Source: sw
keywords: bookmarklets, recent bookmarks, exported bookmarks, history, add_date, date_updated, hidden in exported bookmarks, extensions
(Printed copy is about 6-8 pages)
Summary: Interactive tutorial to show some of the things that can be done with bookmarklets in a browser, some features of the Chrome browser, and a collection of the extensions I am using in Chrome.
Author: David McRitchie
You can test out the bookmarklets on this page, a bookmarklet adds "one-click" functionality to your browser. This page essentially contains most bookmarklet examples from my "(newtab)" page and work I thought would save time composing Evernote note page but Evernote did not include the links with JavaScript code. You may begin by clicking on “parentips:”, which will list all of the tooltips you mouseover to see as notes within parentheses to right of the associated element. Bookmarklets are tools -- do not concern yourself with their code, relax and see what they can do. You can always find additional bookmarklets with Google Searches. You can drag a single bookmarklet to your bookmarks toolbar or any bookmark folder. (Link for importing bookmarks (bml.html) for bookmarklets you see here.) This page has approximately 181/509 (updated) and the file has 190/217 bookmarklets within bookmarks. To install 1) copy file to your drive, 2) import into your browser, 3) move C.BML or BML folder to your toolbar, 4) delete the imported folder you created with these steps. I added several bookmarklets but one of general interest would be domains, where you have a page with lot of links and want to see where they are but not interested in the complete urls.
Modify current URL:
m: minus p: plus up: upd: || sq: remove ?* || cached: arc: cached: gc: g-ag:Sharing -- new dump: cliptext: , enable:paste allow clipboard paste copy:wiki create link for a Wiki (as in my CopyURLplus) copy:sel (just to an alert message box but like CopyURLplus)
Size: grid: pgdim: resize:help ruler:
row | A | B | C |
1 | 3654 | 12 | 14 |
2 | 1930 | 8 | 07 |
3 | 6358 | 14 | 56 |
Style (appearance):
– Readability
ctr: Click-to-remove
[Linkify test]
Style (debugging):
embedded: .css OR .js
topo: (topo with borders)
scripts: (view scripts)
stylesheets: (view style)
th: Show table headings
(check zapcolors:) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
To get something similar on ANDROID we must use a Javascript bookmarklet.
FF: ANDROID --example-- type FF: (then) kws.htm
Repetitive: 99:,
Created for this page (WIP): domains:, fav:, favicons:(below/not-working), href#:, src:,
Also needed favicons in links exposed changing icon="data:... to <img src="data...
src="lesson_from_newtab_files/Image [75].png" type="image/png" data-filename="Image.png" alt="test image for bookmarklets test" /> src:test /* src=src.substr(indexOf,'['); */
favicons: (not working)
The checkmark bookmarklets would have been great for Gmail as the mobile version does not have a global check/uncheck box for the mail search hits, unfortunately Gmail uses JavaScript not normal checkboxes, so the two bookmarklets do not work for f. 
Name | Order | Num | ## | mixed | m/f |
James | B1 | 44 | 21 | M | |
Mary | B2 | 88 | 18 | 11 | F |
John | B3 | 11 | 74 | 9 | M |
Patricia | B4 | 45 | 73 | aa | F |
Robert | B5 | 445 | 24 | AA | M |
Linda | B6 | 13 | 37 | txt | f |
Michael | B7 | 93 | 24 | Txt | m |
Barbara | B8 | 345 | 27 | 0 | f |
William | B9 | 26 | 69 | 32 | m |
Elizabeth | BB | 66 | 30 | 12 | f |
paren tips (paren: “Bookmarklet” shows all link Titles on page within parens ( ), which you could normally see individually by mousing over a link when using a desktop browser, modified from example at
HREF visible (href: “Bookmarklet” shows link urls, see, Related keywords - href:, parentips:, bml: keywords:, subs:, alt:, and id:) HREF:# (href:# “Bookmarklet” numbers each link from 0, see, Related keywords - href:, parentips:, bml: keywords:, subs:, alt:, and id:)
sp - spelling (sp: places browser into Edit mode, where spelling can be checked, you may have to toggle check spelling as well in your options/preferences). undosp: reverses.
paren tips [-- javascript:(function(){var z=[],N,title,tc,j;function r(N) {if (N.title) z.push(N);var C=N.childNodes,i;for(i=0;i<C.length;++i)r(C[i]);}r(document.body);for (j in z) {N=z[j];title=document.createTextNode('('+N.title+')');tc=document.createElement('span');'green';'#EEECB9';tc.appendChild(title);N.parentNode.insertBefore(tc,N.nextSibling);N.parentNode.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(' '),tc);}})(); --]
HREF visible [-- javascript:(function(){var z=[],N,href,tc,j;function r(N){if(N.href) z.push(N);var C=N.childNodes,i;for(i=0;i<C.length;++i)r(C[i]);}r(document.body);for(j in z){N=z[j]; href=document.createTextNode('%20[--%20'+N.href+'%20--]');tc=document.createElement('span');'green';'#FFEE99';tc.appendChild(href);N.parentNode.insertBefore(tc,N.nextSibling);N.parentNode.insertBefore(document.createTextNode('%20'),tc);}})(); --]
sp - spelling [-- javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true';%20document.designMode='on';%20%20void%
★ Martindale's Calculators, A Google search on "calculator" displays an online calculator and links to more online calculators.
★ Martindale's Calculators (Martindale's Calculators On-Line Center: contains over 23,850 Calculators & Spreadsheets, over 4,260 Courses, Lectures, Manuals, Handbooks, and thousands of Movies, Videos, Simulations & Animations. Created by over 8,750 very CREATIVE Individuals, Businesses & Tax Supported Entities World Wide.) [-- --], A Google search on "calculator [-- --]" displays an online calculator and links to more online calculators,
PRE Area, not a textbox. abc def ghi
mapping; duke farms, NJ; 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC ; 16th Avenue tiled steps (Meet the Mosaic Artist Behind San Francisco's 16th Avenue Tiled Steps)
Bookmarklets are tools: You do not need to know anything about how bookmarklets work to use them, just like you don't need to know anything about the code in browser extensions to use them. Bookmarklets incorporate JavaScript code and can be very powerful though incorporating very little code. You can use several bookmarklets on a page to provide enhanced reading. You can paste the first line below into your address bar simulating use of a bookmark to run the code. You cannot do that and a heck of a lot of other things in Firefox anymore though.
Test of ADD_DATE= used in exported bookmarks: || added: modified: || used toISOString() instead of toDateString() or toGMTString() || ADD_DATE="1587596084" in YouTube videos (I would prefer yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm as a local time)
Real-time HTML Editor, Best Online HTML Editor -- convert WYSIWYG ⇄ HTML Source, Web Development Bookmarklets (Similar Sites indexed in Xmarks), also see Tools on another page.
Links for Windows Presentation 2020-06-05 (#presentation)
Mass Install (#massinstall) All of the bookmarklets above are available to be installed by replacement in Android.
History [Ctrl+H] (#hist) (in Firefox the equivalent shortcut would be Ctrl+Shift+H and be able to show more information in a sortable table) The blue Stars in the listing indicates it is also bookmarked.
Exported Bookmarks: (#expo)
[To Parent Directory] 10/3/2008 10:39 AM 2801 acgnj_20081003.htm 10/27/2014 10:35 AM 379240 bookmarks.html 3/13/2018 11:36 AM 99524 bookmarks_2018_03_13_ASUS_Chrome.html 12/31/2018 3:45 PM 1191931 bookmarks_2018_12_31_asus2_chrome.html 5/18/2020 1:38 PM 2069403 bookmarks_2020-05-18-chrome.html 4/10/2019 2:16 PM 1406961 bookmarks_chrome_rendered.html 2/28/2018 3:28 PM 21071 dictionary.htm 2/26/2018 11:00 PM 10182 dictionary.txt 2/27/2018 1:11 PM 1287 dictionary2.htm 9/2/2008 4:38 AM 1576 exxonmobile_20080904.htm 4/6/2011 9:30 AM 3419 firefox.htm 5/10/2014 11:12 AM 110642 fx3_intro.htm 7/21/2016 1:38 PM 114837 fx4_intro.htm 10/21/2017 3:07 PM 1394738 k.html 10/27/2014 10:43 AM 536908 k_dolphin.html 10/5/2008 2:28 PM 3165 k_highlighted.htm
Bookmark extensions: (#bmext)
Since Chrome does not have scrollbars in menus or bookmarks (Except in Bookmark Manager), I recommend: both of these have scrollbars and search. Firefox has better functionality, even though neither browser has scrollbars on bookmark menus, Firefox has an adequate Bookmarks sidebar (Ctrl+B) from which you can use search and can use bookmarklets
Ad Blocking extensions: (#abp) See my answer in "Is there a Chrome extension that blocks the messages that tell you to turn off the ad-blocker? - Quora, where I tell you what extensions to install and how to customize them. Adblocking extensions basically all use the same filters such as used in both Adblock Plus and uBlock. To see what filter blocked each blocked item on a page use Inspector (Ctrl+Shift+I), then choose "Adblock Plus" to right of Elements, then reload page.
Additional Chrome extensions appearing with address bar, or hidden but near the top of hidden, plus some more or less ambiguous symbols.
Shopping extensions: (#shop) Of Interest: Google Assistant is better, but Alexa is more fun and learning to use Alexa first allows you to easily use all personal assistants.
These are the Chrome extensions on my Toshiba (#ext) most come from the Chrome Webstore Chrome on Android does not allow extensions, so suggest using the Kiwi Browser which allows you to run Chrome extensions. Converting an Amazon tablet to Android provides a better browser tab page using KiWi.
Context Menus: (#context)
{B} (Bookmark), {T} (Tab), {M} (Main),
{I} (Image), {L} (Link), {S} (Select);
✘ – Used to show not installed, did not like, not for me, or removed by Chrome. (see comments)
The following Chrome extensions were deemed by Google to contain malware and were deactivated and their links removed from the Playstore though linkchecker did not flag them as missing, at least not yet (2020-10-15).
• Honey • PriceBlink Coupons and Price Comparison
• The Camelizer
• [Shopping] • Price Tracker • Retail Me Not • SlickDeals • Amazon Wish List Total • BangGood Price Tracker •
, may also be on Android using the Kiwi Browser which is the same as Chrome but can use Chrome desktop extensions. First row is what is seen to the right of the address bar, rest are seen after clicking on the 3 dots.
Remaining extensions from the 3-dots menu
(These extensions appear to the right of address bar. The remaining extensions are accessed from the 3-dots menu at the far right of the address bar.)
Make these symbols show up in listing with the #hiregex bookmarklet.
Context menus are named because their content changes depending on where they are used. Each context item has its own context menu. Those with no Favicon belong to the browser, and those with a Favicon belong to an extension. Examples of context menus (Tosh, ASUS)
Context menus (along with tool tips, and left-click menus) also exist for {A} address bar and toolbar icons.
These are the Chrome extensions on my Toshiba, listed in Alphabetical Order most come from the Chrome Webstore , may also be on Android using the
Kiwi Browser an APP from the
Google Playstore
. Kiwi is the same as Chrome but can use Chrome desktop extensions which Chrome on Android cannot.
Search for Chrome and Chromium Extensions at the Chrome Webstore
, Block YouTube™ ads, pop-ups & fight malware! (see Ad Blocking extensions above)
, One click to close any overlay on any website. (or Ctrl+Shift+x or Cmd+Shift+x)
Bad approximation of a sidebar, but it is a toggleable sidebar with all your bookmarks (can run bookmarklets from here, because associated with the active tab).
, obtain from GitHub it is not in Chrome Webstore, special instructions, easiest to install for Android using .crx file; otherwise, Chrome Desktop instructions. (Evernote note available). Otherwise you can delete site cookies to extend a soft paywall, and/or turn off javascript, and/or use an adblocker.
checks for broken links, best I've seen, nothing like it for Firefox, only the 4xx series of errors are serious. See Wikipedia:Link rot and List of HTTP status codes (Wikipedia)
, delete cookies for site and restart page (optional & recommended).
Example installing and invoking this extension from address bar, or jigsaw puzzle icon dropdown on address bar
, click the toolbar icon and then hover any element on you want to inspect in current page.
, Run custom JavaScript on any website.
, says in the least intrusive way, but adding a pinned tab as needed is very intrusive.
, Use the Evernote extension to save things you see on the web into your Evernote account. {M}{I}{L}{S}. Don't install if using Free Evernote.
Export links of all extensions , (unlikely to need or use since it captures large favicons). Displays the current page's favicon as well as the favicon's URL and dimensions.
Re-enables the backspace key as a back navigation button (except when writing text).
(if not working, use Alt+arrow-left)
, (Save to Keep), Save to Google Keep in a single click! {M}{I}{S}
, Discover webpages similar to the page you're currently browsing.
(see Identifying Spelling and Grammar errors (above))
(link broken for Chrome store,so may have been withdrawn)
(configure options) prevents the logging of specified websites
hide or remove selected elements on a page. Useful for removing invasive adverts, banners and overlays. (context menu i.e. right-click)
, Automatically find and apply coupon codes when you shop online!
, Generates a navigable page outline with heading and sectioning elements
(try a normal page that has headers (Hn) -- this page started out from Evernote
, Browse and download images on a web page.
, Validate and view JSON documents {M}
, select text to be highlighted and linked to, then use right-click to create a text link, "Copy link to Selected Text", which is only recognized in Chromium browsers. The link will take you to the page and highlight the designated words. Useful to get around the fact that many web authors do not use text-fragments (or identify them, if they do) {S}.
, Forces new tabs to open at the end of the tab strip.
Open current page, link, or all tabs in the Firefox browser. {L}
, Password Alert helps protect against phishing attacks.
(not found in Google playstore)
, Uses HTML5 to display PDF files directly in the browser.
, Finds Coupons and Compares Prices while you shop. Shows savings when you're shopping, otherwise it stays hidden.
, Highlight, copy, edit, and translate text from any image (and PDF) on the web. {I}
, A list of recent bookmarks in descending order, grouped by the day they were added. (see #bmext above) {B}
, Export your favorite Google Chrome™ extensions as BBCode, HTML, Wiki, Markdown or text. Share extensions via Twitter, Google Mail™.
(controls switches via Amazon Echo(Alexa), Google Home Mini.  "Smart Devices" official extension to control your "Smart Home" ✘
, Spell Checker extension for Chrome. It's easy to use and fast. This extension supports 12 languages for spell check. (haven't checked it out yet**){S}
(I use builtin browser keyboard shortcut, Ctr+T), Tab Restore helps to restore recently closed tabs and window sessions.
, no options, sorts all tabs fro m extension button.
, Save and restore window sessions over time and across multiple computers. (how does this differ from synching tabs, which I don't)
, Quickly copy tabs to the clipboard. {M}(should be Tab, use the icon)
, Allows to save automatically the content in a text input field.
, Easily view historical pricing data from
, Thesaurus: Synonym option added to right click menu (+Urban Dictionary).  {M(tutorial)} {S}
image context menu, Chrome has image search there also. This is the official TinEye Chrome extension. Find out where an image came from, how it's used, or find higher resolution versions. {I}
, turning off JavaScript may get past a paywall or a bad webpage coding if other measures fail. Don't forget to toggle it back on afterwards. There could be better extensions for this.
tell Google to block future references to domain by clicking on "Block this site", has cancel escape if you accidentally invoke. Just stops Google from showing, does not stop you from using someone else's link.
, A fast, effective, and free ad blocker. Uses same filters as ABP, and if you have to turn of ABP to read a site you may very well need to turn this off as well. {M}{I}{S}
], Neutralizes website's user-hostile behaviors: blocking right click (context menus), text selection, and copy (Ctrl+C).
, haven't used or know how to use. VPN & Proxy for Unblocking Restricted Websites ✘
, ***was taken down***, try one of these — Chrome Web Store - fake news detector ✘
, Legally get full text of scholarly articles as you browse. Such as Universities, not commercial magazines and newspapers.
Video Adblocker for Youtube™ Extension ***REMOVED*** try Youtube Adblocker
, Re-implements the Google Images' "View Image" and "Search by Image" buttons.
, Re-implements the Google Images' "View Image" and "Search by Image" buttons. We also add "Download Image" button. ✘
, Use your voice to type across many different websites
, increase volume with slider from toolbar button (up to 600%), be careful as you could
break your computer's speakers.
View archived and cached versions of web pages on 10+ search engines, such as the Wayback Machine, and Google., googlecache. Internet Archive is a non-profit digital library offering free universal access to books, movies & music, as well as 458 billion archived web pages.
, Want to view a cached website? With WebCache it takes 1 click to view the Google Cache, Wayback Machine,, or Coral CDN! {M}
, Constructs a map of the web using the user's browser history. (Heat Map)
, identify fonts on web pages.
, Resize the browser window to emulate various screen resolutions. ✘
malware found in Chrome extensions - Google Search
Check Chrome and Remove Any of These 70+ Malware Extensions (they all include advertising or promo in their titles, who would have downloaded those particular ones anyway).
(malware 2020-10-15), Re-implements the Google Images' "View Image" and "Search by Image" buttons. We also add "Download Image" button.
Kiwi extensions, Kiwi Browser (an app from the Google Playstore) is the only Chromium browser that allows you to install desktop extensions from the Chrome Webstore. I have installed the following extensions on my Amazon Tablet which has been converted to run apps from the Google Play Store.
The extensions I have installed are as follows: Cookie Deleter, HTML5 Outliner, List Opened Tabs, Tab Count, TabCopy, and Textarea Cache.
Warning, don't install any extension on Android that puts new tabs at the end of the tab bar (renders Kiwi unusable and you have to uninstall and start all over again. (i.e. "New Tabs at End 3000" (do not install).
The bookmarklets I installed into my bookmarks so far are as follows: id:, li: (bullets#), trows: (table rows), zapcolors: (restore HTML default colors).
On Android Chrome I have all of the bookmarklets shown at top plus a lot more bookmarks and bookmarklets. But as already mentioned no extensions are available.
Firefox extensions, these are the extensions on my small ASUS laptop. Started list with Fx79. My Toshiba will continue to use Firefox 56.0.2. See my article posted in Quora "What are some unique features of Mozilla Firefox that other browsers don't have?". Many Firefox extensions make use of context menus and are better written so you won't have the clutter of extension icons that you see in Chrome, nor the need for as many extensions. (You can compare my modified comments to the author's short description by invoking the [parentips:] bookmarklet at the top and then returning here.)
Firefox has context menus to deal with Frames, Background Image, Cookies, DOM & Style Inpector.
I had the new Firefox on a small laptop that was destroyed by a Microsoft update. I did verify that the extensions listed below are still around. Firefox would have less trouble with extensions than Chrome, but I'm using Older Firefox (56.0) to update my webpages when not using Chrome.
Search for Firefox™ Extensions -- For Current Firefox™, purposely broken for versions after 56.0.1 to match Google "Chrome" without bookmark descriptions and bookmark
shortcuts, and can't change the Chrome of Firefox™ all of which predates Firefox™ which in turn predates "Google Chrome™". That is why I no longer use Firefox™. As stated earlier Vivaldi™ tried unsuccesfully to retain keyword and description, but you can't sync to other browsers, nor import nor export those items. As already mentioned if you want to use extensions in Chrome™ on Android™ you must use the Kiwi&tm;
browser instead.
Firefox Extensions:
Saving space in Firefox toolbars (#fxspace)
Firefox on Android: There are only a few Add-ons for Firefox that are deemed to work on Android and you will be redirected to addons >> Android which may take you to the Chrome Webstore. Installed: "Search by Image", Web Archives".
Mozzila destruction, and why I don't use the new Firefox on my laptop
Extension links for Chrome and for Firefox (use search on page). Extensions for Chrome may be available in other browsers by the same author under the same or similar title, or you should at least be able to find something comparable in other browsers.
JavaScript bookmarklet summary: (#summary) for all bookmarklets on this page in alphabetical order, plus more bookmarklets, all with link text titles suitable for bookmarks and importing see bml.html link at the top of this page (directions included). List was created with [searchlinks:] bookmarklet searching for "JavaScript". [searchlinks w/o ##] can be for sorted in MS Word for comparisons. (manually updated 2021-07-17)
1. 99: 2. acronym: 3. added: 4. addons: 5. ahd: 6. ALT visible 7. ans: 8. arc: 9. ask: 10. ax: Alexa 11. back: 12. bml: 13. bmlx: ##. bml#: 14. bold: 15. borderselements: 16. borderstable: 17. cached: 18. charcnt: 19. charset: 20. chktoggle: (chk) 21. cliptext: 22. colorlist: 23. cookies: 24. copy:sel (just to an alert message box but like CopyURLplus) 25. copy:wiki create link for a Wiki (as in my CopyURLplus) 26. copyMRKsel: 27. copysel: 28. copyURLdesc: 29. ctr: Click-to-remove 30. curl: make link 31. daysleft: (year) 32. ddg: 33. dead: 34. debugCSS 35. def: define 36. dict: 37. digg: 38. domains: 39. down: (site) 40. embedded: .css OR .js 41. enable:paste allow clipboard paste 42. fav: (get favicon) 43. favicons: 44. findall: 45. font: 46. fontfamily: 47. fontSize: 48. forward: 49. g-ag: 50. gc: 51. gender: 52. generated source 53. generatedsource: 54. geoloc: (map center) 55. gmt: (time) 56. grayscale: 57. grayscale: 58. grid: 59. gs: 60. Hi Voyager 61. hi: (highlight links) 62. hidivs: 63. hiregex: (highlight regexp) 64. his: highlight link string search 65. how: 66. HREF visible 67. HREF#: 68. hrefcnt: 69. id: 70. idioms: | 71. imagedimensions: 72. images: 73. imagesct: 74. imagesface: (portraits) 75. imageshuge:L: 76. int/ext links 77. invert: 78. json:viewer 79. keywords: 80. keywords:count 81. LatLong: 82. LDOC: (combined parentips+hi+in/ext) 83. Lg: 84. li: (bullets:#) 85. linked: 86. linkhtml: 87. linkify: 89. linkswithin: 90. lists: (tagged) 91. loc: 92. lowercase: 93. m: minus 94. mag: 95. mailtos: 96. maplet: (map postal address 97. maplet: (selection) 98. maps: 99. modified: 100. next: 101. njnews 102. nofollow: 103. Nofollow: 104. ns: 105. NT: (new tab) 106. NTnt: (alt) 107. p: plus 108. pageresources: 109. parentips: 110. partial source 111. partialsource: 112. pgdim: 113. play: 114. printfriendly: 115. pro: 116. prompts: 117. qr: (qrcode) 118. r2c: 119. Red: (Read) 120. remember: 121. rename: 122. Reset (F5) 123. resize:help 124. revealtags: 125. robots: 126. ruler: 127. Rv: (reveal) 128. rvHTML: Reveal HTML comments) 129. Safari: 130. say: 131. sci: 132. scripts: (view scripts) 133. search links 134. search links w/o ##. 135. selectable: 136. Send: title/url/desc 137. Show Classes and IDs 138. showtable: 139. similar: 140. snopes: | 141. SortSelect: 142. SortTable: 143. sp: - spelling 144. sq: remove ?* 145. src: (images) 146. src:test 147. ss: Site Search 148. ssd: current directory 149. ssdy: current directory 150. ssy: site Yahoo 151. strike: 152. stylesheets: (view style) 153. subs: %S within href 154. t: 155. th: Show table headings, 156. tickall: (tic) 157. TinEye 158. topo: (topo with borders) 159. tr: 160. tr: 161. trows: 162. u: 163. undosp: 164. up: 165. upd: 166. updated: (Ux:) 167. w: 168. webstore: 169. whatfont: 170. word:freq 171. wordcnt: 172. words: (cnt) 173. wrap: 174. XRAY: 175. ythd (HiRes) 176. zap:colors 177. zapcolors: 178. zapimages: 179. zt: zap timers (insert@13) |
ACGNJ - Amateur Computer Club of NJ lost their domain, is now at, same club different address. Help them get back their links.