Test first with: domains:, href:, brj:, parentips:, comments:, src:, wrap:, and then bml:
Reset: Reset (F5),
Text and Links:
revealtags: (Reveal All Tags)
HTML Debug: rvHTML: Reveal HTML comments)
**** "bold:" use of bold tag (<B>) has been replaced by the strong tag (<STRONG>), only "Reset" above in this test is using the bold tag.
Additional tests: (an HTML comment can be revealed by "rvHTML")
Highlight links:
javascript:for%28i=0;i%3Cdocument.all.length;i++%29%7Bif%28document.all[i].tagName==%27A%27%29%7Bwith%28document.all[i].style%29%7Bif%28backgroundColor==%27yellow%27%29%7Bvoid%28backgroundColor=document.bgColor%29%7Delse%7Bvoid%28backgroundColor=%27yellow%27%29%7D%7D%7D%7Dbold (highlight bold in yellow)
javascript:if(frames.length>1)alert('This / bookmarklet does not work with frames.');else{var lnks=(document.all)?document.all.tags('B'):document.getElementsByTagName('B');for (nIx5Bs=0;nIx5Bs
search links from squarefree.com/bookmarklets/pagelinks.html"javascript:(function(){var x,n,nD,z,i; function htmlEscape(s){s=s.replace(/&/g,'&');s=s.replace(/>/g,'>');s=s.replace(/</g,'<');return s;} function attrQuoteEscape(s){s=s.replace(/&/g,'&'); s=s.replace(/"/g, '"');return s;} x=prompt("show links with this word/phrase in link text or target url (leave blank to list all links):", ""); n=0; if(x!=null) { x=x.toLowerCase(); nD = window.open().document; nD.writeln('<html><head><title>Links containing "'+htmlEscape(x)+'"</title><base target="_blank"></head><body>'); nD.writeln('Links on <a href="'+attrQuoteEscape(location.href)+'">'+htmlEscape(location.href)+'</a><br> with link text or target url containing "' + htmlEscape(x) + '"<br><hr>'); z = document.links; for (i = 0; i < z.length; ++i) { if ((z[i].innerHTML && z[i].innerHTML.toLowerCase().indexOf(x) != -1) || z[i].href.toLowerCase().indexOf(x) != -1 ) { nD.writeln(++n + '. <a href="' + attrQuoteEscape(z[i].href) + '">' + (z[i].innerHTML || htmlEscape(z[i].href)) + '</a><br>'); } } nD.writeln('<hr></body></html>'); nD.close(); } })();"
partial source from squarefree.com/bookmarkets/webdevel.html -- partial source"javascript:function getSelSource() { x = document.createElement("div"); x.appendChild(window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).cloneContents()); return x.innerHTML; } function makeHR() { return nd.createElement("hr"); } function makeParagraph(text) { p = nd.createElement("p"); p.appendChild(nd.createTextNode(text)); return p; } function makePre(text) { p = nd.createElement("pre"); p.appendChild(nd.createTextNode(text)); return p; } nd = window.open().document; ndb = nd.body; if (!window.getSelection || !window.getSelection().rangeCount || window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).collapsed) { nd.title="Generated Source of: " + location.href; ndb.appendChild(makeParagraph("No selection, showing generated source of entire document.")); ndb.appendChild(makeHR()); ndb.appendChild(makePre("<html>\n" + document.documentElement.innerHTML + "\n</html>")); } else { nd.title="Partial Source of: " + location.href; ndb.appendChild(makePre(getSelSource())); }; void 0"
topographic view from squarefree.com/bookmarklets/webdevel.html"javascript:(function(){var s="body",c="",I=" ! important;",i,b,f,x,h; for(i=0;i<17;++i) { x = i.toString(16); b = i>15?"FCC":x+x+x; f = i>9?"000":"FFF"; c += s + " {background: #" + b + I + "border-color: #" + b + I + "color: #" + f + I + "}\n"; s += " *"; } if(document.createStyleSheet) { document.createStyleSheet("javascript:'"+c+"'"); } else { h=document.createElement('link'); h.rel='stylesheet'; h.href='data:text/css,'+escape(c); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(h);}})()"Note all " within initial and last are actually " all < are < and all > are > Created 2024-03-05 as a test subset from bookmarklets (bml) page 10:45PM