REPEATNX edit macro

Macro name. REPEATNX Edit macro REPEATNX
users. All EDIT users Author: David McRitchie
type. Edit Macro resides in SYS1.TSOCLIST for use with TSO
Edit Macro resides in d:\spfmacro  for use with SPF/PC
REPEATNX Repeat the NX lines for modification purposes
Related PINX - create .PI entries (for DCF) from scratch
NOTENX - repeat the NX lines as INFOLINEs

Frequently you may need to repeat (R) a line and to modify one of them.  This edit macro is to help you if you need to perform this operation on a lot of lines which can be identified.  One purpose for which the edit macro might be useful is in JCL.  Suppose you situation where if there are //PRINTER cards in JCL you want to add //PRINT2 cards below all occurrences.  This edit macro would help you perform this task.


lptr-rangeindicates that two line pointers are required to indicate a range of lines to be deleted. The line pointers must be a labels. Specifying one line pointer is invalid.  The default is to process all lines (.zFIRST .ZLAST).
AFTER Lines will be repeated AFTER the Current NX lines and the original NX lines will be undisplayed with a =NOTE= to show the original NX line.  You can then change the new lines individually or globally.
BEFORE Lines will be repeated BEFORE the Current NX lines and the original NX lines will be undisplayed with a =NOTE= to show the original NX line.  You can then change the new lines individually or globally.
Applies to NX lines only.


There must be at least one NX (displayed) line present.  Generally most lines should be X (undisplayed) lines, but the usage will vary.


repeatnx after
repeatnx before .c .d

Internal Aspects:    [TSO code]  [SPF/PC code] 
This is one of those macros where the macro itself is a lot smaller than it's documentation.

  1. Parse is used to pick out labels if present.  If not present the range is .zfirst .zlast
  2. If BEFORE is not specified it will be processed as if AFTER had been specified.
  3. Processing occurs from the bottom of the range so that inserted lines will not affect the line number being processed by the macro.
EDIT---- IS03.SHARE.TEXT(EDITXXXX) - 01.00 - COLUMNS 001 124
COMMAND ===> REPEATNX BEFORE                  SCROLL ===> CSR
****** **************************** TOP OF DATA *****************************
000001 Results of Survey taken on 1st day in May ....
- - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  2 LINE(S) NOT DISPLAYED
000003 Steps to be taken by Executive Committee.
- - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - nn LINE(S) NOT DISPLAYED
****** ************************* BOTTOM OF DATA *****************************

After modifying the lines shown, but before entering RESET

EDIT---- IS03.SHARE.TEXT(EDITXXXX) - 01.00 - COLUMNS 001 124
COMMAND ===>                                  SCROLL ===> CSR
****** **************************** TOP OF DATA *****************************
000001 :h2.Results of Survey
=NOTE= Results of Survey taken on 1st day in May ....
- - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  2 LINE(S) NOT DISPLAYED
000005 :h2.Executive Committee.
=NOTE= Steps to be taken by Executive Committee.
- - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - nn LINE(S) NOT DISPLAYED
****** ************************* BOTTOM OF DATA *****************************

After enter RESET

EDIT---- IS03.SHARE.TEXT(EDITXXXX) - 01.00 - COLUMNS 001 124
COMMAND ===>                                  SCROLL ===> CSR
****** **************************** TOP OF DATA *****************************
000001 :h2.Results of Survey
000002 Results of Survey taken on 1st day in May ....
000003   ...
000004 :h2.Executive Committee.
000005 Steps to be taken by Executive Committee.
****** ************************* BOTTOM OF DATA *****************************

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Copyright © 1995 - 2006, F. David McRitchie, All Rights Reserved