IE6 -- Internet Explorer 6.0

Home page:
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If you are actually using IE6, you should upgrade to IE8.  IE is not my primary browser, so while this page is probably still valid, it is unlikely to be updated.

Where to obtain IE6     (#obtainie)   then to
and use the English (only choice) & Go button to begin the first phase of the download.

Took about one hour to reboot before download, download(55 minutes), reboot and complete install 56K modem, prediction for download time for 77,703KB was right on. (from IE5 to IE6)

Internet Explorer 6 SP1 as used on the above pages actually means full replacement for current and previous versions of Internet Explorer. (download and install time from IE6 to IE6 SP1 was xxxx minutes)

Things seen in What's News   (#news)

Automatic adjusting of pictures.  Works nicely but I guess it's not a real advantage unless everybody has it.

Additional security features here, but need a lot more help than what I see in IE6 help for any real help.

Color, background and images not printing (#color)

The setting under Internet Options, Advanced, “Printing”.  Make sure “Print Background colors and images” is selected if you want to have color for printing and for print preview.  I have it turned off since I only print black.

Things that got changed on me   (#sneakattack)

Problems:   (#problems)

Software Related:

General Information:

Specific Software to install (on condition that is still Free):

Additional Spyware checking sites (#spyware)

Anti Virus Program

Your AntiVirus program, if you have one, is only as good as it's latest update.  I have included some anti-virus notes in the related area of my Outlook Express page (oe6.htm) so that you can find information quickly from a valid site.  I use AVG, which is free (Free version not available in Europe nor for Multi-Use or Servers).

Security, Cookies, Restricted domains

Set Security Level to:  High  (Restricted, untrusted, untrustworthy)

Unfortunately you would have to enter entries individually into Restricted Sites:  Tools, Options, internet, security (tab), Sites (button).

You should be able to paste entire table from here to notepad.  Don't worry about columns, they will be included each column below the previous column.  Then individually copy each item from notepad into the Restricted sites.

My hosts file had almost 11,000 entries.  I think most were included via SpyBlocker.  Unfortunately there was a downside to having so many entries -- it slowed down my system and took at least six minutes to boot up and seven and half minutes for dial-up all but about one minute was spent in authentication (Windows 2000) with the CPU at 100% so nothing else could be done in the meantime.  Had 128MB RAM at the time.

If you have cookies enabled type the following into your URL address bar
javascript:alert("Cookie is: " + document.cookie)

Ever accidentally trust a site, in response to "do you want to trust ...", and now want to withdraw your trust, see WinXPnews™(issue 51), or "trusted publisher" in HELP.  Publisher Certificates

Internet Domains (#internet)

  Internet Domains

Somewhat near the end change - navigate sub-frames across different domains to “prompt”.
You can test your config at

Change any Active-X usage that shows up as accept to prompt. 

PDF files:  If you need to read a lot of PDF files, you need to read a lot of .PDF files then you will need to either “Run Active-X components and plug-ins” back to enable or use Mozilla Firebird instead.

Trusted Domains (#trusted)

  Trusted sites shouldn't really have any, but unfortunately, you will probably have to include some just so you can do Microsoft updates.  Also have secure banking sites not shown.

Secure Connections -- https: (#secure)

Security Tools (#securitytools)

Messenger, don't want it how to turn off   (#messenger)

Separate Window for IE   (#new)

If you want to make sure that IE opens a link in a new window, hold the SHIFT key when pressing the link to start another instance of IE in a New Window (same as File, New).  To control normal behavior (tools, Internet Options, Advanced, Browsing, "Reuse Windows for Launching Shortcuts".

IE and Explorer are frequently confused together.
(reserved for future notes)

Tweaks   (#tweaks)

Favorites, and sorting (#favorites)

The information for sorting Favorites and anything else with favorites has been moved to Favorites / Bookmarks

Keyboard Shortcuts in IE   (#keyboard)

Keyboard Shortcuts table and information has been moved to it's own page, Internet Explorer keyboard shortcuts,and Right-Click Shortcuts.

Right-Click Menu (context menu) Additions for IE (#rclick)

Right-Click Menus Information and Right-Click Menu Additions has been moved to it's own page, Internet Explorer keyboard shortcuts, and Right-Click Shortcuts

File sizes can be found with added Right-Click menus (additions)  "Get File Size" use before downloading, once on a site you can find the total size of web page and loaded graphics with "IEB Page: Show Images".

Run menu shortcuts from START (#run)

Access any program from the run command line (Start>Run or Windows key + r)? [LG 2003-11-05]

Web Accessories for Internet Explorer 5

Toolbars, Optional (#toolbars)

The Google Toolbar provides an interface to the Google Search Engine, the Advanced Search features, and to the Groups Advanced Search [newsgroups].  For more information on Excel Newsgroups Seaching the Excel Newsgroups.

New in version 2.0

Google Toolbar (install), Google Toolbar Help Index

Somethings that exist, I just failed to put them in here
This page was introduced on August 27, 2001. 

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If you are actually using IE6, you should upgrade to IE8.  IE is not my primary browser, so while this page is probably still valid, it is unlikely to be updated.

Please send your comments concerning this web page to: David McRitchie send email comments

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