===> ===> ===> TYPE ===> CLIST "OLD" OTHER PARTITIONED OR SEQUENTIAL DATA SET: DATA SET NAME ===> 'SYS1.TSOCLIST' VOLUME SERIAL ===> (If not cataloged) DATA SET PASSWORD ===> (If password protected) LISTING TYPE ===> LONG (DELTA/CHNG/LONG/OVSUM/NOL IST) LISTING DS NAME ===> SUPERC.LIST SEQUENCE NUMBERS ===> (blank/SEQ/NOSEQ/COBOL) For more information on this panel refer to COMPARE TYPE on page STATUS-1 , LISTING TYPE on page STATUS-1 and LISTING DATA SET on page STATUS-1. -------- SUPERC - OVERVIEW -- TUTORIAL SuperC is a fast and versatile compare program that processes two sequen- tial data sets, two complete partitioned data sets (PDS), members from two PDSs, or concatenated data sets.  You can also compare data sets of unlim- ited size and record lengths at the file, line, word, or byte level. SuperC requires only the names of the input data sets.  However, you can enter additional processing options to personalize the results.  ISPF/PDF utilities provide a convenient panel interface for specifying program in- put parameters.  Standard ISPF help panels are available as well as the option to directly browse the compare results at your terminal. SuperC creates a variety of output listings that make it easy to locate data differences.  Delta listings, long listings, summary listings, and side-by-side line listings are examples. You can use SuperC for many applications other than the traditional "com- pare of two source data sets." It can be used as a component of a library system, for determining change statistics for management reports, or as a central utility in an automated "regression testing" system (eliminating matching output data and reducing the volume of visually-inspected data). Additionally, SuperC's output results (especially the UPDATE data set) can be used as an application's input data set.  The user-written postprocessing program could interpret the data to produce more personal- ized reports. The ISPF/PDF release of SuperC is a combination of two components - two ISPF/PDF dialogs and an independent SuperC program.  The program is a ma- jor rewrite of the original IBM released IUP (Source Compare/Audit Utility - Pgm # 5796-PLZ) and was developed in parallel with (and a re-port of) an IBM PC program of the same name.  It is upward compatible with the older MVS IUP version and can serve as its direct replacement. You can invoke SuperC in three different ways to compare data sets: 1.  Use the standard SuperC dialog (option 3.12) to run comparisons using either the default values of the SuperC options or a SuperC profile. (A SuperC profile is a predefined set of SuperC process options and process statements).  The standard SuperC panels are similar in format to other ISPF/PDF utilities (for example, sequential panels for "NEW" and "OLD" data set information and standard ISPF/PDF data set concat- enation conventions). 2.  Use the SuperCE dialog (option 3.13) if you are an advanced user and want a more flexible comparison facility.  From the primary panel, you have direct access to all process options, and there are supplemental panels to enter other options.  The entry line format for input data set names also is different from the OPTION 3.12 standard panel.  This allows you to compare combinations of concatenated data sets, includ- ing data sets which are not ISPF libraries. You can also use the SuperCE dialog to create user profiles for use with either the standard or SuperCE dialog.  Profiles can simplify SuperC for the inexperienced user who is unfamiliar with all the proc- essing options. The SuperC dialogs support both interactive and batch comparisons us- ing the same primary panels.  This makes it convenient to submit long term jobs for hard copy and/or run interactive short jobs browsing these results immediately at the terminal. 3.  The SuperC program may also be invoked directly from a user CLIST in either an ISPF or non-ISPF environment.  A sample clist has been pro- vided to illustrate "line" command invocation.  A sample PROCLIB JCL cataloged procedure has also been provided for batch submittal. ------------------------------ SUPERCE UTILITY OPTION ===> _ blank - Compare Data Sets P - Select Process Options B - Submit Batch Data Set Compare E - Edit Statements Data Set S - Extended Search-For Compare Utility A - Activate/Create Pro- files New DS Name ===> 'is00.VSPC.CNTL(SASJSIP)' Old DS Name ===> 'is00.VSPC.CNTL(ZSAS)' PDS Member List ===> (blank/pattern - member list, * - compare all) (Leave New/Old Dsn "blank" for concatenated-uncataloged-password panel) Optional Section Compare Type ===> LINE (FILE/ LINE /WORD/BYTE) Listing Type ===> DELTA (OVSUM/ DELTA /CHNG/LONG/NOLIST) Listing Dsn ===> SUPERC.LIST Process Options ===> ===> Statements Dsn ===> Update Dsn ===> BROWSE Output ===> YES BROWSE( YES /NO/COND/UPD) -------- SUPERCE UTILITY - -- TUTORIAL ----------------------------------------- | SUPERCE (SUPERC EXTENDED) UTILITY | ----------------------------------------- To use the SUPERCE option, select either: - Option (PDF) 3.13 from the Primary Option Menu or - Option 13 from the Utility Selection Menu. Direct entry to two SUPERCE sub-selection panels may be achieved by en- tering: - 3.13.A for direct entry to the Activate/Create panel. - 3.13.S for direct entry to the Extended Search-For Utility. The following topics are presented in sequence, or may be selected by number: 1 - Overview of SuperC 2 - SUPERCE utility functions (see page &SC#U2.) 3 - Discussion for executing the SuperC program using an installation (or user) clist or PROCLIB 3 [top] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 111 -------- SUPERCE - COMPARE TYPE -- TUTORIAL (#3) Compare Type: ===> (FILE/ LINE /WORD/BYTE) CTYPE() TYPE= FILE Checks source data sets and determines if they are different. This is the simplest and fastest method with the least amount of processing overhead.  It produces a 32 bit hashsum for each DS/member processed. LINE Compares source data sets at the line level for differences.  Re- formatted lines (that is, lines with blanks inserted or deleted) are automatically detected for lines <= 256 characters.  Line < < < compare is the most frequently used level of compare and is the compare type default. WORD Compares source data sets for word differences.  Word is a group of characters separated by a blank or line delimiter.  The XWDCMP process option extends the delimiters to all non-alphameric char- acters. BYTE Compares source data sets for differences at the byte level.  The output listing data set consists of a hex printout with character equivalents listed on the right (as in a dump listing). 4 [top] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 111 -------- SUPERCE - LISTING TYPE -- TUTORIAL (#4) Listing Type ===> (OVSUM/ DELTA /CHNG/LONG/NOLIST) LISTING() LISTING= OVSUM Lists only the overall summary of the data set or PDS comparison. If partitioned data sets are compared, the listing includes a summary line for each member selected from the PDS. DELTA Lists the differences between the source data sets, followed by the overall summary results.  Differences are flagged to the left of each output line. CHNG Lists the differences between the source data sets, plus up to 10 matching output lines before and after the differences.  This listing is like the delta listing, but includes surrounding matched lines as an aid in recognizing changed areas of the source data sets. LONG Lists the complete new data set with the old data set deleted data interspersed in the output listing.  Both inserted and de- leted output data is flagged.  The format is the same as the DELTA with all matching data shown. NOLIST No listing output is produced. A PDF message displayed after the SuperC program execution is the sole method to determine the re- sults of the compare operation.  You may wish to use the NOLIST option when you use one of the UPDATE comparison options to gen- erate an update data set and the listing is unimportant. NOTE:  The listing type default for Line, Word, and Byte compare is DELTA.  The listing type is ignored for File compare as other File compare process options are used to determine the listing requirements. 5 [top] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 111 -------- SUPERCE - LISTING DATA SET -- TUTORIAL (#5) Specify the data set for the output compare results.  This field is not used when SuperC is invoked via batch.  The SuperC Submit panel is used instead to specify the destination of the compare results. Listing Dsn ===> The listing data set can be an existing data set.  If it does not exist, it will be allocated for you.  Sequential and partitioned data sets are allowed.  If the data set is partitioned, you must supply the member name. SuperC places the results in the specified data set.  If you leave this field blank, the output will be put into a default data set called 'prefix.SUPERC.LIST'.  If NOLIST is specified as the Listing Option, SuperC will not generate an output listing and this field will be ignored. dsn Specify a data set name. blank Defaults to prefix.SUPERC.LIST -------- SUPERCE - EDITING PROCESS STATEMENTS -- TUTORIAL Process Options ===> in a clist use PROCESS(...), in batch use PROCESS='...' To edit a statements data set, select option E (edit) from the SuperCE main panel.  If you leave the data set name field blank, the default data set 'prefix.SUPERC.STMTS' is used.  If you enter the name of a data set that does not exist, it is allocated for you. Examples of some common process statements are listed on the edit data panel.  You can enter the HELP command from the edit panel for details about process statements. CMPCOLM 2:72 Limit compare to columns 2:72 SELECT NMEM1:OMEM1 Compare members NMEM1 and OMEM1 to each other -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The complete list of the process statements appears in the following pan- els. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- EXAMPLE of SUPERCE PANEL and EDIT of STATEMENTS DATASET Enter an "E" on the option (command) line at the top to edit statements dataset. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PANEL NAME = ISRSEPRI ------------------------------ SUPERCE UTILITY OPTION ===> E blank - Compare Data Sets P - Select Process Options B - Submit Batch Data Set Compare E - Edit Statements Data Set S - Extended Search-For Compare Utility A - Activate/Create Pro- files New DS Name ===> 'is00.LIBR.CNTL(ZZ1133)' Old DS Name ===> 'IS0D.LIBR.PROGRAMS(OH00004)' PDS Member List ===> (blank/pattern - member list, * - compare all) (Leave New/Old Dsn "blank" for concatenated-uncataloged-password panel) Optional Section Compare Type ===> WORD (FILE/ LINE /WORD/BYTE) Listing Type ===> LONG (OVSUM/ DELTA /CHNG/LONG/NOLIST) Listing Dsn ===> SUPERC.LIST Process Options ===> ===> Statements Dsn ===> 'is00.LIBR.CNTL(DPLINE01)' Update Dsn ===> BROWSE Output ===> YES ( YES /NO/COND/UPD) PF 1=HELP 2=SPLIT 3=END 4=PRINT 6=REFORMAT 7=UP 8=DOWN 9=SWAP -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PANEL NAME = ISRSEPRS EDIT ----- is00.LIBR.CNTL(DPLINE01) --------------------------------- CO COMMAND ===> _ SC Enter or change Process Statements in the EDIT window below: ****** ********************************* TOP OF DATA ******************* 000001 DPLINE ' SPACE 2 ' 000002 DPLINE ' SPACE 1 ' 000003 DPLINE ' SPACE ' 000004 CMPCOLM 2:72 ****** ******************************** BOTTOM OF DATA ***************** Examples Explanation CMPCOLM 5:60 75:90 Compare using two column compare ranges LSTCOLM 25:90 List columns 25:90 from input DPLINE 'PAGE ' Exclude line if "PAGE " found anywhere on DPLINE 'PAGE ',87:95 Exclude if "PAGE " found within columns 87 SELECT MEM1,NMEM2:OMEM2 Compare MEM1 with MEM1 and NMEM2 with OME CMPLINE NTOP 'MACRO' Start comparing after string found in new LNCT 66 Set lines per page to 66 Others: DPLINEC CMPBOFS CMPCOLMN CMPCOLMO NTITLE OTITLE SLIST NCHGT OCHGT comment-lines ("*" and ".*") PF 1=HELP 2=SPLIT 3=END 4=PRINT 6=REFORMAT 7=UP 8=DOWN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process OPTIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 [top] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 111 -------- SUPERCE - PROCESS OPTIONS -- TUTORIAL (#6) Process options are keywords that let you customize compares.  You can en- ter options directly on the Process Options line of the SuperCE main panel, or you can select options from any Process Options panel by typing a character next to the option you wish to use.  Options currently speci- fied or selected show an "S" on the displayed Process Option panel. Selections may be deleted by removing the process keyword from the main panel Process Options line or by deleting the "S" in the selection column. You can also enter the "CANCEL" command to stop the selection process, re- store previous selections and return to the main panel. EXAMPLE:  Process Options ===> DPBLKCL or (on a Process Options selection panel) S DPBLKCL - Don't process blank compare lines. in a clist use PROCESS(...) in batch use PROCESS'...' -------- SUPERCE - LINE COMPARE PROCESS OPTIONS -- TUTORIAL Input Process Control Options SEQ Ignore FB 80/VB 255 standard sequence number columns.  Sequence numbers are assumed in columns 73-80 in FB 80 and columns 1-8 in VB 255.  This is the default for FB 80/VB 255 data sets. NOSEQ Process FB 80/VB 255 standard sequence number columns as data. This option is not required for any other record length size. Use this to include col 73-80 of 80 byte records and col 1-8 of VB records.  Failure to use this option when sequences numbers are NOT present will result in unmatched lines even though the lines are matched.  The invalid comparison will be very blatant when comparing an FB dataset with a VB dataset both without se- quence numbers.  The reason being that the sequence number columns are omitted from the compare you will be comparing columns 1-72 of FB 80, and columns 9-251 of VB 255 so lines with data in columns 1-8 will compare unequal. COBOL Ignore columns 1-6 in FB 80 data sets.  Data in columns 1-6 is assumed to be sequence numbers. ANYC Any case. Upper and lower case text strings matches.  Converts input data and string-mask to upper case prior to comparison. Don't Process Control Options DPPLCMT Don't process PL/I type comments. PLI/C/REXX comments (that is, /* ... */ and blank compare lines) are excluded from the compare set.  Note:  Conflicts between quoted strings and comment delim- iters occasionally cause incorrect comment recognition. DPPSCMT Don't process PASCAL type comments. PASCAL type comments (that is, (* ... *) and blank compare lines) are excluded from the com- pare set.  DPPSCMT and DPPLCMT may be required for some PASCAL compilers. DPADCMT Don't process ADA type comments. ADA type comments (that is, "-- comment ..." and blank compare lines) are excluded from the com- pare set. DPACMT Don't process asterisk (*) comment lines.  Assembler comment lines with an "*" in column 1 are excluded from the compare set. DPFTCMT Don't process FORTRAN type comment lines.  FORTRAN source lines with a "C" comment character in column 1 are excluded from the compare set. DPCBCMT Don't process COBOL type comment lines. COBOL source lines with an "*" comment character in column 7 are excluded from the com- pare set. DPBLKCL Don't process blank compare lines.  Source lines in which all of the compare columns are blank are excluded from the compare set. Output Process Control Options REFMOVR Reformat override. Reformatted lines are NOT flagged on the out- put listing.  They are, however, counted for the overall summary statistics. DLREFM Don't list reformatted lines.  Old data set source lines which are the same except for the number of blanks and location of blanks are omitted.  Only new data set reformatted lines are in- cluded in the listing. DLMDUP Don't list matching duplicate lines.  Old data set source lines that match new data set source lines are omitted from the side- by-side output listing. FMVLNS Flag moved lines. "Moved" lines are flagged as Insert-Moved (IM) in the new data set and Delete-Moved (DM) in the old data set. Reformatted moved lines are specifically identified in the "TYPE" listing column. LOCS List only changed entries in the MEMBER SUMMARY LISTING section. Unchanged paired entries and non-paired new and old data sets en- tries are omitted. CNPML Count non-paired PDS member lines for group summary.  Use this option to inventory the total number of processed and "don't process" lines.  Otherwise, only paired entries are listed with line counts. WIDE Creates a 202/203 listing data set with 80 columns from each source data set line.  Inserts and deletes are flagged and appear side-by-side in the listing output. NARROW Same as WIDE except only 55 columns from the source data sets are listed side-by-side.  The output is 132/133 columns wide. LONGLN Long lines.  Lists up to 176 columns from the input data sets so extra columns from long input lines may be displayed. NOPRTCC No printer control column.  The listing data set is generated omitting the normal listing control column and page separators. Section separators and title lines are still generated.  This data set may be better for browsing at your terminal. APNDLST Append the compare listing output to a previously created list- ing.  The attributes for both data sets must be identical. APNDUPD Append the update output to a previously created data set.  The attributes for both data sets must be identical. UPDSUMO Update Summary only.  Produces an Update data set of four lines (New-dataset-id, Old-dataset-id, totals header, single summary line).  The summary (totals) line has a "T" in column 1 and the summary statistics are located at fixed offsets in the output line.  The data set has a line length of 132. UPDCMS8 Update CMS sequenced 8.  Produces a data set that contains both control records and new data set source lines using sequence num- bers from old data set columns 73-80.  The format of the gener- ated data may be suitable as CMS UPDATE input.  The record attributes for both input data sets must be fixed 80. UPDMVS8 Update MVS Sequenced 8.  Produces a data set that contains both control and new data set source lines using sequence numbers from old data set columns 73-80.  The format of the generated data may be suitable as MVS IEBUPDTE input.  The record attributes for both input data sets must be fixed 80. UPDSEQ0 Update Sequenced 0.  Produces a control data set that relates in- serts and deletes to the relative line numbers of the old data set.  Both control records and new data set source lines are in- cluded.  This option is similar to UPDCMS8 but uses relative line numbers instead of sequence column numbers and the control field after the "$" designates the number of new source lines that fol- low. UPDCNTL Update Control.  Produces a control data set which relates matches, inserts, deletes and reformats to the relative line num- bers of the old and new data sets (LINE compare), to the relative word position of the old data set (WORD compare) or to the rela- tive byte offset (BYTE compare).  No source or data from either input data set is included. UPDPDEL Update prefixed delta lines.  Produces a control data set con- sisting of header records and complete (up to a 32k line length limit) delta lines from the input source files.  Each output re- cord is prefixed with identification and information.  The update data set is a variable length data set reflecting the input source data set characteristics. NOTE:  If either UPDSUMO, UPDCMS8, UPDMVS8, UPDSEQ0, UPDCNTL, or UPDPDEL is specified, the update data set name defaults to SUPERC.UPDATE if no update data set name has been specified. -------- SUPERCE - WORD COMPARE PROCESS OPTIONS -- TUTORIAL Input Process Control Options SEQ Ignore FB 80/VB 255 standard sequence number columns.  Sequence numbers are assumed in columns 73-80 in FB 80 and columns 1-8 in VB 255.  This is the default for FB 80/VB 255 data sets. NOSEQ Process FB 80/VB 255 standard sequence number columns as data. This option is not required for any other record length size. See material added to NOSEQ option on page STATUS-1. COBOL Ignore columns 1-6 in FB 80 data sets.  Data in columns 1-6 is assumed to be sequence numbers. ANYC Any case.  Upper and lower case text strings matches.  Converts input data and string-mask to upper case prior to comparison. GWCBL Generates WORD compare change listings.  Lists the new data set lines highlighting the changed lines (words may be inserted or deleted from the line) with change bar flagging. XWDCMP Extended word compare.  The word delimiter set is extended to in- clude all non-alphameric characters (including blanks).  For ex- ample, " ABCD(EFGH) JKL " would be 2 words using normal word compare but 5 words (3 words and 2 word-tokens) with the XWDCMP process option. LOCS List only changed entries in the MEMBER SUMMARY LISTING section. Unchanged paired entries and non-paired new and old data sets en- tries are omitted. NOPRTCC No printer control column.  The listing data set is generated omitting the normal listing control column and page separators. Section separators and title lines are still generated.  This data set may be better for browsing at your terminal. APNDLST Append the compare listing output to a previously created list- ing.  The attributes for both data sets must be identical. APNDUPD Append the update output to a previously created data set.  The attributes for both data sets must be identical. UPDSUMO Update Summary only.  Produces an Update data set of four lines (New-dataset-id, Old-dataset-id, totals header, single summary line).  The summary (totals) line has a "T" in column 1 and the summary statistics are located at fixed offsets in the output line.  The data set has a line length of 132. UPDCNTL Update Control.  Produces a control data set that relates word inserts and deletes to new data set lines.  This same information is indirectly available in a GWCBL listing.  A post-processing program can use this control data set to generate an updated new data set source data set with imbedded change bar directives (that is, a script data set with change bar control commands). No source or data from either input data set is included. NOTE:  If either UPDSUMO or UPDCNTL is specified, the update dsn de- faults to SUPERC.UPDATE if no update data set name has been spec- ified. The following WORD compare process options can be selected only by enter- ing the option on the Process Options entry field on the SuperCE main panel. o DPPLCMT - Don't process PL/I source type comments. o DPPSCMT - Don't process PASCAL source type comments. o DPADCMT - Don't process ADA source type comments. o DPACMT - Don't process Assembler asterisk (*) comment lines. o DPFTCMT - Don't process FORTRAN source type comment lines. o DPCBCMT - Don't process COBOL source type comment lines. o DPBLKCL - Don't process blank comment lines. -------- SUPERCE - BYTE COMPARE PROCESS OPTIONS -- TUTORIAL LOCS List only changed entries in the MEMBER SUMMARY LISTING section. Unchanged paired entries and non-paired new and old data sets en- tries are omitted. NOPRTCC No printer control column.  The listing data set is generated omitting the normal listing control column and page separators. Section separators and title lines are still generated.  This data set may be better for browsing at your terminal. APNDLST Append the compare listing output to a previously created list- ing.  The attributes for both data sets must be identical. APNDUPD Append the update output to a previously created data set.  The attributes for both data sets must be identical. UPDSUMO Update Summary only.  Produces an Update data set of four lines (New-dataset-id, Old-dataset-id, totals header, single summary line).  The summary line has a "T" in column 1 and the summary statistics are located at fixed offsets in the output line.  The data set has a line length of 132. UPDCNTL Update Control.  Produces a control data set which relates matches, inserts, deletes and reformats to the relative line num- bers of the old and new data sets (LINE compare), to the relative word position of the old data set (WORD compare) or to the rela- tive byte offset (BYTE compare).  No source or data from either input data set is included. NOTE:  If either UPDSUMO or UPDCNTL is specified, the update dsn de- faults to SUPERC.UPDATE if no update data set name has been spec- ified. -------- SUPERCE - FILE COMPARE PROCESS OPTIONS -- TUTORIAL LOCS List only changed entries in the MEMBER SUMMARY LISTING section. Unchanged paired entries and non-paired new and old data sets en- tries are omitted. NOPRTCC No printer control column.  The listing data set is generated omitting the normal listing control column and page separators. Section separators and title lines are still generated.  This data set may be better for browsing at your terminal. APNDLST Append the compare listing output to a previously created list- ing.  The attributes for both data sets must be identical. ooo end of PROCESS options ooo

7 STATEMENTS data set
7a [top] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 111 -------- SUPERCE - PROCESS STATEMENTS DATA SET -- TUTORIAL (#7a) A process statements data set contains process statements that specify di- rectives to the SuperC program.  They are similar to the process options but are composed of a keyword and one or more operands.  There are many different types of process statements.  Only one statement may appear on each line.  The data set must have a Fixed 80 LRECL. +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Process statements | | | | Process Statements differ from Process Options described earlier.  | | Process statements can be entered in the following manner.  | | | | 1.  Panels -- Statements Dsn ===> | | | | 2.  Clists (%SUPERC and/or %@COMPARE) by using SYSIN(ddname) or | | SYSIN(PROMPT).  | | | | 3.  JCL -- use of SYSIN DD.  | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | If you are using the %SUPERC clist or the %@COMPARE clist and need to | | introduce process statements you may use option SYSIN(PROMPT).  | | | | Example:  | | @COMPARE CLIST SEQ /*data has sequence numbers | | ignore*/ | | | | @COMPARE CLIST SYSIN(PROMPT) NOSEQ /*treat sequence numbers as | | data*/ | | when prompted enter:  | | CMPCOLM 1:72 /*hit enter and again at next prompt to indicate | | end of input*/ | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The following entry line appears on the SuperCE primary panel: Statements Dsn ===> Specify optional process statement input: dsn Specify the name of an input data set that contains user pre- pared process statements. blank No optional process statements required. To edit a statements data set, select option E (edit) from the SuperCE main panel.  If you leave the data set name field blank, the default data set 'prefix.SUPERC.STMTS' is used.  If you enter the name of a data set that does not exist, it is allocated for you. Examples of some common process statements are listed on the edit data panel.  You can enter the HELP command from the edit panel for details about process statements. CMPCOLM 2:72 Limit compare to columns 2:72 SELECT NMEM1:OMEM1 Compare members NMEM1 and OMEM1 to each other -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The complete list of the process statements appears in the following pan- els. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 [top] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 111 -------- SUPERCE - PROCESS STATEMENTS -- TUTORIAL (#7b) CMPCOLM Compare Columns.  Compares only the columns that you specify in each source line.  You can specify up to 6 ranges of columns and/or individual columns to be compared.  Use a comma or blank to separate column specifications.  This statement is valid for LINE and WORD compare. Format:  CMPCOLM start-colm:stop-colm ... Explanation EXAMPLES:  CMPCOLM 1:70 72 74 Column ranges and single columns CMPCOLM 1:70,72,74 Commas instead of space delimiters CMPCOLMN Compare Column New.  Same as CMPCOLM in format but referring only to the new data set source input line.  Format:  CMPCOLMN start-colm:stop-colm ... CMPCOLMO Compare Column Old.  Same as CMPCOLM in format but referring only to the old data set source input line.  Format:  CMPCOLMO start-colm:stop-colm ... LSTCOLM List Columns.  Selects a range of input columns to be listed in the output.  Only a single start-stop range is allowed.  The LSTCOLM width is limited by the listing columns allowed on the output line.  - normal default(106) or LONGLN(176).  Excess columns will be ignored.  Valid for LINE compare only. Format:  LSTCOLM start-colm:stop-colm EXAMPLE: LSTCOLM 275:355 List high numbered columns SELECT Selects members from a partitioned data set.  Any number of mem- bers may be specified.  The new data set members will normally be compared with like named members from the old data set.  Use a colon character to compare old and new data set members that do not have the same name.  Multiple Select statements are allowed. See Process Statements boxes on page STATUS-1 for how to enter Process Statements to a SYSIN dataset.; Format: SELECT member,,...  EXAMPLES: SE- LECT MEM1 Single name per line SELECT MEM2,MEM3:BKMEM3,MEM4 Multiple names per line CMPLINE Compare Lines between limits. A partial member/data set compare using a start and/or stop reference value.  The reference may be a line number or a data pattern. NTOP (new top) and NBTM (new bottom), OTOP (old-top) and OBTM (old-bottom) are valid statement keywords for compare processing which can all be specified on the same or separate CMPLINE state- ment. Format Examples and Explanation CMPLINE KYWD line-number ...  CMPLINE NTOP 55 NBTM 99 or Compares between lines 55:99 CMPLINE KYWD 'string' ...  CMPLINE OTOP 'ABCD' or Checks for "ABCD" in all columns CMPLINE KYWD 'string',start-range ...  CMPLINE OTOP 'ABCD',5:66 Checks for "ABCD" in 5:69 CMPBOFS Compare Byte Offsets.  Same function as CMPLINE but allows you to specify data set position using hexadecimal offsets.  Valid for BYTE compare only.  Format: CMPBOFS KYWD hex-offset DPLINE Don't process line.  Excludes from the compare set any line which DPLINEC can be described by a positionally dependent character string. DPLINEC is a continuation of the immediately preceding DPLINE. Valid for LINE and WORD compare. See Process Statements boxes on page STATUS-1 for how to enter Process Statements to a SYSIN dataset. Format Explanation DPLINE 'string' Scan all columns 'string',start-colm Start column restricted 'string',start-range Start column range provided DPLINE and DPLINEC continued Excludes a line if a specified string is detected. Examples Explanation DPLINE 'ABCDE' Scans all columns for ABCDE DPLINE 'AbCde',2 Scans column 2 for start of AbCde DPLINEC 'BDEF ' "BDEF" must also be on the same line DPLINE 'ABCDE',2:50 Scans columns 2 thru 50 for start of "ABCDE" string DPLINE 'AB''CD',2:50 Scans columns 2 thru 50 for start of "AB'CD" string DPLINE X'C1C27BF1',2:50 Scans columns 2 thru 50 for start of "AB,1" string NTITLE New/Old title.  You can specify an alternate data set title for the OTITLE output listing.  The title text will appear instead of the data set name.  Format: NTITLE 'new-title-text' or OTITLE 'old-title- text' See Process Statements boxes on page STATUS-1 for how to enter Process Statements to a SYSIN dataset. NCHGT Change text.  Change the input source text prior to performing the OCHGT comparison operation.  Multiple change text statements are al- lowed.  One or more "?" characters may be used in either mask to indicate "any- character" in the find-mask or "no change" in the " change-to-mask.  The find and change masks need not be the same length.  The change-to-mask may be a null string.  Unequal mask lengths result with either blank insertions on short masks (at the end of the found word) or down stream blank deletions to ac- commodate long masks (deleted blanks are selected from downstream blank pairs).  The changed text appears in the output listing. See Process Statements boxes on page STATUS-1 for how to enter Process Statements to a SYSIN dataset. Format:  xCHGT 'find-mask','change-to-mask' or xCHGT 'find-mask','change-to-mask',start-range where xCHGT may be NCHGT or OCHGT Example:  NCHGT 'ABCD','XX',5:40 Changes "ABCD" to "XX" " in cols 5:43 NCHGT and OCHGT (continued) Example Explanation NCHGT 'ABC2','ABC1' - Change all ABC2 prefix strings to ABC1 to temporarily mask out a compare difference OCHGT 'ABCD','XXXX',1:50 - Change the text only is it oc- curs within columns 1:53 OCHGT 'ABCD','',1:50 - Change all ABCD to nulls if it is detected in columns 1:53 NCHGT 'ABCD','AB' - Change strings of different lengths NCHGT X'7B01',':1',6 - Change hexadecimal characters '7B01' to ':1'. Must start in column 6 NCHGT 'PREF???','NPREF' - Change strings with prefix 'PREF' followed by any three characters to 'NPREF'. NCHGT 'PREF???','NPREF??' - Change strings with prefix 'PREF' followed by any three characters to 'NPREF'.  The last two characters are un- changed. SLIST Statements list.  Turns on or off the printing of process state- ments in output listing. Format: SLIST ON | OFF Example:  SLIST OFF LNCT nnn Line count.  Total number of lines per page of a listing data set. See Process Statements boxes on page STATUS-1 for how to enter Process Statements to a SYSIN dataset. Format: LNCT nnnnnn Example: LNCT 66 * Comment line.  An asterisk as the first character on a process statement line begins a comment. .* Special comment line.  A dot-asterisk in columns 1 and 2 indi- cates that the comment line should not appear in the listing. 8 [top] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 111 -------- SUPERCE - BROWSE LISTING -- TUTORIAL (#8) BROWSE Output ===> YES ( YES /NO/COND/UPD ) Specify ISPF BROWSE to inspect the output listings: YES Browse the listing data set after completing the SuperC compare. NO Do not browse the SuperC listing data set. COND Browse the listing if it contains differences or error messages. 9 [top] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 111 UPD Browse the Update data set if any UPDATE options are selected and update results are generated. NOTE:  The default is YES.  This field is ignored when Superc is invoked via batch. 10 [top] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 111 -------- SUPERC - OUTPUT LISTINGS -- TUTORIAL (#10). SuperC output lines are classified with flagging character(s) that appear under the column labeled ID.  The flagging characters are as follows: "blank" - Matched.  These lines are matching lines/data between both data sets.  The new data set line is listed without flagging. I - Insert.  Added to the new data set.  Does not appear in old data set. D - Delete.  Appears in the old data set but is absent (deleted) from the new data set. DR - Delete Replace.  A composed line of bytes denoting the byte(s) that were replaced by byte(s) listed directly above in the preceding insert (I) line.  Byte compare listings only. RN - Reformat New.  A reformatted line appears in the new data set.  This line contains the same information as the old data set line with different spacing between the words.  Line compare listings only. RO - Reformat Old.  Flags the same line in the old data set that was re- formatted in the new data set.  This line can be eliminated from the output listing by specifying the DLREFM Process Option. MC - Match Compose. A WORD compare line composed of matching words. Spaces may be left between the words to display the matched words relative to any inserted and/or deleted words. IC - Insert Compose.  A WORD compare line composed of words from the new data set that are not in the old data set.  This line normally follows a Match Compose line. DC - Delete Compose.  A WORD compare line composed of words from the old data set that are not in the new data set.  This line normally follows a Match Compose or Insert Compose line. IM - Insert-Matching.  Only flagged if FMVLNS is specified as a process option.  Flags the occurrence of a line in the new data set which also appears in the old data set, but has been "moved." The line may or may not have been reformatted.  Reformatted moved lines are indicated by a flag at the right of the listing. DM - Delete-Matching.  Same as IM except flags old data set lines. | - Change-bar - Indicates that a line has been changed by the insertion or deletion of words.  Change-bars only appear in WORD compare listings that are generated with the GWCBL Process Option. 11 [top] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 111 -------- SUPERC - RETURN CODES -- TUTORIAL (#11) Execution results from the SuperC program are returned in register 15. The SuperC Dialog Utilities generate a short and long message with an in- terpretation of the results.  The actual returned codes are contained in the long message and are summarized as follows: 0 - Normal completion.  No differences were found in the input data sets. 1 - Normal completion.  Differences were found in the input data sets. 4 - Warning.  Erroneous/conflicting input options were detected by the SuperC program.  Data sets were compared but should be checked for results consistent with those expected.  Check listing for more details. 6 - Warning.  The old data set did not contain proper sequence numbers, or the sequence number intervals were not large enough to contain insert activity - UPDCMS8/UPDMVS8/UPDSEQ0 process options only. 8 - Error.  Error on old input data set.  The data sets were NOT com- pared.  Check output for more information. 12 - Error.  Inconsistent data set organizations.  The new and old data sets are not both PDSs or sequential data sets.  The compare was not run. 16 - Error.  Error on new input data set.  The data sets were NOT com- pared.  Check output for more information. 20 - Warning.  Error on Update data set - Missing DELDD, I/O error, APPEND to PDS or incorrect ATTRIB's on an APPEND or PDS output operation. Processing was completed with the update options reset and ig- nored.  The error can also be returned due to an Update data set simultaneously being used as the listing data set. 24 - Error.  Error occurred during open or while writing to the listing data set.  The error can also be returned due to an "NEW/OLD" in- put data set simultaneously being used as the listing data set. No additional information is generated to better define the error condition. 25 - Error.  The listing data set was not allocated due to a conflict with the LRECL, RECFM, or DS organization.  A listing may only be saved in a PDS with identical DS attributes (that is, LRECL or RECFM), an APNDLST may never be done to a PDS, and an APNDLST may only be made to a sequential DS with identical attributes.  No output was generated. 26 - Error.  The listing data set could not be extended and is full (E37 condition).  The results are truncated and incomplete. 28 - Error.  No data was compared because the old and new data sets did not have members with the same name or because both input data sets were empty.  See the listing for more information. 32 - Error.  Insufficient storage was available for the SuperC program to execute.  The user region size was either too small, or storage was too fragmented. 12 [top] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 111 -------- SUPERCE - MANAGING PROFILES -- TUTORIAL (#12) Profiles may be created or activated using a separate panel accessed via the SuperCE main panel.  The panel may also be entered directly by speci- fying option "3.13.A". A profile is "CREATED" using data contained on the SuperCE primary panel. The compare type, listing type, process options, statements from the Statements Data Set, and the BROWSE selection option are collected and written into a user named profile data set (replacing any old data con- tained in an existing data set).  A new data set will be created if the data set does not exist. The "ACTIVATE" option of the Profile Management panel inspects the speci- fied profile data set and modifies the main panel to agree with the acti- vated profile.  If process statements are contained in the profile, the Profile Data Set name replaces the Statements data set name on the SuperCE main panel. Profiles may be either sequential or PDS membered data sets.  They may also be used in the standard SuperC dialog with identical results. --------EXTENDED SEARCH-FOR - OVERVIEW -- TUTORIAL The Extended Search-for option is similar to SuperCE except only one input data set is used.  Search-for searches a PDS, a concatenated PDS or a se- quential data set for matches to specified strings.  Panel input lines are provided to allow direct entry of up to 5 unique strings.  Each string may be used independently or as a continuation of the previous string(s). Word, Prefix, or Suffix operands may be used to restrict the strings to be matched.  Optional quote delimiters or hexadecimal notation may be used to search for special characters.  Quotes must delimit strings containing blanks. Example Explanation CAPS ===> SUP PREFIX List all lines containing prefix "SUP" ASIS ===> ' error ' and all lines containing " error ". ------------------------------------------------------. More examples are shown following the OVERVIEW section. ------------------------------------------------------. The search string entry lines are labeled as "CAPS" or "ASIS" input.  The .  CAPS lines will be converted to uppercase before being passed to the SuperC back end program.  ASIS lines are not converted and this allows the user to search for both upper and lower case strings.  Additionally, the user may select the ANYC process option so the specified strings will match regardless of the "case" of the input data set or the case of the specified string. The keywords "WORD". "PREFIX" and "SUFFIX" may appear on the same line as the input string and have the standard ISPF/PDF meaning.  The "C" (that is, continued string specification) is an additional keyword indicating "continuation" of the previous line or lines.  Continuation lines are used to generate additional strings which all must be found on the same input data set line. You can use the Extended Search-for utility with a previously prepared statements data set containing SRCHFOR process statements specifying search-for strings, words, or patterns. Any number of SRCHFOR statements can be included in the Statements data set along with other applicable Search-For process statements.  Before in- voking the SuperC program the Extended Search-For utility checks the Statements data set and ignores all specified strings on the primary panel when SRCHFOR statements are detected. Note:  The string entry format of the SRCHFOR and SRCHFORC statements dif- fers slightly from the format required on the Extended Search-for Utility entry panel.  See the Search-For Process Statements section. 15 [top] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 111 -------- SUPERCE - ADDITIONAL NOTES -- TUTORIAL (#15) SuperC operates independently of any synchronization data such as column or sequence numbers.  It does not use the common "start at the top" then look ahead or look back method to determine large sections of matching data.  Instead, SuperC recognizes matching and missing lines, words, or bytes based only on data content.  It finds all matches, locates the larg- est set of matching compare units, and recursively allows this compare set to divide the data set into three additional smaller sub-sections.  All sections are processed for matches.  The process ends when no more matches can be found within the partitioned sub-sections.  Inserted and deleted data are non-matched sub-units between matching sets. Processing speed is due, mainly, to the compacting of the original line or word unit into a short 24 bit hash compare value.  All comparison process- ing uses this compacted value.  A second pass (for Line and Word compare) re-reads the original data verifying the comparison results.  Line, Word, and Byte compare use a common mechanism and a common module for change de- termination. Occasionally, SuperC may report that it has detected a "false match". This data is, subsequently, reclassified as an insert/delete pair.  The redesignation is correct but may have caused the process to overlook other matches.  The condition should occur infrequently with normal program source data and should have a low probability of affecting the overall end results. The objective of the SuperC compare process is to select the best set of data matches.  Yet, it is possible that a person could manually partition the input data sets and develop a better combination of match sets than SuperC.  The comparison process is complex and SuperC may occasionally miss a "match" due to some inherent program limitation.  It will, however, never incorrectly call an item a match when it should be a mismatch. The user should be aware that SuperC is a compare program that detects "sequence differences" based on their sequential occurrence in the input. Do not confuse this criteria with "missing differences" which only re- quires the data to be missing from the data sets.  The user may accomplish both objectives if the data sets are first sorted.  Thereafter, "missing differences" become identical to SuperC's "sequence differences". -------- SUPERC - NON-ISPF MODES -- TUTORIAL Direct execution of the SuperC program You can run the SuperC program directly without using the ISPF/PDF pro- vided utilities (Options 3.12, 3.13, 3.13.S or 3.14).  This requires an installation (or systems programmer) to customize a clist (for interactive usage) or a PROCLIB procedure (for batch execution of a catalog proce- dure).  A sample clist and a sample proclib procedure are distributed in the SAMPLIB data set as members ISRSCLST and ISRSPROC.  They are available on our system in "SYS1.USERLIB(SUPERC)" and "SYS1.TSOCLIST(SUPERC)" re- " spectively.  The panel can be addressed in TSO using "TSO Q SUPERC" or PDF option 3.12. The following topics are presented in sequence, or may be selected by num- ber: 1 - CLIST mode from TSO or from ISPF/PDF option 6. 2 - Catalog procedure batch processing. -------- SUPERC - CLIST MODE - -- TUTORIAL Also see page STATUS-2 The sample clist allows a TSO user to enter a line command to communicate the operational parameters directly to the SuperC program without display- ing the ISPF panels.  A sample SuperC call as entered on the terminal might look like: superc newfile(.newdata.file) oldfile(ludlow.olddata.file) or exec clist(superc) 'new(.newdata.file) old(ludlow.olddata.file)' where "superc" is the command and "newfile" and "oldfile" are the keywords for the input files. The SuperC load module may be supported using a private library or a con- catenated system library.  The installation is responsible for making the corresponding changes to the sample clist. The sample clist supports the following keywords and parameters (it is available on our system as shown): Format:  SUPERC NEW(dsn) OLD(dsn) {keyword(selection) .... } Option:  Keyword:  Selection: Compare Type CTYPE FILE | LINE | WORD | BYTE Listing Type LISTING OVSUM | DELTA | CHNG | LONG | NOLIST Listing Data Set OUTDD dsn Auto Display Pgm BROWSE Process Stmts.  SYSIN PROMPT | dsn Update Data Set DELDD dsn NOTE: Use a fully qualified dsn, or use a "." to precede the dsn with SYSPREF.  The use of the "." is a compromise because fully qualified names enclosed in quotes are difficult to pass in CLISTs. Option:  Keyword:  Selection: Process Options PROCESS SEQ | NOSEQ | COBOL DPPLCMT DPPSCMT DPADCMT DPACMT DPFTCMT DPCBCMT DPBLKCL REFMOVR DLREFM DLMDUP FMVLNS LOCS CNPML WIDE | NARROW | LONGLN ANYC NOPRTCC UPDSUMO | UPDCMS8 | UPDMVS8 | UPDSEQ0 | UPDCNTL | UPDPDEL GWCBL XWDCMP See material added to NOSEQ option on page STATUS-1. NOTE:  Not all options are allowed with each compare type (for example, GWCBL is only valid with WORD Compare).  Consult the appropriate ISPF tutorial panels for a complete description of the allowable combinations. -------- SUPERC - CATALOG PROCEDURE -- TUTORIAL The catalog procedure is a set of "canned" JCL statements that you can in- voke as an extension of your own JCL.  A representative JCL sequence ap- pears below: //SUPERC JOB // EXEC SUPERC, SYSOUT='*' has been made the default // NEWFILE='userid.GROUP.DATA1', // OLDFILE='userid.GROUP.DATA2', // TYPE=LINE, (see page STATUS-1) FILE|LINE|WORD|BYTE // LISTING=DELTA (see page STATUS-1) OVSUM|DELTA|CHNG|LONG|NOLIST As supplied in the SAMPLIB listing defaults to OVSUM (for TYPE=FILE), un- less you are (and even if you are) comparing an entire PDS, you would probably wish to use LISTING=DELTA (see page STATUS-1). The keywords NEWFILE, OLDFILE, and LISTING are keywords that cause sym- bolic substitution when the job is submitted. A sample catalog procedure is contained in the SAMPLIB member ISRSPROC. This procedure is available on our system in "SYS1.USERLIB(SUPERC)". 13 [top] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 111 -------- SUPERC UTILITY - SUBMIT BATCH JOBS -- TUTORIAL (#13) To submit a SuperC batch job certain destination options for the listing data set and JOB statement information must be provided. The listing may be sent to a sysout class (option blank), SYSOUT CLASS ===> A or a data set (option 1), DATA SET NAME ===> SUPERC.LISTB or you may, alternatively, provide the necessary DD override statement to define the output destination (option 2). //OUTDD DD ===> SYSOUT=H,FCB=12,CHARS=xxxx // ===> JOB STATEMENT INFORMATION Space for up to four card images is provided on the panel to submit a job. All the rules of JCL must be followed in specifying the job statement. PDF will not validate the job statement information.  Any of the four job statement fields left entirely blank will not be submitted. It is assumed that the first "//" card image is to contain the jobname. Job statement information is remembered by ISPF from session to session, to reduce the amount of keying required. The jobname suffix will, normally, be updated after each submission. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Although not stated in the HELP information, SUPERC will do | | | | searches on a load library.  SUPERC can be run in batch as shown | | | | later.  PDS datasets with a RECFM of FBS or VBS are not supported | | | | by SUPERC (3.12), SUPERCE (3.13), or SEARCHFOR (3.14).  | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ -------- PROCEDURE in SYS1.USERPROC(SUPERC) --------- //SUPERC PROC SYSOUT='*', //********************************************************************* //* THIS IS A BATCH JOB PROCEDURE FROM SYS1.SAMPLIB(ISRSPROC) ** //* AS DESCRIBED IN TSO ISPF PDF 3.12 AND 3.13 SUPERCE ** //* QUICK PATH ENTRY TO THE PANELS IS POSSIBLE===> TSO Q SUPERC ** //* FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE THE SUPERC TUTORIALS HAVE BEEN COPIED INTO ** //* "is00.SHARE.TEXT(SUPERC)" AND CAN BE PRINTED USING SCRIPT ** //* DESCRIBES OPTIONS AND USE OF SUPERC/SUPERCE PANELS, CLIST, PROC.** //* ALSO SEE PROC=RESQ WHICH PROVIDES A SIMILAR FUNCTION ** //********************************************************************* //* //* ============ EXAMPLE ================ //* //$NAME$ EXEC SUPERC,PROCESS=SEQ,TYPE=WORD,LISTING=DELTA,SYSOUT=V //* // OLDFILE='SYS6.SAS516.CNTL($NAME$)', //* // NEWFILE='SYS6.SAS518.CNTL($NAME$) //* //* ============ EXAMPLE ================ //********************************************************************* // NEWFILE=, (NEWFILE REQUIRED) // NEWSER=, //* A SEQUENTIAL DATA SET, A MEMBER OF A PARTITIONED //* DATA SET OR AN ENTIRE PARTITIONED DATA SET. // OLDFILE=, (OLDFILE REQUIRED) // OLDSER=, //* SAME REQUIREMENTS AS NEWFILE. // TYPE=, (NOT REQUIRED-PROGRAM DEFAULT IS LINE) //* OPTIONS:LINE,WORD,BYTE,FILE // LISTING=, (NOT REQUIRED-PROGRAM DEFAULT IS OVSUM) //* OPTIONS:OVSUM,CHNG,DELTA,LONG,NOLIST // PROCESS=, (NOT REQUIRED - OPTIONS RESTRICTED PER COMPARE TYPE) //* OPTIONS: SEQ,NOSEQ,COBOL //* DPACMT,DPPLCMT,DPPSCMT,DPADCMT,DPFTCMT, //* DPCBCMT,DPBLKCL //* CNPML,ANYC,WIDE,NARROW,LONGLN,NOPRTCC //* APNDLST,APNDUPD,UPDSUMO,UPDCMS8,UPDMVS8 //* UPDSEQ0,UPDCNTL,UPDPDEL,GWCBL,XWDCMP //* SYSOUT=A, (NORMAL ROUTING FOR PRINT SERVICES) //* (DATA SET OVERRIDE EXAMPLE) //* SUPERC.OUTDD DD DSN=USERA.SUPERC.LIST,DISP=OLD // UPDFILE='NULLFILE', (OPTIONAL UPDATE OUTPUT FILE) //* (DATA SET OVERRIDE EXAMPLE) //* SUPERC.DELDD DD DSN=USERA.SUPERC.UPDATE,DISP=OLD // SYSIN='NULLFILE' (OPTIONAL PROCESS STATEMENTS) //* SUBSTITUTE DSN OR USE DD * OVERRIDE //* OPTIONAL STATEMENTS: //* CMPCOLM,LSTCOLM,DPLINE,SELECT,CMPLINE,CMPLNUM, //* CMPBOFS,LNCT,NTITLE,OTITLE,CMPCOLMN,CMPCOLMO, //* DPLINEC,NCHGT,OCHGT,SLIST //* NOTE: SEE TSO INTERACTIVE HELP SCREENS FOR FULL SUPERC OPTIONS. //SUPERC EXEC PGM=ISRSUPC, // PARM='&LISTING.L,&TYPE.CMP,&PROCESS.' //*STEPLIB DD DSN=USERID.SUPERC.LOAD,DISP=SHR //NEWDD DD DSN=&NEWFILE,DISP=SHR,UNIT=SYSALLDA,VOL=SER=&NEWSER //OLDDD DD DSN=&OLDFILE,DISP=SHR,UNIT=SYSALLDA,VOL=SER=&OLDSER //OUTDD DD SYSOUT=&SYSOUT //DELDD DD DSN=&UPDFILE,DISP=OLD //SYSIN DD DSN=&SYSIN,DISP=SHR Example of a WORD compare //is00SRCX JOB (xxxx,yyyy),'myname SUPERCX',CLASS=X,NOTIFY=is00 //**** SUPERCX is00 DAVID MCRITCHIE 1989/07/10 12:57:15 //**** JCL is00.SHARE.CNTL(SUPERCX) 1989/07/10 12:57:15 // EXEC SUPERC, SYSOUT='*' HAS BEEN MADE THE DEFAULT // NEWFILE='DMS78.PROCLIB', // OLDFILE='SYS1.USERPROC', // TYPE=WORD, (SEE PAGE STATUS-1) FILE|LINE|WORD|BYTE // LISTING=DELTA (SEE PAGE STATUS-1) OVSUM|DELTA|CHNG|LONG|NOLIS //* //OUTDD DD DCB=LRECL=170 <<DOESN'T WORK>> //SYSIN DD * STATEMENT OPTIONS -- USE "DD *" TO OVERRIDE NULLFILE CMPCOLM 3:72 NCHGT 'DMS.RNN','DMS##' OCHGT 'DMS76','DMS##' OCHGT 'DMS78','DMS##' OCHGT 'DMS.PARMLIB','&Q..PARMLIB' OCHGT 'DMS.FILES','&Q..FILES' OCHGT 'DMS.ARESPARM','&Q..ARESPARM' OCHGT '*R*STEPLIB','STEPLIB' OCHGT '*R*','' ICHGT ',DEN=4','' Example of a SUPERC JCL without use of a PROCEDURE //SUPERC EXEC PGM=ISRSUPC, // PARM=(DELTAL,LINECMP, // 'SEQ', // '') //NEWDD DD DSN=is00.NEW.CNTL,DISP=SHR //OLDDD DD DSN=is00.OLD.CNTL,DISP=SHR //OUTDD DD DSN=is00.SUPERC.LIST,DISP=OLD //SYSIN DD * Example of SEARCHFOR batch job ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PDF 3.14 SEARCHFOR running in batch for more information refer to SC34-4118-00, though you probably will not find sufficient documentation there.  The following information was ob- tained as a result of searching IBMIN.  This text has been added to doc- umentation in is00.SHARE.TEXT(SUPERC). //**** JCL is00.SHARE.CNTL(SEARCH4) 1991/02/26 15:56:52 //* SAME AS SEARCHFOR -- PDF OPTION 3.14 //STEP1 EXEC PGM=ISRSUPC,PARM=(SRCHCMP,'') //NEWDD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=IMSVS.CHM1.DBDLIB OLD/NEW MUST BE SAME //OLDDD DD DISP=SHR,DSN=IMSVS.CHM1.DBDLIB OLD/NEW MUST BE SAME //OUTDD DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * SRCHFOR 'RANDRENT' SRCHFOR '.aa GT15',W The following JCL was generated using the a mode of B on the Search-For U MODE ===> B (F - foreground, B - batch) //is00D JOB (xxxx,yyyy),'myname 3.14 SEARCHFOR', // NOTIFY=is00,CLASS=X /*JOBPARM LINECT=0 //*---- end of job statement information supplied by user //SEARCH EXEC PGM=ISRSUPC, // PARM=(SRCHCMP, // 'ANYC') //NEWDD DD DSN=SYS5.PLR.CLIST, // DISP=SHR //OUTDD DD SYSOUT=A //SYSIN DD * SRCHFOR 'TELON' SRCHFOR 'TELONB' +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | EDIT ----- is00.CUTDSN.LIST ----------------------------------------- | | COMMAND ===> | | | | Enter or change Process Statements in the EDIT window below:  | | ****** ********************************* TOP OF DATA ***************** | | 000001 SRCHFOR '.aa hp4',W | | 000002 SRCHFOR '.aa hp5',W | | 000003 SRCHFOR '.df hi5',W | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 LINE( | | 000014 SRCHFOR '.aa hp15',W | | 000015 SRCHFOR '.aa hp16',W | | 000019 SRCHFOR '.aa gt',W | | 000020 SRCHFOR '.aa hdref',W | | 000021 SRCHFOR '.aa q',W | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Examples Explanation | | SRCHFOR 'ABCD',W Search for the word "ABCD" | | SRCHFORC 'DEFG' "DEFG" must be on same line as word "ABC | | CMPCOLM 1:60 75:90 Search columns 1:60 and 75:90 for string | | DPLINE 'PAGE ',87:95 Exclude line if "PAGE " found in columns | | DPLINE 'PAGE ' Exclude if "PAGE " found anywhere on lin | | SELECT MEM1,MEM2 Search only members MEM1 and MEM2 of PDS | | Others: CMPLINE DPLINEC LNCT LPSFV LSTCOLM NCHGT NTITLE SLIST | | comment-lines ("*" and ".*") | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | In a BATCH job ...  | | | | PROCESS options can be found in the PARM options.  | | | | STATEMENT options are found in the //SYSIN dataset.  | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | In the SUPERC panels ...  | | | | PROCESS options are placed after Process Options ====> | | | | STATEMENT options are in dataset indicated Statements Dsn ===> | | | | The statements dataset can be edited by placing an | | "E" on the | | command OPTION at the top of the panel.  | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Use of SuperC in a CLIST Also see page STATUS-2, and @COMPARE on page EDCHEK-1. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Use of the @COMPARE edit macro to invoke %SUPERC | | (see @COMPARE on page EDCHEK-1) | | | | Frequently you will be in edit on the member that you want to com- | | pare.  The use of @COMPARE as a front-end to %SUPERC will simplify | | usage.  Since @COMPARE is an edit macro clist, the dsname and | | membername you are in will be known to the clist and you will not | | need to supply this information when @COMPARE invokes %SUPERC.  | | | | @COMPARE compares member in EDIT with a corresponding member in an- | | other specified dataset, or with a specified member in the same da- | | taset.  | | | | The SEQ|NOSEQ process option will be selected for you based on the | | NUMBER ON|OFF in your current member's profile.  | | | | Incorrect use of SEQ (SUPERC default is SEQ, where applicable) will | | result in a bad compare of an FB dataset with a VB dataset when both | | are not sequenced the comparison will be col 1-72 compared to col | | 9-251 of the VB dataset, which will compare lines as being different | | when they really are the same.  | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Options NEWFILE(ddname|DUMMY) Comparison file -- NEW OLDFILE(ddname|DUMMY) Comparison file -- OLD OUTDD(ddname|DUMMY) Listing dataset.  Default is userid.SUPERC.LIST DELDD(ddname|DUMMY) Default is userid.SUPERC.UPDATE SYSIN(ddname|DUMMY|PROMPT) Statements dataset.  Default created with PROMPT is userid.SUPERC.STMTS, see pages STATUS-1-STATUS-1 LISTING(DELTA) Listing type -- OVSUM | DELTA | CHNG | LONG | NOLIST CTYPE(LINE) Compare type -- FILE | LINE | WORD | BYTE MACRO() Specify optional macro if the EDIT option is used.  For OBC users MACRO use will imply EDIT since space is cramped on command line. PROCESS() Options (not statements) -- SEQ NOSEQ ANYC -- see pages STATUS-1-STATUS-1 for process options. UID(&SYSPREF.) Dsname Prefix desired. BROWSE Browse the output file -- OUTDD. EDIT EDIT the output file -- OUTDD.  EDIT will be implied by the use of MACRO(macro).  Use of EDIT will supercede use of BROWSE. DEBUG Development use only.  Traces logic flow. PLIB Option for use of SUPERC to disregard the ISPF environ- ment, and/or to call from a private SUPERC load library. LIB(SYS1.ISPFPDF.ISRLOAD(ISRSUPC)) Installation default provided for use of SUPERC outside of the ISPF environment, or if the PLIB option is specified. 111 [top] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 111 -------- Sample Output -------- 1 SUPERC - FILE/LINE/WORD/BYTE COMPARE PGM - V2.7(1987/03/27) 1992/01/30 1 NEW:  is00.SHARE.TEXT(JUNK) OLD:  is00.SHARE.TEX LISTING OUTPUT SECTION (LINE COMPARE) ID SOURCE LINES ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-- D - .un 25;:hp3.options passed on to %SUPERC by the @COMPARE clist:ehp3.&rbl D - .sk 1;.in 5 D - Any parameters not recognized by @COMPARE are passed on to SUPERC, for D - more information on the %SUPERC clist refer to page &SUPERC..  Valid D - SUPERC options include the following&gml. D - hex listing, you probably don't want the BYTE comparison type. I - Inserted I - Material I - @COMPARE SYS1.TSOCLIST(@COMPARE) (next line is realigned) D - @COMPARE SYS1.TSOCLIST(@COMPARE) RN- @COMPARE SYS1.TSOCLIST RO- @COMPARE SYS1.TSOCLIST ----------- 1 SUPERC - FILE/LINE/WORD/BYTE COMPARE PGM - V2.7(1987/03/27) 1992/01/30 NEW:  is00.SHARE.TEXT(JUNK) OLD:  is00.SHARE.TEXT LINE COMPARE SUMMARY AND STATISTICS 249 NUMBER OF LINE MATCHES 10 TOTAL CHANGES (PAIRED+NONPAI 1 REFORMATTED LINES 2 PAIRED CHANGES (REFM+PAIRED 3 NEW FILE LINE INSERTIONS 2 NON-PAIRED INSERTS 7 OLD FILE LINE DELETIONS 6 NON-PAIRED DELETES 253 NEW FILE LINES PROCESSED 257 OLD FILE LINES PROCESSED LISTING-TYPE = DELTA COMPARE-COLUMNS = 1:251 LONGEST-LINE = 116 PROCESS OPTIONS USED: NOSEQ **SUPERC INFORM04**, LISTING LINES MAY BE TRUNCATED DUE TO LIMITING OUTPUT L Search-For (PDF option 3.14) ----------------------------- SEARCH-FOR UTILITY ------------------------------ COMMAND ===> _ SEARCH STRING ===> TELON MULTIPLE STRINGS ===> YES (Yes to specify additional search strings) ISPF LIBRARY: PROJECT ===> SYS5 GROUP ===> PLR ===> ===> ===> TYPE ===> CLIST MEMBER ===> (Blank or pattern for member selection list, '*' for all members) OTHER PARTITIONED OR SEQUENTIAL DATA SET: DATA SET NAME ===> VOLUME SERIAL ===> (If not cataloged) DATA SET PASSWORD ===> (If password protected) LISTING DSNAME ===> SRCHFOR.LIST MODE ===> F (F - foreground, B - batch) MIXED MODE ===> NO (Yes or No) Batch JCL can be generated by using B (batch) for MODE under listing dsname.  An example of generated JCL can be found on page STATUS-2 To search for only one string, type the data string in the SEARCH STRING field and type N in the MULTIPLE STRINGS field on the Search-for utility panel.  Enclose the data string in quotes if there are imbedded blanks. Note that all occurrences of the string will be found whether the matching string is in uppercase, lowercase or mixed case letters. Specify Multiple Data Strings To search for multiple strings, type YES in the MULTIPLE STRINGS field of the Search-for utility entry panel and press the ENTER key.  The Search-for util- ity displays a panel on which you can enter multiple search strings. Also see &#SC14A.. You can use the C (continuation) operand to specify that both the current and previous string must be found on the same line to constitute a match.  Other- wise lines with either string will be treated as matching. To start the search, press the ENTER key.  To cancel the request and return to the Search-for utility entry panel, enter the END command. Qualify Data Strings You can control how a search string will be matched by typing a search qual- ifier following the search string. Example: ===> CALL WORD will find 'CALL' but not 'CALLING' WORD finds only those occurrences of the search string that are a word.  A word is defined as being preceded and followed by a non-alphameric character. PREFIX finds only those occurrences of the search string that are a prefix to a word.  A prefix is defined as being preceded by a non-alphameric character and followed by an alphameric character. [end] SUFFIX finds only those occurrences of the search string that are a suffix to a word.  A suffix is defined as being preceded by an alphameric character and followed by a non-alphameric character. Back To 1 Input Data Sets - Specifying input data set names and organization 2 PDS Member List - Selecting members using the member list service 3 Compare Type - Specifying the compare operation type 4 Listing Type - Specifying the listing type 5 Listing Data Set - Specifying listing data set name and organization 6 Process Options - Specifying optional process option keywords 7 Process Statements Using process statements and the process statement - s ds 7a Process Statements Dataset 7b Process Statements 8 Browse Output - Displaying comparison results 9 Update Data Set - Specifying update data set name and organization 10 Interpret Listing- Interpreting SuperC listings prefix codes 11 Return Codes - Interpreting SuperC return codes 12 Using Profiles - Creating and activating profile data sets 13 Batch Jobs - Submitting comparison jobs for batch execution 14 Search-For Strings Using the Extended Search-for Utility 15 Additional Notes - Additional SuperC program discussion 111 Sample Output - LISTING-TYPE = DELTA
