Macro name. SKEL#MEM | Edit macro SKEL#MEM | |
users. | HTML authors dxxd | Author: David McRitchie |
type. |
Edit Macro resides in SYS1.TSOCLIST for use with TSO Edit Macro resides in d:\spfmacro for use with SPF/PC | |
SKEL#MEM | dxxd...Edit macro reformats data | |
Related | dxxd... list of related macros -- use HTMLHYP to make hypertext | |
Related | dxxd... auxiliary list of related macros |
SKEL#MEM allows the user under PDF EDIT (or SPF/PC EDIT) to ...dxxd...
SKEL#MEM can be a very useful tool when doing documentation or when preparing data within a PDS member.
ISREDIT | SKEL#MEM | [lptr-range | ENTIRE] [NX | X] [LEFT | RIGHT] [LVL1] [LVL2] [LVL3] [NEST] |
CC-range | The process range for this macro may be further restricted to a single line using a single C over the line number, or a block of lines using a pair of CC line commands. The default range is to process all lines in the entire range .ZFIRST to .ZLAST . |
lptr-range | A pair of line pointers can be used to restrict the lines under consideration The line pointers must be a labels. Specifying one line pointer is invalid. |
ENTIRE | will be substituted by .ZFIRST .ZLAST |
NX | Affects only lines that are NOT EXCLUDED from the display. |
X | Affects only lines that are EXCLUDED from the display. |
INIT | Use only within an edit macro that will be used as an INITIAL macro. The use of ISREDIT UP 4 for example is not allowed within an INITIAL macro. |
col-pair | A pair of
columns is required. Specification of a single column only will
terminate the edit macro before reformatting proceeds. If 0
(zero) is used for the starting column then the second number is
used to indicate the number of blanks (150 max). An L can
generally be used to indicate the last column of data in the record.
Unavailable for use with UNHEX.
Additional-pairs, additional column pairs may be specified |
skel#mem ...
eformat .zfirst .zlast 10 30 0 01 'constant string' 31 40
skel#mem .refa .refb 40 45 1 3 75 L
Descriptions dxxd ...
Internal Aspects:
[TSO code]
[SPF/PC code]
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Copyright © 1995 - 2006, F. David McRitchie, All Rights Reserved