Getting started with Excel macros and user
defined functions, and your personal.xls (personal.xlsm in Excel 2007) workbook
Getting Started with Macros and User Defined Functions
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Creating your first macro (#create)
What is a Macro: A stored series of commands and functions that can be run to perform a specific task or tasks. In Excel a macro could be a complete
program. Macros may be run from a toolbar button, or menu, from a shape in the workbook, or from another macro.
What is an Event Macro: Event macros are triggered by an event
such as opening a double clicking a cell, right click, opening a workbook,
or a activating a worksheet. (Event macros)
What is a Function:
Excel has builtin functions like IF, AND, OR, SUM
which you use in your worksheet. Functions can invoke other functions to return a value.
What is a User Defined Function:
You can make up
your own functions or use functions made up by someone
else, either or both would be User Defined Functions (UDF),
because they are not built into Excel (not built-in).
Your personal.xls file (personal.xlsm in Excel 2007) is where you store your own macros
and User Defined Functions (UDF), that you want to be available from
any workbook. For macros you only want available in a single
workbook you would install macros in that workbook.
Recording a macro:
If you want to program something, or issue a series of commands
more or less simulating what you do one at a time at the keyboard
you can create a macro. The usual way to start into macros is
to record a macro. Macros in Excel are written in VBA (Visual
Basic for Applications). Macros are sometimes made into Addins
or Addins may be programmed in another language such as C++,
but we'll skip over addins.
Recording a macro in Excel creates a series of actions in VBA, to duplicate
what you enter -- it does not record individual keystrokes.
Macros and UDF can be stored in your workbook or in another
workbook. Personal.xls (personal.xlsm in Excel 2007) is just another workbook, but it is commonly
used and described for the macros that you want available to more
than one workbook for your own use. The personal.xls (personal.xlsm in Excel 2007) is normally
started when you bring up Excel. When you start up Excel all files are
opened that are in your XLSTART directory, so you don't want other
workbooks or files in that directory. (remember that)
This also applies to your Alternate Startup Directory under
Tools, options, general which for most should have no file designated.
You can find your XLSTART directory using FIND it would be in the
same directory as Excel is invoked from. You won't have one at this
point, and expect that the following will create one for you.
To make sure that there is a DIM statement for each variable
and that the usage conforms to the definitions it is imperative that you
use Option Explicit which in included at the top of modules in Excel 2000 by default. (VBE Tools, Editor, [x] Require Variable Definition). Be sure to have this option on to help keep you out of serious trouble. There are additional hints on my Proper page mentioned later on.
Modification of instructions for Excel 2007 (#xl2007)(#tools)
Tools menu becomes Developer Tab in Excel 2007, and is not shown by default.
To display the Developer Tab, click on the Office 2007 button in upper left corner, then on options, and select Developer. You can use the same shortcut keys in Excel 2007 as you used in previous versions of Excel.
Tools menu, Options becomes Office Button in upper left corner of Excel 2007, then click on options (at bottom), and then guess at which item on the left to use,
for instance what was Tools (menu), Options (submenu), View (tab) becomes Office(button), Advanced (button), then Display heading instead of View.
Modification of Excel 2007 that I had in prior versions.
Tools, Options, Custom lists -- Office 2007 button, Options, Custom Lists
-- A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
Additions of toolbar buttons, and Menus will have
to be figured out later, also will have to check out Change the ribbon in Excel 2007 by Ron de Bruin.
Security Level set to Medium to run macros (#security)
Macros will not run if the security setting is set to High in Excel, Check under Tools, Macro, security, set to Medium.
Record a Macro (#record)
If you don't know if you have a personal.xls (personal.xlsm in Excel 2007) or not you can let Excel record a macro
in your personal.xls (personal.xlsm in Excel 2007) and if you don't have one then Excel will create a personal.xls (personal.xlsm in Excel 2007) workbook for you in the correct directory, which is in the
XLSTART directory. The XLSTART directory is in the same directory as you are running excel.exe from.
Let's record a macro. Hopefully you are using XL97 or later because
there would be some minor modification otherwise. (would be simpler)
- Starting on your menu bar: Tools, Macro, Record New Macro
- In the middle drop down choose "record to personal Macro workbook" which is your personal.xls (personal.xlsm in Excel 2007), or if you just want macro available in the current workbook
choose "This Workbook".
- supply a name, or accept the suggested name i.e. Macro1
- anything you do now in Excel will be recorded in the macro.
- Select another cell i.e. select cell B1, anything you do will be recorded — something more fancy would be to Select Column B and using the Ctrl key Select D and F then
Click on interior color icon looks like a paint bucket, or use Format, Cell, Patterns and choose a light color.
- Click on the stop button on the floating macro dialog box that is over your sheet,
or use Tools, Macro, Stop Recording – You should not use the [x] to exit out of the stop recording dialog.
- Alt+F11, to get to the Visual Basic Editor
- Ctrl+R, to bring up the Project Window (should be on leftside)
- F7, brings up the Code
- Ctrl+G, brings up the Immediate window
- Normally you would see the Project window (left), Code window (right), Immediate window (bottom) at the same time.
- under VBAProject (personal.xls) (personal.xlsm in Excel 2007) or the name of your current workbook
if you chose "This workbook" earlier. Select modules, then the highest numbered module, double click on the module name (i.e. module1)
- You should see the macro you just recorded in the code window.
- The next step is running your macro.
- Alternate instructions: Recording a macro
(internet4classrooms), Using a Macro to perform a sequence of operations, and also see
Record macros
at datapig (flash videos).
Use someone else's macro (#havemacro)
Instead of recording your own macro, install a macro from a newsgroup, or other source such as a web page.
Bring up the Visual Basic Editor (VBE) standard with normal layout of windows: Project window (left), Code window (right), Immediate window at the bottom. [Picture Alt+F11 -- Project view"]
- Alt+F11, to get to the Visual Basic Editor
- Ctrl+R, to bring up the Project Window (should be on leftside)
- F7, brings up the Code
- Ctrl+G, brings up the Immediate window
Within the Project Explorer select your project, which is your workbook name. You will install the provided macro in your workbook, or if you want the macro to always be accessible you would install in your personal.xls (personal.xlsm in Excel 2007) workbook.
If you do not see modules in your project (workbook) which you've
selected, then invoke the Insert (menu), and then module
[picture], the first
one created in a project would be module1. You can put several
macros in a module or create a new module for some addition macros.
You can rename a module with help of F4.
Select the module with a double click on the module name (i.e. module1)
- Copy code (Ctrl+C) from your source then paste (Ctrl+V)
the code into a standard module that you just picked.
- Return to Excel to run your macro. (see below)
Something to keep in mind when you use a macro is that you can not undo use of macro with Ctrl+Z.
Running the Macro you just Installed (#run)
Now run the macro that you just created or installed from the Excel Window.
- Alt+F8 (program function key 8) [Picture Alt+F8 -- Macro]
- Select the macro you installed (i.e. Macro1), then hit the [Run] button.
If the macro does not run (#willnotrun)
- Macros will not run if the security setting is set to High,
Check under Tools, Macro, security, set to Medium. If the
security setting is set a High and you try to run macros in the
workbook you will see the following message:
The macros in the project are disabled. Please refer to the
online help or documentation of the host application to determine how to
enable macros.
- Syntax errors will show up in Red and the macro will not run.
This would be a frequent occurrence for macros copied from newsgroups
where a statement got split between two lines and needs to be
rejoined. Fix any syntax error.
- In the VBE (Visual Basic Editor, Alt+F11)
the Run Sub/UserForm, Break, and Reset buttons must all be dark blue (not grayed out). If the middle button is grayed out, you are in break mode from
macro failure or a chosen break point (debugging) -- fix your macro errors and then press the Run button to continue, or the Reset button to allow starting over. (the picture at right shows being in break mode)
The buttons look like VCR buttons Play, Pause, Stop.
- If the macro doesn't run at all, perhaps it is installed as the wrong
type of macro. Standard macros are installed in Modules (can be renamed).
Class macros
such as Event macros are installed in Sheets (can be renamed), or in ThisWorkbook class module for Workbook Events. There are also
class modules.
- Additional Problems you might encounter.
Installing a Macro into your Personal.xls (#install)
This topic may be somewhat redundant as it has pretty much
been covered in previous topics, but was written specifically
concerning the personal.xls (personal.xlsm in Excel 2007) project workbook.
Now do the what you may have already done in record a macro,
but this time when you choose a name
- accept the suggested Macro1, but go down to the bottom and
choose Personal.xls (personal.xlsm in Excel 2007) instead of all workbooks.
- Choose different columns and different interior color (format, cells, pattern). Stop the macro.
Now test the macro you created in personal.xls (personal.xlsm in Excel 2007), restore the coloring you changed first (format, cells, pattern, automatic color).
- Alt+F8, at the bottom choose Personal.xls (personal.xlsm in Excel 2007) then [Run]
- Alt+F8, then [Run]
- Alt+F8, choose the Macro1 that does not say personal.xls (personal.xlsm in Excel 2007), and
the press or hit [Delete]
- Alt+F8, type Macro1 into the box, then [Run] note
since you do not have
a macro1 in your current workbook, it will be run from your
personal.xls (personal.xlsm in Excel 2007) workbook.
Your personal.xls (personal.xlsm in Excel 2007) workbook should
be hidden (Window menu in Excel, hidden), so it can be used by other workbooks without specifying
where the macro resides. see Excel Window menu, Hide/Unhide
Now that you have a macro, switch over to the Visual Basic Editor(VBE)
Alt+F11 you can use Alt+F11 to get back, but you may find it easier
to just select the workbook with the cursor later. Anyway in the VBE
look for your macro under personal.xls (personal.xlsm in Excel 2007), modules -- if you do not see
the listing use Ctrl+R, when you click on module1 it will bring up
a code window as would F7(view, code) and you will see your
Macro1 there. To help distribute your code so that you would have
all of your code open at one time Excel will start a new module when
you record your first macro for the day. You probably want to put
related code together that will be open at the same time.
Now it's your turn, suggest you create a user defined function,
to go into your personal.xls (personal.xlsm in Excel 2007) for that suggest you take a look at
a my
Install Macros and User Defined Functions page.
BTW, some of this is actually in HELP, that's where I found it when
I was told I should use a macro. But then that was Excel 95, which
was probably a bit easier to get started in.
User Defined Functions (#UDF)
User Defined Functions are installed into the
same files as Macros. Macros begin
with SUB, and User Defined Functions begin with FUNCTION.
Another distinction is that you will not find UDF in the macro list (Alt+F8),
but you will find them in the Function Wizard list from the address bar button
or from the insert menu (then
- on Excel 2000 choose "User Defined" on the left side and you will see your User Defined functions on the right.
- on Excel 2002 choose "User Defined" on the dropdown
and then you will see your User Defined functions
in the box below. [picture]
Unlike macros you will need to include the project library (i.e. personal.xls!) if not in the
same workbook unless you set up references or make if part of an addin. Otherwise, you must include personal.xls (personal.xlsm in Excel 2007)when invoking the function:
or =personal.xlsm!GetFormula(D4) in Excel 2007)
Favorite User Defined Functions (#favorites)
I think you will find the UDFs on my page
Show FORMULA of another cell in Excel very useful.
Particularly GetFormula to show the
formula or constant used in another cell and a comparable
function GetFormat to show the format used
in another cell.
Usage Example for a User Defined Function:
=personal.xls!GetFormula(D4) or =personal.xlsm!GetFormula(D4) in Excel 2007
This page also includes information on calling a macro from another macro,
and examples of cell formatting. These are my favorites because GetFormula was
the first UDF that I wrote, and I received help from the newsgroups. The page
is fully documented.
Favorite Macros
I think you will find the macros on my page Proper, and other Text changes --
Use of SpecialCells very useful, but more important the page contains useful information
(documentation) on what you should have in a macro for efficiency and should look for in macros offered
to you as complete. Another page of my favorite macros is my page on Reformatting
with the Join macro being the favorite on the page, other macro on the page
that help create test data are among my favorites, another favorite page is
Build Table of Contents which has several macros
for working with hyperlinks. On of the most used macros appears to
the TrimAll macro on the join.htm page kind of
a necessity when you copy and paste from HTML and your data contains
(non-breaking space characters).
Usage Examples on that page:
For the macros on that page you make a selection of cells
and then run the macro, and the macro only applies to the selected cells.
If you look at what I have in my toolbars, you can probably get a better idea
of some of my favorites. toolbars.htm and how my
toolbar menus are structured in bar hopper.
More on Getting Started (#help)
The HELP in Excel is different form the HELP in the VBE.
You invoke the HELP you need from where you use it.
Hope that makes sense. Would suggest you read HELP
in the contents area first few sections anyway because that is
where the orientation information is found.
Your Turn
Now it's really your turn.
Additional Comments:
Running Efficiently (#content)
Even though you can have any number of macros in a module
you want to put macros and functions together that are likely
to be needed at the same session together, as once the module
is opened it will use more memory. Default module names are
module1 to modulen and when you record a macro they
are somewhat separated by putting each days recordings into a
separate module. You can rename a module with F4 (view, properties).
In the Visual Basic Editor you should close the modules before
closing your VBE session, because when
Excel is reopened modules that were open will be reopened.
Writing Efficient Code (#coding)
Whether you write your own code or use someone else's, you want to
make sure that you are using sound and efficient coding. Some
tips on writing macros can be found in
Proper, and other Text changes -- Use of SpecialCells, and in
Slow Response and Memory Problems.
If you are providing macro examples, please indent your code so
that it is readable. If you are posting code to a newsgroup
try to break lines yourself, rather than expecting someone to
fix coding based on syntax errors.
Finding macros to do what you want (#archives)
Finding a macro that someone else wrote saves a lot of time, and if you
are just starting tends to avoid making serious mistakes. Suggest
including the word "SUB" when searching the Excel newsgroups. to
help in your search for results as opposed to questions. Some people
do not post the full macro
but so many questions have already been answered over and over again
that missing a few isn't likely to impair your search.
Searching Excel newsgroups -- Google Advanced Group search:*Excel*
be sure to look at the entire
thread on anything that looks promising. [xlnews.htm],
Searching the web with Google Advanced Web Search:
searching the web include both the word SUB (for macros) and Excel. [xlnews.htm]
You might want to remove junk websites using
Customize Google in Firefox
to eliminate search hits that really don't have web type
content by excluding those that contain newsgroup postings.
A less reliable way is to exclude some words associated with newsgroup postings:
-HTH and -"posted by" in your Google web search (note the negative signs in front to exclude items).
Creating a Module Name with a specific name, or Rename an existing Module (#modulename)
An example of a module of macros that you might want to install would be
my Formula macros described in Show FORMULA or FORMAT of another cell, all of the code for which is found
in my code folder as /code/formula.txt
- In VBA (Alt+F11) First create a new Module {Insert, New Module} (warning choose 'Module' not 'Class Module') -- suggest you do this in your
personal library rather than your project library.
- Rename the "Module nnn" created by selecting Module nnn, if not already selected, then get to get to View, Properties using
F4 {View, Properties Window} and change the module name to "McRitchie_Formula".
- Paste in the code for this new module from /code/formula.txt
Asking questions -- newsgroups (#questions)
Questions concerning Excel VBA Macros are best asked in the
microsoft.public.excel.programming newsgroup after first searching
newsgroup archives as described in the previous topic to see
if you can find an answer or at least to get additional information that might help you and others with solving your problem with a better phrased question.
Then you should be in pretty good shape to post to the programming newsgroup.
You should at least know how to install a macro before posting a programming question. Hopefully,
this page helped with that, if you didn't already know.
Questions not involving with programming should be asked in a different
newsgroup see list of Excel newsgroups.
Terminology (#terminology)
cell is the object
EntireRow is a property of that object
Delete is a method that operates on the object — (verb, command, action)
Problems (#problems)
Macros will not run if the Excel security setting is set to High, in
Excel check under Tools, Macro, security, set to Medium.
Do not set to low as you would not get the warning that macros exist
(macros can expose you viruses).
Many problems involve not hiding the personal macro workbook before
attempting to run macros. Your personal macro workbook should
be in your XLSTART directory and if you let Excel create it
for you, it would have been created in the correct place.
In Windows Vista the XLSTART directory is in a completely different
location than earlier versions of Windows.
From Excel try Alt+F8, look for your macro in the list,
if not there you did not install the macro in the correct place
or the workbook that you installed it in (personal.xls /personal.xlsm)) is not open.
An exception to this are private macros which
have to be called by name and are not seen in the list. Any macro
with parameters is by definition private, and the parameters even if optional
can only be used when called from another macro.
If your macro is in the list,
try invoking the macro from there
with the Run button on right that might show up a problem such as being
in Break mode due to a previous macro failure. If you are in
break mode, fix the error and press the square Rest button in
the VBE (Visual Basic Editor).
If your assigned shortcut key does nothing, it could be because you are in break mode, and you would see that if you tried to invoke from Alt+F8 macro list. From the macro list, press the options button, you
should see your assigned shortcut there.
On the Excel Window menu, make sure that your personal.xls
(or personal.xlsm)
workbook is hidden. The reason for hiding is so that you don't have
to specify the workbook name with the macro. With a shortcut key
assigned it really wouldn't matter because the workbook name was included
when you created the shortcut. If you unhide your personal macros, don't forget to hide it again.
Those with Excel XP (2002)may run into a situation where Excel thinks
a workbook is bad and quarantines it. Look in HELP (F1) for
“Disabled items” (Dave Peterson, programming, 2005-04-28)
If the macro does not run see topic under
Running the Macro you Just Installed.
Loss of the Stop Recording toolbar:
You should use the black button to Stop recording a macro. Clicking on the Exit button will turn off the
Recording toolbar so you will no longer have a choice between turning
“Relative Reference” on or off because the only place
you can change is on the Recording toolbar. To restore the toolbar: Start recording a macro, then View, toolbars,
toolbars (tab), (check) Stop Recording.
The relative button allows you to switch at any time
between the two while recoding a macro example of the difference in coding:
ActiveCell.Offset(-5, 5).Range("A1").Select
Macro won't run, summary of things to check (#wontrun)
- Security is set to high in Excel (Change it to Medium)
- Macros are disabled by choice when workbook was opened
- Another macro is already running and you are in break mode
- Edit Mode in Excel (menus would be grayed out, hit Enter)
- Dialog box open in Excel or in the VBE (complete the dialog)
- Workbook is disabled because Excel thinks it is bad (Excel 2002)
- Sheet tab is being renamed
- Workbook is protected
- Chart sheet is active from F11 (macro menu is actually missing)
- Menu or customize is active (Alt or / has been pressed)
- The task pane is active (actually I can't duplicate problem at moment)
- also see grayed out.
- Caps Lock On will interfere with shortcut keys assigned to a macro, preventing invocation of the macro, or of the correct macro. (not listed above)
User Defined Function does not work (#problems_udf)
Most of the above that apply to macros also apply to user defined functions as well, but you will not see User Defined Functions listed in the macro list (Alt+F8),
look for them instead in functions list
choose "user defined" on the left side.
Check that you have calculation on automatic, that you are not in
formula view, and that you that you did not enter your formula into a
text formatted cell. If you see #NAME! then your function is not found
possibly misnamed.
Startup Problems (#startup)
- Startup Errors In Excel, Chip Pearson,
Occasionally, you may encounter errors when starting Excel that make it difficult or impossible to continue working.
- Startup Problems, Jan Karel Pieterse, things-to-try when Excel exhibits (startup) problems and File not found errors, compile errors, GPF's, Excel refusing to load.
Excel 2007
Help with and transitioning between Office Versions