Summary: Interactive tutorial to show some of the things that can be done with bookmarklets in a browser, some features of the Chrome browser, and a collection of the extensions I am using in Chrome.
Author: David McRitchie
You can test out the bookmarklets on this page,
a bookmarklet adds "one-click" functionality to your browser. This page essentially contains most bookmarklet examples from my "(newtab)" page and work I thought would save time composing Evernote note page but Evernote did not include the links with JavaScript code. You may begin by clicking on “parentips:”, which will list all of the tooltips you mouseover to see as notes within parentheses to right of the associated element. Bookmarklets are tools -- do not concern yourself with their code, relax and see what they can do. You can always find additional bookmarklets with Google Searches. You can drag a single bookmarklet to your bookmarks toolbar or any bookmark folder. (Link for importing bookmarks (bml.html) for bookmarklets you see here.) This page has approximately 181/509 (updated) and the file has 190/217 bookmarklets within bookmarks. To install 1) copy file to your drive, 2) import into your browser, 3) move C.BML or BML folder to your toolbar, 4) delete the imported folder you created with these steps. I added several bookmarklets but one of general interest would be domains, where you have a page with lot of links and want to see where they are but not interested in the complete urls.
(After testing 1 or more bookmarklets, use F5(Reload) to refresh page back to normal),
Test first with: domains:, href:, brj:, parentips:, int:, borders:, charcnt:, id: (or ShowClassesAndIDs), comments:, src:, wrap:, hidivs:, and then bml:
Sorting: (#sortntables)
SortSelect: (example at right),
(see Table)
[to Sort Text Lines, see beside #tools, bookmarklets don't sort links, MSWord does]
Source code (HTML): Used to use Ctrl+U to see source in Notepad with modified Firefox, which was my preference for viewing and modifying my own code. Prefix url in address bar with "viewsource:" to view source in all browsers, no bookmarklets required; while a formatted list may be better to view someone else's code the text does not wrap in your browser.
Saving changed appearance: Bookmarklets only affect the page while viewing, but if you would like create a new copy to include your bookmarklet invoked changes, you can use a bookmarklet to get the source with your bookmarklet and all styling changes included using:
Spelling and Grammarsp: - spellingundosp: Don't know why no one else thought of undoing edit mode other than by by a Reset(F5), but you have to do it from a bookmark not from the page. More information
see Identifying Spelling and Grammar errors below [5 minute video available]
Statistics (webpage):imagesct:words: (cnt),
(more information)
It appears that a bookmark with substitution using %S (Smart bookmark)
will work on one computer with Chrome, but not on another one with Chrome and not in other Chromium browsers. the bookmark title begins with the shortcut and has %S or substitution. testing: of w: (can't duplicate here guess it actually has to be a bookmark).
sharing and saving bookmarklets :
Bookmarklets can't directly add to the clipboard. If you want to create HTML links from tabs use an extension such as "TabCopy" (Chrome from extension button). A much better extension is available in Firefox -- "Copy Selected Tabs to Clipboard" invoked from the Firefox tab context menu [Evernote note]), will pick up %DESCRIPTION% at most sites but not at addons.
Bookmark Descriptions are not available through any Chrome extension as Chrome does not have bookmark descriptions. For Safari you can try: Tabs to Links on the Mac App Store or
"TabLinks" Safari Extension - (future). Firefox no longer has descriptions nor keywords on Firefox Bookmarks so I stopped using Firefox (don't confuse keywords with the useless tags).
Saving webpages with bookmarklets or saving exported bookmarks to Evernote for preservation will not work very well for you as all bookmarks containing JavaScript have all of the JavaScript code removed. Same thing occurs if you try to paste a bookmarklet link with javascript into email.
The checkmark bookmarklets would have been great for Gmail as the mobile version does not have a global check/uncheck box for the mail search hits, unfortunately Gmail uses JavaScript not normal checkboxes, so the two bookmarklets do not work for f.
According to "search links" the following bookmarklets on this page have selection:
def: define, highlight:word, mag: (magnify), partial source, words: (cnt), wordcnt: (selection),
Extensions are best to sort numbers.
List (...)
Invoking parentips" will reveal title= content for links, which show up when you mouse over a link. (You can mouse over the above bookmarklets). Most websites fail to make much use of tool tips.
paren tips (paren: “Bookmarklet” shows all link Titles on page within parens ( ), which you could normally see individually by mousing over a link when using a desktop browser, modified from example at
HREF visible (href: “Bookmarklet” shows link urls, see, Related keywords - href:, parentips:, bml: keywords:, subs:, alt:, and id:) HREF:# (href:# “Bookmarklet” numbers each link from 0, see, Related keywords - href:, parentips:, bml: keywords:, subs:, alt:, and id:)
sp - spelling (sp: places browser into Edit mode, where spelling can be checked, you may have to toggle check spelling as well in your options/preferences). undosp: reverses.
Invoking "HREF visible" will reveal the link URL, bookmarklets have JavaScript code instead of a URL.
★ Martindale's Calculators (Martindale's Calculators On-Line Center: contains over 23,850 Calculators & Spreadsheets, over 4,260 Courses, Lectures, Manuals, Handbooks, and thousands of Movies, Videos, Simulations & Animations. Created by over 8,750 very CREATIVE Individuals, Businesses & Tax Supported Entities World Wide.) [-- --], A Google search on "calculator [-- --]" displays an online calculator and links to more online calculators,
PRE Area, not
a textbox.
abc def
Bookmarklet Testing Area: Text boxes What is a Text Box?,=.
Test textbox character counting with [charcnt:] bookmarklet.
Return to the [charcnt:] bookmarklet after testing, or to [#sortntables] after testing Sorting or Tables.
Future testing of a bookmarklet for numbers within a range 88 14.2 123 500 550 423 .001 56.49 4,000
Bookmarklets are tools: You do not need to know anything about how bookmarklets work to use them, just like you don't need to know anything about the code in browser extensions to use them. Bookmarklets incorporate JavaScript code and can be very powerful though incorporating very little code. You can use several bookmarklets on a page to provide enhanced reading. You can paste the first line below into your address bar simulating use of a bookmark to run the code. You cannot do that and a heck of a lot of other things in Firefox anymore though.
Many links on this page have additional important notes about their content and usage, please click on the "paren tips" bookmarklet link above.
Test of ADD_DATE= used in exported bookmarks: ||
|| used toISOString() instead of toDateString() or toGMTString() ||
ADD_DATE="1587596084" in
YouTube videos
(I would prefer yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm as a local time)
Bookmarks --, the bookmarklets demonstrated on this page, does not have bookmark descriptions, but does have keyword for Firefox users.
File for 2023-11-17 or later not created yet, contact David.
Mass Install (#massinstall) All of the bookmarklets above are available to be installed by replacement in Android.
Read in Bookmarklets for Tablet
( bookmarklets_for_tablet.html w/o space
) using "VT View Source - Android Apps on Google Play" on tablet, which allows you to view source of files on tablet and on web, then save on your tablet in /mnt/sdcard/BookmarkSB/bookmarks_for_tablet.html,
then in "Bookmark Sort & Backup (BookmarkSB) - Android Apps on Google Play" you can restore (replaces all bookmarks in Browser) from the local file, you can sort the bookmarks if you want them sorted in the default Browser. You may need to sort them in descending order before importing them into another browser such as Dolphin.
Bookmarks installed in Browser can be used or imported into other browsers, some have a folder that simply contains "system bookmarks".
"Recent Bookmarks:" (#recent),
Chrome extension shows recent bookmark additions/updates. (Recent bookmarks drops down from the yellow star on the extensions menu. More information below under Bookmark extensions.)
History [Ctrl+H] (#hist) (in Firefox the equivalent shortcut would be Ctrl+Shift+H and be able to show more information in a sortable table) The blue Stars in the listing indicates it is also bookmarked.
You may have noticed ADD_DATE= and DATE_UPDATED in your exported bookmarks, I have created two bookmarklets to convert them to readable date timestamps in your exported bookmarks HTML listing. See left side of next image.
content change: used to ISOString() not toDateString() nor to GMTString() || ADD_DATE="1587596084" in YouTube videos (I would prefer yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm as a local time) (I guess I didn't show ISO here, exported actually use LAST_MODIFIED= not date_updated and is only on headings (folders)n not on bookmarks, at least in Chrome)
(newtab) -- personal new tab page has several bookmarklets and tests. Most of the bookmarklet information was copied to this page from the newtab page will be modified here and eventually a copy of the bookmarklets section will go back to the newtab page. Firefox, Dolphin and Android were not copied here. (also see Keyword shortcuts(kws.htm))and Android material.
001 Tab Capacity Test underscored test page, see where your browser opens new tabs with your settings.
Cast from Chrome to ROKU: 3dots > Cast, must cast from a streaming source such as YouTube. Some videos are actually on YouTube, click on bottom of video then on YouTube)
chrome://flags (about:flags, control experimental features that may suddenly appear or disappear)
Link to Text Fragment - Chrome Web Store
"Copy Link to Selected Text" (link within articles where author failed to use ID=), for instance this link created by the extension will only work in Chromium browsers and is a long link ending in "#bmext:~:text=Bookmark%20extensions%3A%20(" go to
Bookmark extensions: (2 sections below) {S}
Adding words to your browsers and to Grammarly dictionaries(word lists), some words I added to Chrome are in
dictionary.txt, use the "sp: (spelling)" bookmarklet then add marked errors to your dictionary.
If you need to remove a word you incorrectly added to Chrome chrome://settings/editDictionary (settings > Advanced > Language > Custom), where you will see your additions and can remove words added in error or add additional words. But adding words is a lot easier to add when you see a word in error and use the context menu to replace with correct spelling, add to dictionary, or ignore for the time being.
"Recent Bookmarks" Chrome extension is useful it shows recent bookmarks that you considered important enough to save; whereas, your History (Ctrl+H) shows what you looked at. Has scrollbars. (see dropdown in first image). No extension was really needed in the old Firefox (FF 56.0.2 was still good) because columns could be sorted in the Bookmarks Manager without being permanent (10 ways of sorting including unsorted); nevertheless, makes access to recent bookmarks a lot easier. Another nice feature is that you can copy and paste from the display with included favicons. • Can't edit a bookmark, but can delete. (a similar extension for current Firefox users is available.)
Since Chrome does not have scrollbars in menus or bookmarks (Except in Bookmark Manager), I recommend: both of these have scrollbars and search. Firefox has better functionality, even though neither browser has scrollbars on bookmark menus, Firefox has an adequate Bookmarks sidebar (Ctrl+B) from which you can use search and can use bookmarklets
"Bookmark Manager and Viewer" drop-down for bookmarks includes scrollbars (can't implement bookmarklets on active page, so only good to help find bookmarks, you will have to try your luck with the address bar to use bookmarklets). The star changes to a filled Blue star if the active page is bookmarked. • Can search, edit, delete, and open bookmarks. No good for invoking bookmarklets.
[Has a couple of tricks up its sleeve 1) one is after a search you can validate website URLs (slowly). Unfortunately bookmarklets are not websites so they are all marked as invalid and all of the Chrome extensions (chrome are marked as invalid; nevertheless, it could be useful. 2) The other trick is to correct the titles if they've changed overtime Unfortunately I purposely change a few titles so that they will sort where I want to find them or to improve their titles, so that would be a bad thing for me to use and especially since bookmarks in Chrome do not have descriptions (and Firefox attempted suicide by imitating Chrome).]
"Bookmark Sidebar" (best) It is the only one of these that can run bookmarklets on the active page. There is a disappearing scrollbar that is very difficult to use, but you can not do much without it. Mouseover shows URL and if search was used will also show the bookmark folder. Sorting available: User-defined, Alphabetical, Most used, Recently used, Recently added; the sort applies to all bookmarks when viewed in this extension and is independent of ordering you have in the Bookmarks Manager(Ctrl+Shift+O). However, warning, if you do sort a folder via Bookmarks Manager then you permanently change your user-defined ordering for that folder. Scrollwheel does work and will show location of the scrollbar thumb. Thumb size and location gives you an idea of how far you are from the top and bottom and how big the area is compared to the part you are viewing. Arrow keys don't work for this "wonky sidebar" which covers over some of the page and fogs over the page. Sticky menu: return to the same spot later with the same folders open. • Can search, edit, view date added with Ⓘ, delete and open bookmarks, can utilize bookmarklets. (Firefox users have a much better Bookmarks sidebar builtin, though it doesn’t include temporary sorting)
Ad Blocking extensions: (#abp) See my answer in "Is there a Chrome extension that blocks the messages that tell you to turn off the ad-blocker? - Quora, where I tell you what extensions to install and how to customize them. Adblocking extensions basically all use the same filters such as used in both Adblock Plus and uBlock. To see what filter blocked each blocked item on a page use Inspector (Ctrl+Shift+I), then choose "Adblock Plus" to right of Elements, then reload page.
Adblock Plus - free ad blocker must install filters, same with other adblockers (number tells how many links blocked). Besides choosing filters make use the "🚫 Block Element" to easily add your own filtering, be prepared to undo mistakes and conflicts.
BehindTheOverlay sometimes an overlay tries to get you to subscribe but you just want to view content for now as in collections of images found in google
Cookie Deleter delete cookies on a site, use on paywall sites that limit number of free articles per month. Example for installing and invoking
extension foils].
Hide That,
hide or remove selected elements on a page. Useful for removing invasive adverts, banners and overlays. (context menu i.e. right-click)
uBlock - free ad blocker similar ABP if you have to disable to read a site you probably have to do same for both
uBlacklist tell Google Search to block future references to domain by clicking on "Block this site", if you accidentally click on on the words, you can still cancel out of the blocking request.
Unpaywall click on padlock at right edge of screen to view for free
If the above fail, you might try turning of JavaScript thru settings (or with an extension), looking at a cached copy of the file you want to read using a bookmarklet, or one of the extensions to view cached copies (Web Archives, Web Cache Viewer). Advantage of an extension is that you have a choice of caches. Since you are really looking for a current copy, Google Cache would be best.
Web Cache Viewer Right-click on any link or page to view the Wayback Machine (, or googlecache to deal with 402 errors, maybe even to bypass adblocker and subscription requests if other means fail.
Hand Tool (link broken for Chrome store,so may have been withdrawn)
These are the Chrome extensions on my Toshiba (#ext) most come from the Chrome Webstore , may also be on Android using the Kiwi Browser which is the same as Chrome but can use Chrome desktop extensions. First row is what is seen to the right of the address bar, rest are seen after clicking on the 3 dots.
Chrome on Android does not allow extensions, so suggest using the Kiwi Browser which allows you to run Chrome extensions. Converting an Amazon tablet to Android provides a better browser tab page using KiWi.
Remaining extensions from the 3-dots menu
TabCopy, R2c, ABP, Tabs Outliner, Cookie Deleter, Neater Bookmarks, uBlock, Open Selected links, Recent bookmarks (These extensions appear to the right of address bar. The remaining extensions are accessed from the 3-dots menu at the far right of the address bar.)
Webcache pure, Show PDF URL, Reload all tabs, Hand tool (like on a Mac), Text area cache, Thesaurus, Evernote Clipper,
Web cache (, SEO Meta, TinEye, spell checkers, fake news, remove the overlay, web archives,
Paywall, Custom Javascript for websites, xxxxx, EXIF, Personal blocklist, share extensions,
Export links of all extensions, TAB Sort, what font, honey,
Camelizer, price blink, check my links,
Link klump, Project naptha, Web mapper, CSS viewer, password alert, grammarly for chrome, TAB Cloud,
Free conference call launcher, IBVPN, image downloader, tab restore, window resizer, go back with backspace, Jason view,
Don't close window with last tab, smart devices, save to keep, Open in Firefox, new image, New tabs at end, adblock for YouTube,
EXIF Viewer, Get Favicon
Context Menus: (#context)
{B} (Bookmark), {T} (Tab), {M} (Main),
{I} (Image), {L} (Link), {S} (Select);
Make these symbols show up in listing with the #hiregex bookmarklet.
Context menus are named because their content changes depending on where they are used. Each context item has its own context menu. Those with no Favicon belong to the browser, and those with a Favicon belong to an extension. Examples of context menus (Tosh, ASUS)
Context menus (along with tool tips, and left-click menus) also exist for {A} address bar and toolbar icons.
✘ – Used to show not installed, did not like, not for me, or removed by Chrome. (see comments)
These are the Chrome extensions on my Toshiba, listed in Alphabetical Order most come from the Chrome Webstore , may also be on Android using the
Kiwi Browser an APP from the
Google Playstore
. Kiwi is the same as Chrome but can use Chrome desktop extensions which Chrome on Android cannot.
Bookmark Sidebar Bad approximation of a sidebar, but it is a toggleable sidebar with all your bookmarks (can run bookmarklets from here, because associated with the active tab).
Bypass Paywalls Clean for Chrome GitHub , obtain from GitHub it is not in Chrome Webstore, special instructions, easiest to install for Android using .crx file; otherwise, Chrome Desktop instructions. (Evernote note available). Otherwise you can delete site cookies to extend a soft paywall, and/or turn off javascript, and/or use an adblocker.
Clutter Free - Prevent duplicate tabs (not a problem for me, so not installed) Firefox would intercept with "Switch to tab" choice if you were about to open a page you already had open). ✘ (don't need)
Cookie Deleter , delete cookies for site and restart page (optional & recommended).
Example installing and invoking this extension from address bar, or jigsaw puzzle icon dropdown on address bar
Copyfish 🐟, Free OCR Software, copy text pictured on images or PDF files. Adds to image context menu. (will probably continue to use "Project Naptha" in Chrome
rather than Copyfish) {I}
CSSViewer , click the toolbar icon and then hover any element on you want to inspect in current page.
Evernote Web Clipper , Use the Evernote extension to save things you see on the web into your Evernote account. {M}{I}{L}{S}. Don't install if using Free Evernote.
Export Selective BookmarksⒷ, Creates a Bookmarks export file of selected folders and bookmarks, a feature missing in all browsers. (alternate solution: create a new profile then copy and paste folders you want then export from there. This is more straightforward. Click on the extension icon which will bring up all your bookmarks similar to the Bookmarks Manager, place checkmarks next to folders and bookmarks you want to export. ✘ was deactivated by Chrome, reenabled extension.
Get Favicon , (unlikely to need or use since it captures large favicons). Displays the current page's favicon as well as the favicon's URL and dimensions.
Go Back With Backspace ,
Re-enables the backspace key as a back navigation button (except when writing text).
(if not working, use Alt+arrow-left)
Hide That
hide or remove selected elements on a page. Useful for removing invasive adverts, banners and overlays. (context menu i.e. right-click)
Honey , Automatically find and apply coupon codes when you shop online!
HTML5 Outliner , Generates a navigable page outline with heading and sectioning elements
(try a normal page that has headers (Hn) -- this page started out from Evernote
Keywords Everywhere - Keyword Tool [K], shows you "related" keywords as well as "people also search for" keywords in widgets on the right hand side of Google & Bing. They also see the YouTube search insights widget, as well as the YouTube Tags widget. They can also see the estimated organic traffic and the top 5000 keywords for all pages on Google. {M}{S}
Link to Text Fragment , select text to be highlighted and linked to, then use right-click to create a text link, "Copy link to Selected Text", which is only recognized in Chromium browsers. The link will take you to the page and highlight the designated words. Useful to get around the fact that many web authors do not use text-fragments (or identify them, if they do) {S}.
New Tabs At End , Forces new tabs to open at the end of the tab strip.
Open in Firefox Open current page, link, or all tabs in the Firefox browser. {L}
Password Alert , Password Alert helps protect against phishing attacks.
Paywall $$ shows up in Google search as link, regular link is blocked (just a warning)
Personal Blocklist by Google (not found in Google playstore)
PDF Viewer , Uses HTML5 to display PDF files directly in the browser.
PopUpOFF - Popup and overlay blocker - Chrome Web Store Select level at each site
Tried using AdBlock+ to remove but it prevented scrolling --this extension worked on asite next is NYT. Removes and prevents popups, overlays and cookie notifications, other tools do not. Enjoy the original look of the internet.
(Also available in Firefox). Reinstalled do not know what website would not scroll, but fails on so disabled Javascript with extension.
Share Extensions , Export your favorite Google Chrome™ extensions as BBCode, HTML, Wiki, Markdown or text. Share extensions via Twitter, Google Mail™.
Smart Devices (controls switches via Amazon Echo(Alexa), Google Home Mini. "Smart Devices" official extension to control your "Smart Home" ✘
Spell Checker for Chrome , Spell Checker extension for Chrome. It's easy to use and fast. This extension supports 12 languages for spell check. (haven't checked it out yet**){S}
Tab Count, Displays the count and list of open tabs from current or all windows (configurable) and allows you to select and/or close them.
Tab Restore (I use builtin browser keyboard shortcut, Ctr+T), Tab Restore helps to restore recently closed tabs and window sessions.
Tab Sorter , no options, sorts all tabs fro m extension button.
TabCloud , Save and restore window sessions over time and across multiple computers. (how does this differ from synching tabs, which I don't)
TabCopy , Quickly copy tabs to the clipboard. {M}(should be Tab, use the icon)
Textarea Cache , Allows to save automatically the content in a text input field.
The Camelizer , Easily view historical pricing data from
TinEye Reverse Image Search image context menu, Chrome has image search there also. This is the official TinEye Chrome extension. Find out where an image came from, how it's used, or find higher resolution versions. {I}
Toggle JavaScript , turning off JavaScript may get past a paywall or a bad webpage coding if other measures fail. Don't forget to toggle it back on afterwards. There could be better extensions for this.
uBlacklist tell Google to block future references to domain by clicking on "Block this site", has cancel escape if you accidentally invoke. Just stops Google from showing, does not stop you from using someone else's link.
uBlock - free ad blocker , A fast, effective, and free ad blocker. Uses same filters as ABP, and if you have to turn of ABP to read a site you may very well need to turn this off as well. {M}{I}{S}
Volume Master
, increase volume with slider from toolbar button (up to 600%), be careful as you could
break your computer's speakers.
Web Archives ,
View archived and cached versions of web pages on 10+ search engines, such as the Wayback Machine, and Google., googlecache. Internet Archive is a non-profit digital library offering free universal access to books, movies & music, as well as 458 billion archived web pages.
Window Resizer , Resize the browser window to emulate various screen resolutions. ✘
Youtube Adblocker, automatically blocks all ads on YouTube™, including pre-roll video ads, text & banner ads ***not yet on small laptop***
The following Chrome extensions were deemed by Google to contain malware and were deactivated and their links removed from the Playstore though linkchecker did not flag them as missing, at least not yet (2020-10-15).
malware found in Chrome extensions - Google Search Check Chrome and Remove Any of These 70+ Malware Extensions (they all include advertising or promo in their titles, who would have downloaded those particular ones anyway).
Reload All Button (malware 2020-10-15), Reload/Refresh all tabs with browser action button or context menu. {M}(should be Tab Menu)
Screen Video Recorder (malware 2020-10-15), Record your computed screen and save the recording as a webm video. Webm is builtin to HTML5. All You Need to Know about WebM Format (Windows has Xbox Game Bar, but didn't have time read about it).
View Image & Download Image for Google Search (malware 2020-10-15), Re-implements the Google Images' "View Image" and "Search by Image" buttons. We also add "Download Image" button.
Kiwi extensions, Kiwi Browser (an app from the Google Playstore) is the only Chromium browser that allows you to install desktop extensions from the Chrome Webstore. I have installed the following extensions on my Amazon Tablet which has been converted to run apps from the Google Play Store.
The extensions I have installed are as follows: Cookie Deleter, HTML5 Outliner, List Opened Tabs, Tab Count, TabCopy, and Textarea Cache.
Warning, don't install any extension on Android that puts new tabs at the end of the tab bar (renders Kiwi unusable and you have to uninstall and start all over again. (i.e. "New Tabs at End 3000" (do not install).
The bookmarklets I installed into my bookmarks so far are as follows: id:, li: (bullets#), trows: (table rows), zapcolors: (restore HTML default colors).
On Android Chrome I have all of the bookmarklets shown at top plus a lot more bookmarks and bookmarklets. But as already mentioned no extensions are available.
Firefox extensions, these are the extensions on my small ASUS laptop. Started list with Fx79. My Toshiba will continue to use Firefox 56.0.2. See my article posted in Quora "What are some unique features of Mozilla Firefox that other browsers don't have?". Many Firefox extensions make use of context menus and are better written so you won't have the clutter of extension icons that you see in Chrome, nor the need for as many extensions. (You can compare my modified comments to the author's short description by invoking the [parentips:] bookmarklet at the top and then returning here.)
Firefox has context menus to deal with Frames, Background Image, Cookies, DOM & Style Inpector.
I had the new Firefox on a small laptop that was destroyed by a Microsoft update. I did verify that the extensions listed below are still around. Firefox would have less trouble with extensions than Chrome, but I'm using Older Firefox (56.0) to update my webpages when not using Chrome.
Search for Firefox™ Extensions -- For Current Firefox™, purposely broken for versions after 56.0.1 to match Google "Chrome" without bookmark descriptions and bookmark
shortcuts, and can't change the Chrome of Firefox™ all of which predates Firefox™ which in turn predates "Google Chrome™". That is why I no longer use Firefox™. As stated earlier Vivaldi™ tried unsuccesfully to retain keyword and description, but you can't sync to other browsers, nor import nor export those items. As already mentioned if you want to use extensions in Chrome™ on Android™ you must use the Kiwi&tm;
browser instead.
Firefox Extensions:
Adblock Plus , Block pop-ups and annoying ads on websites like Facebook and YouTube. (click on Firefox to install). For more information on Adblocking extensions see Adblocking (#ABP) above, those extensions are in most browsers.
Allow Right Click
, writes a few JavaScript functions to allow browser's default right-click context menu when a web page deliberately blocks right-clicking on its content.
Bookmark search plus 2 🦊, Displays and filters bookmarks on search string, show parent folders. Eliminates wasted space in its own bookmarks sidebar. View menu > sidebars > ... (Ctr+Q) {B}
Bookmark Tab Here 🦊, Adds context menu item 'Bookmark Tab Here' to Bookmarks Menus as an alternative bookmarking method. {B} (Bookmark or bookmark folder)
Bookmarks by Date
🦊, shows your most recent bookmarks. (see comments for Chrome extension Recent Bookmarks) Though Firefox has a decent Bookmarks Manager (compared to Chrome), this can save some time looking at recently bookmarked pages. {B}
Context Search 🦊, Search selected text using your preferred search engines. Right-click or Alt-click on selected text to respectively launch the context menu or the icons grid. You can also perform searches using keywords in the url address bar. {S} WARNING compressed size at addons is 774 KB.
Copy Selected Tabs to Clipboard 🦊, format selected tabs into text or links may include Title (as link text), URL, Description (as link internal title, and other Meta data. For this portion I used a pattern like: Actually had to use an older version of Firefox and Multi Tab Handler, as Firefox has made addons tabs protected in some manner. <li><a target="_blank" href="%URL_HTML%" title="%DESCRIPTION_HTML%">%TITLE_HTML%</a>, </li>%EOL%%RT% — and copied to the rest of the line the important parts from the Description along with my own comment. {T}
Copyfish 🐟 🦊, ability to extract text from images, videos or PDFs (including OCR) {I}
Google search link fix 🦊, prevents search engines from recording your clicks via modified search links.
Keywords Everywhere 🦊, really an SEO tool but good for suggestions for other searches. {M}
Link Properties Plus WE 🦊, provides extended link properties: size of linked file, last modified time, etc. in context menu. {L}
Multiple Search and Highlight 🦊 [O], highlight each search word entered separated by spaces. Use SpaceBar to get to the next page. Clicking anywhere or attempting to use the scrollbar terminates the view, but you can click on the button again to resume where you left off.
New tabs at end, no extension needed, Firefox can do this with about:config settings (true/false are Boolean)
browser.tabs.insertRelatedAfterCurrent false
browser.tabs.selectOwnerOnClose false
Open Links in Tabs 🦊, Opens Selected Links in New Tabs {S} (tab context menu "Open Links in Tabs")
Overlay Remover Auto 🦊, Automatically close detected overlays / popups on enabled websites (on page load and/or on timed intervals
Remove Cookies Button 🦊, Toolbar button for removing cookies, local storage and session storage from the current tab. The button displays a number of deleted cookies.
Tab Count 🦊, shows number of open tabs in the current Window at right side of Tabs Bar. (moved is so tabs drop-down is to the left of this button. {none}
Tab List Button 🦊, When you have lots of tabs open, it is good to have a list to select from. Extension should not be necessary since Firefox has a drop-down tabs menu, but it does not activate until there are 14 or 15 tabs and remains active until down to 11. Button will be hidden on the Extension Overflow menu.
Textarea Cache 🦊, save text from text input areas automatically. If you get kicked off you should be able to recover what you typed. If you just filled out a web forum and wished you made a copy just after you sent it off, then this extension will help a lot.
don’t lose an answer you spent time working on. If you spent a bit of time working on a reply or in at textbox and lose your tab, you would probably want the ability to get it back.
TinEye Reverse Image Search 🦊, added to image context menu. Searches for the actual image or parts of actual image. Not all the different kinds of things that Google would search on for an image. {I}
Web Archives 🦊, checks current url at and other archived and cached versions of current web page. Help in finding material that has been lost, or moved and is not where it used to be, or was found by Google but now missing, or you just want find an older version of an article. {M}
Saving space in Firefox toolbars (#fxspace)
Remove icons at left of "..." on address/location bar via that 3dots menu. Remove the head immediately to right of address bar by hiding it in the extensions overflow.
Change black scrollbar to lighter wider scrollbar by changing theme in Customize in the hamburger menu from Normal to Compact. (not a space waster but it is an annoyance)
Change density from Normal to Compact which is also in Customize.
Hide these extensions in Extensions Overflow: OverlayRemoveAuto / Tab List / Bookmark Menu / Context Menu Unblocker /
Hide these in the customize pool, because you do not need to use the extensions button to use them:
/ Chrome Store Foxified / Copyfish / Keywords / Link Properties / Search by Image / User Agent / web Archives /
Firefox on Android: There are only a few Add-ons for Firefox that are deemed to work on Android and you will be redirected to addons >> Android which may take you to the Chrome Webstore. Installed: "Search by Image", Web Archives".
Mozzila destruction, and why I don't use the new Firefox on my laptop
Removed keyword shortcuts, can no longer be imported/exported or used.
Vivaldi (browser) retained nickname which could be used for keyword shortcuts, but no way am I going to fill in 1000 or more keyword shortcuts by hand each time. This page has only a fraction of what I have. Vivaldi does not import or export them with bookmarks because they were never in Chrome so place in records and database do not exist. Vivaldi does have a better layout for browsing in that you can compress toolbars, but lacks meaningful coloration of toolbars.
Removed description from bookmarks which could be copied from webpage description. Absolutely destroys meaningful bookmark documentation vitally needed for research and bookmarklets.
Vivaldi retained them but like nicknames, you can't import or export them so they are useless.
Removed ability to change Chrome (color and appearance of toolbars, etc), so no
longer have scroll bars on menu and bookmark menus. Gone are the days when you could make such modifications and without wasteful extensions the very same day you first installed Firefox. It is no longer "Have the browser the way you want it".
Like all of the other browsers decent scrollbars that let you know where the scrollbar thumb is are hidden, or so small you can hardly see them.
Can't change Chrome also means can't get rid of bookmark and folder icon from the bookmarks toolbar and color text for bookmarks in red and folders in dark blue. A 1-3 character name is more descriptive than a favicon when space is tight
Extension links for Chrome and for Firefox (use search on page). Extensions for Chrome may be available in other browsers by the same author under the same or similar title, or you should at least be able to find something comparable in other browsers.
JavaScript bookmarklet summary: (#summary) for all bookmarklets on this page in alphabetical order, plus more bookmarklets, all with link text titles suitable for bookmarks and importing see bml.html link at the top of this page (directions included). List was created with [searchlinks:] bookmarklet searching for "JavaScript". [searchlinks w/o ##] can be for sorted in MS Word for comparisons.
(manually updated 2021-07-17)
This page was created on Evernote on May 6, 2020 but was soon converted to a simpler HTML.
(last update: 03/05/2024 18:45:28)
Questions concerning this page can be emailed to me:
David McRitchie
send email comments (site comments/corrections).