/*rexx*/ address "ISREDIT";"MACRO" /*********************************************************************/ /* David McRitchie, "The REXX Macros Toolbox", April 2, 1997 */ /* HTMLLINK -- Create hypertext entry for url: at cursor --- */ /* Create hypertext entry for the */ /* url located at the cursor. User responsible for hypertext entries*/ /* in lowercase to meet AOL and UNIX conventions. */ /* Your line length must be able to handle doubled length w. HTMLLINK*/ /* The cursor upon exit will be located on the next NX line at */ /* the corresponding position of the start of the character string. */ /* Related: HTMLHYP used for single words. */ /*********************************************************************/ say "put out a line to suppress system error #48" "(row,col) = cursor" /* wwwww abc */ "(line) = line" row /* translate(line," ","+%^&*()+{}[]|\:;""'<>,./")||" " */ /* ampersand, colon, equal, slash may be used in a link */ line = translate(line," ","+%^*()+={}[]|\;""'<>,?")||" " i = index(substr(line,col)," ") - 1 k=col do j = col to 1 by -1 if " " = substr(line,j,1) then leave; k=j end; urllink = substr(line,k,col-j+i-1) zedlmsg = """"urllink"""" k col i zedsmsg = "" "line_before .zcsr = noteline (urllink)" col = k "ispexec" "setmsg msg(isrz000)" "cursor =" row col /***********************************/ "(line) = line" row wordlc = translate(urllink,'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz',, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ') "c word .zcsr .zcsr" col "'"urllink"'", "'"urllink"'" row = row + 1 /* prepare to place cursor for next line */ "cursor =" row col /*"find next p'=' nx" col*/ "up 2" exit