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Posting attachments to newsgroups is bad netiquette, an alternative is presented below which displays all content.
In reality you could post plain text as shown below the table.


A1:   	Description	
A2:   	pens	
A3:   	pencils	
A4:   	Total	
B1:   	dozens	
B2:   	3	
B3:   	2	
C1:   	price/doz	
C2:   	0.75	
C3:   	0.85	
D1:   	Total	
D2:   	=B2*C2	         Format: 0.00
D3:   	=B3*C3           Format: 0.00
D4:   	=SUM(D2:D3)      Format: 0.00
1Description dozensprice/dozTotal =getformula(D1)
2pens30.75 2.25=B2*C2
3pencils20.85 1.70=B3*C3
4Total   3.95 =SUM(D2:D3)

     Descript unit  price Total Total
     pens        3  0.75  2.25  =B2*C2
     pencils     2  0.85  1.70  =B3*C3
     Total       -  ----  3.95  =SUM(D2:D3)


Sub DocuCells()
     Application.ScreenUpdating = False
     Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
     Dim Cell As Range, iRow As Long
     Dim wsNeww As Worksheet, wsCurr As Worksheet
     iRow = 0
     On Error Resume Next   'In case DocuCells sheet not exist
     Application.DisplayAlerts = False
     Application.DisplayAlerts = True
     On Error GoTo 0
     Set wsCurr = ActiveSheet
     ActiveSheet.Name = "DocuCells"
     Set wsNeww = ActiveSheet
     On Error Resume Next  'in case no selection with content
     For Each Cell In _
            Intersect(Selection, ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
       If Not IsEmpty(Cell) Then
         iRow = iRow + 1
         wsNeww.Cells(iRow, 1) = Cell.Address(0, 0) & ":   "
         wsNeww.Cells(iRow, 2) = "'" & Cell.Formula
         If Cell.NumberFormat <> "General" Then _
           wsNeww.Cells(iRow, 3) = "     Format: " & Cell.NumberFormat
       End If
     Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
     Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub


This page was created on October 25, 2001.

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